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 Sep 2021 Anne Curtin
I see well up close, but I can't see far
Sometimes I think I'm acting like a star,
But really I'm just acting dumb
And sticking out like a sore thumb.
When jotting poetry
Or filling a search box
Entering a password
Or scribbling notes
I've found my hand writing "limits"
And I don't know why
chiding words
seize my heart
your blade forged deep
within my breast
tainted by wrath
my droplets stain pathways
toward turbulent seas
let the crimson
set my voice
reunite beauty
from pain's mystique
drain memories
steeped in mistrust
I will not entice anger
disenchant this hope
alienate my spirit
send this poetry,
sweetest love
Poetry possesses the power to puncture hate and bleed love
perhaps we are really
only jagged landscapes
mired in pain
disclosing our truths
inside the caverns
of written words
 May 2021 Anne Curtin
the sun is weeping
passing through fluffy black sheeps
it summons friendship
 May 2021 Anne Curtin
 May 2021 Anne Curtin
embrace me

drizzle syrupy whispers in my ear
press powdered lips to the back of my neck

your candy shell around my creamy center,
our licorice legs twirl together,

drift to sleep on egyptian cotton candy

I can't sleep

but I'm not sugar high
when we kiss I taste aspartame

sweet, but artificial
still, so close to the real thing

or maybe I just can’t tell the difference?
 May 2021 Anne Curtin
Hearts are broke

Hearts are fixed

Hearts never beat

Hearts are weird organs
because everyone says follow your heart

But its not the heart leading you,
its the brain.
The brain cant be broken  or healed.

The brain works before you're ever born,
and in  most cases,
does not stop until 7 minutes
after your heart

so maybe my hearts not broken,
my brain is telling it to be,
so i think it is

but really, its not
and im ok
 May 2021 Anne Curtin
I am ok

When its storming outside,
I am OK

When its foggy and cold,
I am OK

even when it feels like all hope is lost,
I am OK

Even when Im not,
I will be OK
just a  quick write
 May 2021 Anne Curtin
So many poems
and stories
have gone unwritten
due to fear of not being good enough
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