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  Oct 2014 Anecandu
Bobbie Leigh Nelson
Cloud that I float on, carry me to Peru
send to me exotic birds, bearing gifts of aqua blue

Lets take a detour through the mountains of Kandahar
for it doesn't bother me if I come out with battle scars

Oh please, oh please can we stop in Dharamsala
I have some questions to ask His Holiness, the Dalai Lama

Cloud, if its possible can we please time travel?
I want to see how they built the pyramids from dirt, stone, and gravel

Lets defy gravity, next stop Andromeda
being 2 million light-years away we'll see scores of space phenomena

Our next and final stop shall be a place called peace
take me there, please cloud, but on the way lets visit Greece.

*-Bobbie Leigh
Anecandu Sep 2014
She said, don't stand so close to me,
I'm on fire but you cant see,
You play with me we might get burned,
My daddy said that and I've learned

Your mommy said that I'm the reason
If we kiss you'll waste your seasons
Chasing me across the stars
Riding with boys in cars.

Don't stand so close to me.
Anecandu Sep 2014
My Sky was falling, I heard the sounds
The clouds and rainbows crashing down.

The pitter patter in my brain,
Dripping hope falling as rain.

But hope fertilized the pieces of my heart underground
And purple comes bursting from all this brown.
Anecandu Sep 2014
Like polished diamonds each dimension to you unique
Your so irreplaceable when you speak,
My knees buckle like wheat,
But only under the weight of your smile.

Like a drop of dew in a barren land
Restoring moisture to the sand,
The mustard seed of love in my hand
Is hope’s potential, eternal we can be one

Like a ray of light that burns
at blinding speed as our worlds turn
you’ve reached the core of me
I yearn from across what may as well be eternity

And in the obscurity that remains of the day
Our lives must touch only this way
while passing as a momentary eclipse
I whisper these words from my lips

Anecandu Sep 2014
Your picture is on my desktop
To remind me of today
I thought of what to greet you with
My mind began to stray

Back to the times of laughter
Good times in a small office of four
Now all I have are "Cow" workers
Too high on an office floor.

We keep in touch,
Though not as much
As friends in life should’nt be
One line or an annual movie with popcorn for three

So lets celebrate and break the trend
Select a movie or a memorable ends
I’ll be there at the favourite place
A waiting hug, a smiling face.
Anecandu Sep 2014
Love is kind,
fruit of the mind.
Lives more than nine,
Stronger each time

Staining my lines,
Sweeter than pines,
making you unwind,
obliviously blind,

hearing only the chime,
of your hearts as you lyme,
until when you find,
fickle and fine,

in one perfectly aged wine,
then taste sip and refine,
for it will be mine.
Anecandu Sep 2014
You call me just to say hi, a little too often I say.
You promise to be with me long after the Arthritis and the Gray.

You say my name so sweetly, I feel it’s always safe in your mouth,
You sip my Coffee just for the taste, wonder what’s that all about?

You say you like my ugliest shirt, I wear it now every day,
You fall asleep in my old tops whenever I’m away.

I find little love notes in my bag, “hurry home” messages at work.
Away we use up all our minutes like teenagers on every network.

You hold me in manly “Nothing” moments of defeat while I cry,
You’re every woman in the world to me , Sounds corny but no lie.

I still surprise you with a rose, Its years since we first met,
Which is why I love most of all, you never let me forget.

So even though this Valentines day is probably too close to call.
I'd rather be with you anyway to “make love out of nothing at all”
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