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Aug 2015 · 371
First Kiss
Trespassing in the dark,
In a place I should have never been,
Soft and sweet,
Awakening desire,
I was happy it was him,
He was wishing for another.
May 2014 · 1.9k
The weight of your grace and mercy
rides on the shoulders
of my sense of justice,
because what is just
about you paying
for my sins of brokenness?
May 2014 · 525
Struggles plague or day to day,
poverty stricken,
and heartbroken.

We search for meaning,
for love,
in an unlit room and no light to guide us.

We are striving for the American dream,
but even if we reach it,
we would not know true joy.

We fight the pain with numbness.
In anger we lash out with arrogant fists,
and lustful bodies.

Telling our creator off.
Telling him "We are in control!"
Telling him to intervene.

because we cannot live through
another rejection,
another loss.

With arms bloodied from the glass vase we threw at him
he embraces us with his love.

And as he looks us in our eyes with tears, we caused,
streaming down his face,
we are enveloped in His grace.

We wait for words of anger to pour from his lips
and instead, out falls
undeserved mercy.

Our creator knew we would strive
for worldly glory
and earthly treasure.

He knew we would fight him every step of the way and
he forgave our sins
before we were even a whisper in our mothers hearts.

As we beg him to save us from the next rejection,
we reject him.

We worthless reject the one worth all.

He loves us through our doubts,
our fears,
our anger

because he sees through our worthlessness,
to the hidden worth,
that he created.

As he is strung up on a cross
of our wrongdoings
we scream the unfairness of our circumstance.

As if our pain was a cruel prank he played
and not a result
of our own disobedience.

Our cries of injustice at a
back-of-lot parking space reach the ears
of the man bleeding and bashed for
our lies and selfishness.

He implores his father to forgive us,
knowing we are going to do it again.

That is the beauty of faith:
         A father who loves
         A spirit that guides
         A son that died

for us,
for you,
for me,
even for me.
Mar 2014 · 687
I wish to lay down my head
     in your lap
          and cry
as you play with my hair
     to feel the love
          and protection you share
your arms are strong
     but your heart is the muscle I need
to feel that I belong
                     am loved
                     am safe
     from my own doubts
                   and fears
              my own hands
I wish to lay down my head
     in your lap
          and cry
as you stroke my hair
Mar 2014 · 556
"Used To"
I think I lied to you.
               lied to myself.
I said I "used to"
   because it is my wish.
                        but not true yet.
   Every time you sing,
                                           I doubt
the "used to" that I claim.
   Every time you give me that playful smile
                                           I flutter
and the "used to" fades.
                                           I forget
that I "used to".
           Past not present tense.
I build a wall
           with bricks and mortar
                                        created from "used to".
Meant to protect me
                    from your love
for me, as a friend.
           for her, as more.
I want to "used to"
            but I forget that I "used to"
and I start to,
                                           all over again.
Mar 2014 · 676
To Be Loved
I want to be loved by a poet
for his words would wash away sorrow
I'd live a life caressed by metaphors
and kissed by imagery

I want to be loved by a poet
Expressions of love would have me flipping through a dictionary
expanding my knowledge of what means

I want to be loved by a poet
to live in a world where eyes and stars
are synonymous
and every spoken line is a riddle of truth

I want to be loved by a realist
for there would be no mystery behind the lines
life would be empty of
guessed meaning

I want to be loved by a realist
to never need to question or decipher what I have
Love expressed in simplicity
and directness

I want to be loved by a realist
for honesty would be what is
and my life would be grounded

I want to be loved by masculinity
for heroics would be part of
the puzzle
life with bar fights for my honor

I want to be loved by masculinity
to live with knowledge that love
was also safety and strength when there
was trouble

I want to be loved by masculinity
to know that my life could be protected
and strong arms would catch me
when I fall

I want to be loved by an adventurer
with new twists and turns behind every corner
Where love is professed on mountain tops
and in exploration

I want to be loved by an adventurer
for surprises would be grand and
would never set in

I want to be loved by an adventurer
because life would be new everyday and
the discovery channel would be viewed through
my eyes

I want to be loved
            to be
Mar 2014 · 569
Into Nothingness
Blindness curses you
and you are unaware.
You believe that your sight
is clear.
You can always see,
you always know,
and yet you stumble
through conversations burdened
by the things I have hidden.
My body tenses at your touch,
my eyes quiver at your words,
and it goes unnoticed.
Unnoticed by you,
who sees everything.
I want to laugh at
your blindness
to the pain and sorrow
that is exhausting me.
You don't see
that our friendship
was holding me together.
You, the king of observation!
You do not see
that as you draw away
I am fading
into nothingness.
Oct 2013 · 331
A Writer's Gift
to inspire hearts
bring eyes to tears
with simple words
a writer’s gift

to wreck someone
build them up again
with simple words
a writer’s gift

to express pain and joy
with a single utterance
with simple words
a writer’s gift

to create a world
and destroy it
with simple words
a writer’s gift
Oct 2013 · 2.3k
For Suffering I Pray
for suffering I pray
to be discriminated against
to be hated for
the color of my skin
I pray for this

for suffering I pray
to be diagnosed
with an incurable
and painful disease
I pray for this

for suffering I pray
to be struck down
by the loss
of those I love
I pray for this

for suffering I pray
to be crippled
and face the
new hardships of life
I pray for this

for suffering I pray
to love
and not be loved
in return
I pray for this

for suffering I pray
so I can comfort
and hold those
who suffer
I pray for this

for suffering I pray
so I can wipe
away tears
and understand
I pray for this

for suffering I pray
I want a day
just a simple day
and I want a night
a single night

A day without anger
rotating through
my friends and I

A day with no hurt feelings
and no apologies

A want a day of peace
that we look back on with
fondness and joy

A day in which our love
for one another trumps all

I want a day
just a simple day
and I want a night
a single night

A night without terror
or an anxious heart
keeping me up while I'm sleeping

A night without physical exhaustion
coupled with emotional wreckage

I want a night of peace
that comforts my soul
so I can face the day

A day that will have anger
rotating through my
friends and I

A day with hurt feelings
and apologies

A day full of war
that we look back on
with discomfort and tears

Ad day where our love
for one another loses out

I want a day
just a simple day
and I want a night
a single night
Oct 2013 · 2.0k
Surrounding by others
I am still alone
looked upon but never seen
because I don’t
even know myself
a new peg
and the same shape and
also a different one
fitting but not
I have to discover new tools
if I want to blaze my
own trail
discovering what it
means to be part
of so much and
belonging to none
I don’t march
to any drum
Oct 2013 · 561
Emotions Unknown
With a past of anger I long
to feel the passion rise up
inside me again
to feel enough,
enough to get angry

I sit here apathetically,
not caring, not feeling
and yet feeling so much

I can't put words to my emotions
and never seem to feel when I am
supposed to
I’m lost in these words I don't
know the meaning of
because for so long
I was told it
was wrong to feel

I pushed the emotions down
into the black oblivion of
my soul only
to be told later
that I was lied to

but I couldn’t feel
not even the familiar anger
that had kept me company
for years
and now I’m experiencing
this thing that
I don’t understand
and all I want to do
is know

to know if this is happiness
I'm feeling or something else
to know if its despair or
love. I never learned,
It was wrong
Oct 2013 · 593
Held Together
Tears fall
as I unravel
and nothing is
there to hold
me together

I started with stitching
myself back together
and using intricate

but I can’t keep
up with the wounds
I’m reduced
to using twist ties and
scotch tape and they are not

makeshift bandages are not
strong enough to hold
together my
weakness, my brokenness

tears fall as
I unravel
and nothing here
can hold me
Oct 2013 · 541
No one knows me
And I can’t tell them
Who I am

Who knew
You could lose something
That is always there

I’ve been lost
In my lies
In their lives

I’ve been erased
By beliefs I thought
I had to believe

I’ve evaporated
Into what I wanted to be
what they wanted to see

I’ve been emptied
of my passions
I’m a shell of what I was

I’ve been deleted
through indoctrination
and unwelcoming hearts

I’ve been undone
By my mistakes
That I don’t regret

I’ve been changed
molded into an unrecognized
face in the mirror

Who knew
You could lose something
That is always there

No one knows me
Not a soul
Not even me

No one knows me
Not even me
Who am I?
Sep 2013 · 1.3k
I never wanted to hurt you,
but you started it,
so I thought if you were giving up,
I'd give up with you.
Sep 2013 · 1.2k
I didn't know how hungry I was
until you leaned over and kissed me
there was no build up
no soft kisses before the hard ones

its an explosion
as both our hands
re-explored chartered territory
reunited with each other

your hips urged
and mine responded
your hips pressed and rubbed
and I responded

your hands pulled me tight
and stroked me
your fingers entered
and my back arched

I want you
with my body
I want you
with my heart

But you pull away from me
and we sleep
just to pull me close again
how can I say no?

my body is screaming yes
clothes are lost
I've never been so
naked with anyone before

you know me better
you see me more
you know what my body wants
but you won't

you know me better
you know me completely
you know what my heart wants
but you wont
Sep 2013 · 278
An out
An escape

Nothing more
than a different path
that you didn't choose

A different path
to the same end
we all desire

Peace is found
in many ways
some of us just get there faster
Aug 2013 · 294
Never Know
His fingers grazed my wrists
over the scars
over the scabs
tears welled
he’ll never know
how much it meant
to feel love
where I never thought I would
Aug 2013 · 853
Bound and shackled, I suffered.
Even small adjustments were impossible.
My life consisted only of confinement.

My hands were bound by neglect stronger than I could fight.
The chains at my feet were made with links strengthened by hate.
My mouth was gagged with lies of worthlessness.

Blinded by fears and doubts I decided:
My life, full of suffering, was not one I wanted to live.
I pulled and fought my restraints until I bled.

Crumpled on the ground I knew it was time.
It was time to end my confined suffering.
I would rather face death than the pain of life.

With a new resolve settled the door to my cell opened.
In walked a man that did not cause me to react in fear.
He sat next to me, in the dirt and filth, and said nothing.

We sat for hours, days, years.
He still said nothing.
He held my hand.

The man smiled. “Why are you here?”
The question angered me, could he not see the chains?
I turned from him; not wanting to hear more.

He continued to speak of a man that was not just a man.
As I sat in the grime he spoke of a father that loved me.
And a son that died.

I rolled my eyes and laughed.
My new friend was clearly insane.
No one could love me.

As he continued my bruises slowly began to fade.
I would not believe these lies he told.
I knew I was worthless.

My cuts healed and I continued to refuse his words.
He turned to me sorrowfully.
“I’ve done all that I can do.”

He continued to sit but said nothing.
He stayed by my side and said nothing.
He cried and said nothing.

My cell opened once again and words were spoken.
“Will you let me help you?”
This did not come from my new friend.

“Let me help you?”
I quietly wept.
“I can help you!”

Over and over again I was pleaded with.
This stranger kept asking to help me.
He wept and asked again.

I whimpered and tugged at my constraints.
I wanted to speak but was unable.
My heart yearned to accept his offer.

My new friend smiled at me in excitement.
“You can leave.”
I looked at my wrists in amazement.

The bindings on my hands turned to dust and blew away.
The chains on my ankles shattered and faded.
My mouth was clear to speak.

The stranger grabbed my hands and helped me up.
“Come to me and I will give you rest.”
I was free.
Aug 2013 · 971
Playground Friends
He smiled and gave a warm “Hello”
I smiled back with a proper response.
Brought together by a commonality;
We both have children.
Mine are not my own.
He is the father of his.
We chat---friendly.
We laugh at the accusation of my niece.
“You’re talking to a stranger!”
She runs back off with her friends.
I continue my conversation.
No longer strangers.
We talk about language.
We talk about God.
We talk about children.
“Papa” comes a childs holler.
“Auntie!” comes another.
The conversation has ended
at the beck and call of the children.
He smiles and says goodbye.

Ten minutes with a stranger
was first time in months
That I didn't feel alone.
Jul 2013 · 638
Who knew those words could hurt,
“She makes me happy.”
Who knew the realization could hurt,
She makes him want to be better.

The realization
That you will never be her
Her---is someone else
Who doesn't love him like you do

Her is someone whose hurt him
Pulled him around
Like a small child pulling her dog
Where he doesn't want to go

But he will go anyway---
He cherishes that child
Loves her
He told you himself.
Jun 2013 · 902
Another Night
You held me close, pulled me tighter.
I sighed. It was comfortable and safe. We slept.
You told me of the temptation and I used it against you.

Moved my hips just so.
Angled my face just so.
Waited. Pulled you tighter. Waited.
Subtly letting you know I wanted you.

Another night, the same routine.
But you leaned in and your lips brushed mine.
In an instant we were not longer relaxed.
We were charged. We kissed.
Sometimes you were soft and gentle.
Other times your kisses were hungry, filled with passion.

Our hips moved just so.
Our lips were placed just so.
I let your hands discover my *******,
I let your mouth discover my *******.
My inhales were sharp.
I wanted more.

Another night, the same routine.
Hips, hands, lips.
Passion and safety.
Your hand moved just so.
Finding me in a way I never found myself.
Your hand moved just so and
I gasped.

I wanted to do the same for you.
Something told me not to.
I wanted you.
I know better than that.
But I wanted you anyway.
Not part of you, all of you.

Another night, the same routine.
You kissed me and my body awoke.
I never knew it was sleeping.
Your teeth pulled my lips.
You hovered after we kissed.
I wanted more.

I got brave.
My hand explored.
You were my coach, whispering instructions in my ear.
I wanted to do for you what you did for me.
I wanted to explore you.

Another night, the same routine.
We were charged with ***.
We were *****.
Our bodies wanted it.
Our hearts wanted nothing more.

We kissed.
You pulled me closer, tighter.
Kisses soft again, pulling back.
We kissed.

Another night, the same routine.
I would have let you have all of me.
I wanted you.
Wanted to give in to the feelings my body felt.
You pulled yourself away.
Made yourself stop.

Another night, the old routine.
You hold me close, pull me tighter.
I sigh. It is comfortable and safe.
Nothing changed. We sleep.
Jun 2013 · 839
The Gift of Rain
Falling lightly, sounding like the soft beat of a Djembe, as it hits the ground. It gives life. A flower, slowly opening itself up, giving itself away to the cool droplets. The pitter patter of foot steps as people hurry to take shelter. The leaves reaching out to get as much as their thirsty hearts desire. The puddles forming for future puddle jumping. The road glistens with moisture and the rain, it slowly stops. People venture out in a rush. They do not observe the beads rolling off the leaves or the flower shining in the new born sun. No one stops to admire the life that was just acquired by the thirsty that surrounds them. They cannot see the roots ******* in as much as they can. They do not understand the gift of rain.
Jun 2013 · 873
Strangers on an Aeroplane
The lost and lonely,
Together in their winged coffin
Flying overseas.

Some thinking they are going to something better.
Others knowing it isn’t better,
Simply bigger.
Bigger than their lives before,
And whatever their lives will be after.

One man doesn’t believe
The decision he’s made.
The passenger next to him,
Knows why he came.

To defend?
To help?
To fight
For freedom?

Strangers on an aeroplane
Sitting amongst those
So different from themselves.

Black or white or brown,
Young and the not so young.

All with a common fate,
A common enemy,
A common

Where hate flourishes
Like a small child in a happy home.

— The End —