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Andi Leigh Jan 9
I will not heed the laughing rain

As it bankrupts the solid ground
Beneath my shadow.

I can write in my mind that I am

And able to sling from my boots
The mud
It's attempting to entomb me in.

The chortles are nothing more
Than a sickly breath.

I am done listening to complaints
As it attempts to dissolve me.

I will not heed the desperate rain.
Andi Leigh Jan 6
A thick
Blue comforter
Is like
An inviting ocean,
And ready to
Sweep you away
To places
Beyond what your
Waking eyes
Andi Leigh Jan 4
I would rather have rainfall
Instead of snow.

The presence of snow
Reminds me of hard work
In the early morning.

My spine cannot take
The weight of heavy snowfall

But then again,

The rain makes it hard
To drive in the dark while cars
And streetlights send me their
Eye-cutting prismatic shards.

I think

I'd still rather be led astray
By the rain.
Andi Leigh Jan 1
We have left orange peels
In places we do not want
Our cats to go.

If only they would stay off
The kitchen counters
And stop scratching at
The fragile bedroom door.

The orange peels help

But the curious boys
Are not the only ones who
Dislike the citrus smell.
Andi Leigh Dec 2024
A scarecrow spits
Sunflower seeds

In hopes of meeting
New friends,

But they do not show—
Not for the scarecrow,

Not for the seeds,

And his tears cannot
Be wiped away—

The ropes are much
Too tight

And the crows desire
Hardier cords.
Andi Leigh Dec 2024
Tangled in the woods

Is a heart left cold,

But it thrives in the bark,

Feasts on the flora, and

Nourishes the worms

And the fungi that

Communicates change.

The heart is not alone,

It is the foundation

Of corners preserved.
Andi Leigh Dec 2024
When the sky is a sea,
And planes are ships
Chasing clouds that act
Like whales

Pushing through the open air

And sending its waves
Crashing to the dry
Life below its stretching tail,

Are there islands we can
Land on?
Are there pools that will swallow
Us into nothing but the light
Of the cheering sun?

It's a sea where we will
Never be,
Much like the ocean below,
Mostly unexplored.
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