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Anne Curtin Jun 2018
Ten years ago tonight
we were watching
our mother die.

The bedroom -  with her
beloved blue shutters -
littered with used
medical equipment

her low moans.

Someone inside me
remembers the stench
of cancer

Now  her three daughters
stand in a triangle with
our backs turned -

and no one says a word.
This is a poem my sisters will never see.
Anne Curtin Jun 2018
I am not reading poetry.
I am cupping the words
in my hands, pouring them
over my head, rubbing them
through my skin, into my bones
breathing in
breathing out

becoming a poem
Anne Curtin May 2018
Sharon fears she is invisible.
"Can you see my face?"
she asks twenty times each day
or "Am I wearing lipstick?"
She clutches my forearm with
surprising strength as I answer "Yes"
and "Yes Sharon, I can see you."
"Thank you" she sighs, stands carefully
and wanders away.
  Nov 2017 Anne Curtin
Keara Marie
I'm the author of my life,
but, unfortunately,
I'm writing in ink and can't erase my mistakes.
Anne Curtin Nov 2017
I am a poet who cannot write,
a reader who cannot follow a sentence.

I wear four sweaters yet cannot feel warm,
know secrets I cannot tell.

I want to run but have no place to go,
I am screaming but cannot open my mouth.
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