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Andi Leigh Jan 25
When life flies by

We can always catch up

With wings of our own.

Just care for the feathers

And let their colors

Grant ambition.

Life won't be able

To escape us then.
Andi Leigh Jan 22
We are the fortunate—we have our blood
When we cannot grasp for pens in time.

We are unbothered when blisters form—
They swell and we are the ones who run.

When we cannot use our impassioned voices
We utilize the power of our salient eyes—

Staring into the depths that wish to haunt—
There is still time for idle pleasantries.

We are the armored monsters deemed
Too soft—when we are simply humanity.
Andi Leigh Jan 21
There is a softness
In the words

That are whispered
Beyond the shouts

That fill our ears like

Stopping the truth from
Reaching hearts

That beg for

We must listen
As close as we can,

Just listen
To anything

That tries to dig
To our very center.

I know I will wait for
Any determined piece.
Andi Leigh Jan 18
An unexpected

Can devastate

Called home.

We can shape
A new life

Right in
The center.
Andi Leigh Jan 16
After the smell of rain,
Tears may dry.

The candlelight
May flicker the past
Onto the wall—

A small show that never

A strong show within
A storm,

A relief when the
Shadows melt

With the candle wax,
And the rain dims.
Andi Leigh Jan 14
Dark cherry rests
Upon the heart left to know

The realness of the world
Beyond open doors,

Beyond the softness of the
Light pouring through

Stained glass.

There is nothing and also
Everything out there

Beyond the familiarity
Of the tartness that sleeps

Within wounds.
Andi Leigh Jan 11
Fingers like fiddleheads,

Weak knees like



Justice in a life lived long—

Making the wear and tear

Worth it all.
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