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I read a quote somewhere that said,
"I don't know how many times I have survived myself, without telling anyone else."

And I felt those words shoot through every nerve in my body. I felt them so deeply.

And I wonder how many of us feel the same way.

How many nights we fought off the suicidal thoughts, the urge to cut, the urge to purge, the urge to run or to hide out, alone, too afraid to worry or bother our friends and family.

How many days and nights have we all suffered in our own darkness alone?

People like us fight a battle no one can ever fathom because it's a battle no one can see. And we don't let them.

I've fought myself and survived myself alone so many nights.

There were nights I use to lose my own battle. But some how still came out alive.

I guess that's how we keep going. Because every time we give up we come out stronger.

You fight yourself and beat yourself up for so long that eventually you become a master of surviving a war.

We're warriors.

"I don't know how many times I've survived myself, without telling anyone else."

Tonight, I'm telling all of you.

I survived myself.

And if you're still here and you're reading this, you survived yourself too.

It's not easy but you did it.

And I'm so proud of you all.
The original quote "I dont know how many times I survived myself, without telling anyone else.", which triggered the whole poem was written by @deadwatered. A talented poet I follow on tumblr.
but when i said
‘living on the edge,’
this was never
what i meant.

what i meant was real party all night
without parents’ permission;
not a pity party at night
with my self-destructing notions.

what i meant was real rollercoasters,
or go on life adventures;
not roller coasters
of all my life’s emotions.

what i meant was swim in the ocean,
or face my darkest fear.
not an ocean of my
darkest fears face me.

but i when i said
put ‘happy’ and ‘die’ together,
i meant to actually ‘die happy’
not to be ‘happy dying.’
I don't expect you to understand
why I stain my sheets with scarlet drops
Or why I melt at the slightest touch-
liquid mercury mindset,
A heart with the glowing lights of xenon.

I don't want you to understand
why my veins burn like crushed up stardust-
milkyway IV drip..

I just want you to see that I feel it ALL-
And I cannot understand a second of it,
nothing I do is within reason anymore.

I just want you to see me
like I see you.
Inspired by Jackson, a very gorgeous poet with silk and lace words that curve at my spine, holding my soul taunt and ready for more.
I don't know what's worse anymore

Missing someone you once had

Or missing someone who was never even yours.
 Feb 2021 asian restaurant
i think that the most damaged people in the world
are the kindest
and the softest

because they know
that scabs can be picked
and you can bleed
Dear mother,

You're a superhero,
without any cape.
You've some special super powers,
No ordinary person can have.
All your life you faced this cruel world,
But still are standing so firm and so strong.
You're an angel,
And this is not the world from where you belong.
You deserve only happiness,
And no any harm.
My strength, my heart, my power is you
Thank you my dear mother,
For being an amazing father too.
Dedicated to single mothers
“Are you okay?”
“No, but I have to be someone’s smile today.”

— The End —