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 May 2017 Ami Shae
Nick Feetchi
I dare to dream of unthinkable things,
which are definitely beyond my means,
to escape to a place,
but never explored,
the beauty of you,
the one I adore,
to relinquish the feeling,
in need of healing,
wondering thoughts of where you are,
desperate measures,
simple pleasures,
still, I dream of those unthinkable things,
beyond my reach and yet ------- still I dream,
Life was hard
Growing up
No college fund
Bills unpaid
Gas and lights turned off
Hard to do algebra
By candle light
Hard to read books
With shivering hands
Two parents
Worked a job a piece
When they were not arguing
They were silent
Misguided and caught
In the clutches of the
American Dream
Now with me
We dared to mention
The truth of reality
A bee here
another there
the bee catchers busily chase

enjoy every bit
hit and miss
miss and hit

the urge to live is the sugar
sweetens the grind
keeps death out of mind.

If you keep death in mind
high is the cost
in the momentary dying
life is lost.
 May 2017 Ami Shae
Richard Riddle
When I think of  places where I've been
and  things that I have done-
I recall many battles fought-
and those I've lost, and won.

I've met a lot of people-
on my stops along the way-
and remember a lot of faces-
But many names, have gone astray.

Friends have even asked me,
"why don't you retire?"
I answer very simply,
"I'm not ready to expire!
r. riddle: 10- 15- 2013
The serpentine queue refused to budge.

It were the grown-ups that were stressed
the children babbled showing no unhappiness
with the pause offering so much more to do
and nothing that useful to look forward to.

Some faces looked as though made no sense
this waiting for mundane taxing patience
but were eyes that peered staunchly keen
as if the wait's end God would be seen.

Though lumps of time allowed break from the run
not one face showed up some feeling of the fun
anxious and jittery they smoked up the place
to my mind the children were only saving grace.
At the queue, March 2, 2017, 7 pm.
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