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Sitting here sitting alone
the loneliness grows long
you got a secret, and you left me
this night...

How do I cry?

My eyes still rove over my sicken heart
vanishing amide the wild scenery of life
the light was yet there
a constant sight grew in the background .....

Oh I want to cry.....

Shining dim, but constant in the rain
drips with a sounding bound
where the dry soul breath goes dry
follows by the dusky hill ....

Please let me cry....

It doesn't matter, the truth be told
my night was wretched, tried hiding
but the pain followed me wherever I sit
wetting me afresh on my skin.....

How do I cry?
I wrote this poem a year ago..
I love, regardless
Loving feels complete and not to love feels empty
Joy is a place to be surmounted, not by the faint of heart
Caring is an action, that depletes all sources of glycogen and various energy sugars
It makes me and you strong
Do not give up use your energy stores
 Jun 2015 Ashley Rodden
No we can't have it all
But we can have nothing
Nothing in common
But the weight of the world
Watching in awe as beside me you fall

And the embers, they smolder
For an hour or a day
As the breath Ignites once again
Consuming the smile
Before it is ever born

So, to the flaming death of joy we toast
Taking in the screams
On the descent of all who falter
I watch you fall in silence
Sharing a pain that consumes everything

You are focused on nothing
I am focused on you, oblivious to all
My loneliness beaten back by your own
If only momentarily we glance past each other
The air too heavy to revive all that is dying

One cannot follow what is right beside
Bathing in the aftermath of despair
Weight of the world, of lost souls,
Of the intangible yearning to feel
There is only loneliness for fear of sharing

Afraid of loosening the grip on the comfort of stagnant pain
or facing the nothingness of the unknown
We look but do not see anything save our own pain
No, one cannot follow what is right beside
I'll hold your pain if you'll hold mine
 Jun 2015 Ashley Rodden
He sits in the driver's seat, hands tearing apart his steering wheel cover at a red light near her house. He is on the way to meet with a friend who swears he can help get his mind off of her. He arrives at an old dock where they used to go fishing every Saturday morning. It was bliss and peaceful, it was so much easier. They stopped when he fell in love, he was so enveloped in her presence and everything that she was. He couldn’t stay away. He puts his truck in park and takes a deep breath.
"Hey buddy, long time -- no see, huh?"
"I know, I know," he says forcing a smile.
"Come on in, it's cold out."
The two go inside, drink a few beers and talk about old times. It was assumed that this was all it would be and it was all it needed to be. It was brothers by bond, friends who were there for each other, they taught them how to forget for a while, for the most part.
"How have you been holding up? I hate to ask but man, you've been gone. You're not yourself."
He sits looking down and after it all he knows there is no use in lying.
"There is one voice that keeps echoing in my ears ... there is one face that keeps coming in front of me every time ... she was the peace in my heart, she was the joy, the laughter, she was everything."
He smiles as he is reminded of her dancing in the kitchen. His fist tightens at the thought of her hands running up and down his back.
"I really loved her man. I loved her more than anything."
A rock sits in his throat and he is choking back tears he swore he would never let loose. He swore he was stronger than that, but love, it does things to you. It makes you do things you swore you would never do.

He looks up and his friend of years is waving his hand in front of his face.
"Hello," he laughs, " I asked how have you been holding up."
"Oh," he clears his throat, "I'm doing fine, I bounced back pretty quickly. I hardly think if it anymore. The past is the past right, cheers to us man. I got everything I need without her."
They clank beers and he swallows back every truth he was too afraid to say. Sometimes weakness is hiding. Sometimes strength is admitting you've hit your knees.
 Jun 2015 Ashley Rodden
Shaped by years of worry
My heart is always in a hurry
I can’t help but eat you whole...

Composed of emotions and thunder
My poems will make you wonder
Before they take their toll

But that’s not what I’m about
I’ll never leave a bad taste
In your mouth
Or your soul
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