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2.6k · Oct 2013
Fuck me like you mean it
Amanda Patrina Oct 2013
Push me down

Rip off my clothing

**** on my neck

Kiss me passionately

Nibble on my ear

Push me down

Love me hard

**** me harder 

Scream out my name

Spank me

Tease me

Touch me

Please me

Bite me

Grab me

Hold me close

Push me down

Tell me to be quiet

Then **** me like you mean it

1.5k · Mar 2015
waiting to hear your voice
Amanda Patrina Mar 2015
waiting eagerly and very patiently
as you sit there expressionless
waiting to hear your voice
understand your words
feel your thoughts
but nothing is
spoken, not
a single

1.3k · Dec 2014
5 am nature hike
Amanda Patrina Dec 2014
As i run through the mountians
I have nothing on my mind
I close my eyes and breathe in
Feelings the fresh air enter my lungs
The pain and hurt slowly fades away

For nature calms the anxiety
As the sunlight reaches my face
The glow warms my whole body
I have found my nirvana

On a mountain near a waterfall
I watch the water crash against the rocks
It reminds me of all my anguish  
It come slowly but falls fast and hits hard

I close my eyes and feel the wind
It blows against my face
Sending chills down my spine
For I have found my nirvana
And I do not wish to leave
1.1k · Oct 2013
Amanda Patrina Oct 2013
Kiss me here, kiss me now!
Show me love, and show me how
Teach me your ways
Indulge me with your knowlage
Whisper me sweet nothings
Fill me up with butterflies
Never let me go

847 · Sep 2013
My last cigarette
Amanda Patrina Sep 2013
Once I inhale this smoke
I feel content
My body mind and soul
Feels completly innocent
My heart tells me to be kind
But my mind tells me
Do it now!
For you cant rewind time
All the lies and the hurt
Cant compare to
All the secrets ive ever kept
Once I exhale this smoke
Ill have nothing left
Amanda Patrina Jan 2014
As the smoke in the air rises
I see your perfect face
I see into your eyes and know its true
No one, not anyone can love me like you
As i look past your scars, stories, and mischief
I see the real true person you are
Your my one and only and the best by far

724 · Aug 2013
7/10/11 1:34 am
Amanda Patrina Aug 2013
**** im tired,
drained emotionally im strained.
The power i had simplet drifted away;
everything i fear seems so near,
nothing can change, the people i follow,
the ones i learned from, reality,
justification, illibiration, and qualifications;
seems so hard and difficult to capture the power i had simply drifted away
everything i fear seems so near, one being born dont change generations simpley its my illibirations
602 · Oct 2013
Amanda Patrina Oct 2013
Im flustered
Filled with anger
To let go is to live
But i cant let go
For i cant live like this
My heart beats slow one moment
Then i cant control how i feel
My heart beats fast
I cant breathe
Tears flowing down my face
Why cant i let go
Im trapped in between sadness and anger
For i cant live like this
560 · Oct 2013
Amanda Patrina Oct 2013
Sometimes I enjoy watching you
as you sleep.
As each breath leaves your lips
I kiss them softly.
My finger tips brush your stomach
slowly, down to your legs
I grab on to your thighs
And make my way down
I enjoy watching you
as you sleep
508 · Sep 2013
Like this
Amanda Patrina Sep 2013
At night
I sit and wonder
is he going to come back
will he hurt me once again
Nights like these
I sit and ponder
Why me?

490 · Sep 2013
Left your mark
Amanda Patrina Sep 2013
You left your mark
On my body
You touched me
When I didnt say
It was okay
You left your mark
When you broke
Past the boundaries
Ill leave my mark
one day

489 · Sep 2013
Amanda Patrina Sep 2013
Just like that
With a blink of an eye
Everything came

470 · Aug 2013
Amanda Patrina Aug 2013
I find it hard to sleep at night
In fear of whats not in sight
I cant hear a thing because i am sleeping
And in my room he comes creeping
In my bed he feels comfortable enough to climb
Innocents is what was taken and it was mine

I thought i was safe in my home
Just one windows open, no one would have ever known
Now that its all said and done
A different person is what ive become
More frighten scared and afraid
I wish my boyfriend would have stayed
If he would have been there just this one time
This man wouldnt have commited this awful crime

See i find it hard to sleep at night
In fear if whats not in sight
I could have never seen this coming
For some reason my mind just keeps on running
I cant get his face out of my head
Washing away my tears
Wont help because im in fear
438 · Sep 2013
Amanda Patrina Sep 2013
Im told i am strong
Could they all just be wrong
The girl who once stood tall
Now feels way too small
The girl who once had pride
Cant seem to wipe the tears out her eyes
Im broken, scared, and afraid
Its really hard to pass my days
I have to build back up
Show them all i am tough

424 · Oct 2013
Your friendship
Amanda Patrina Oct 2013
My dearest friend
Your friendship is cherished
Your words are inspirational
Your love is kind
When Im with you everything is
Everything is
You make me feel better
You make me happy
I love you
We have our laughs
We have our cries
But what we never have
Is any lies
When I see your smile
It gets me excited
Even when we are apart
It feels as if i never left your side
Your always there and you are mine
My bestest friend
I wouldnt change a thing about you
As you are perfect in everyway
I wish i could see you every day!

(To Emily)
383 · Sep 2013
No longer
Amanda Patrina Sep 2013
You were once here
But now you are there
Our lives keep on moving
But my heart has stopped
We were once so close
But now we are no longer
Were mearly strangers
Who happen to be neighbors
375 · Nov 2015
Amanda Patrina Nov 2015
Theres flowers in her hair and stars in her eyes
She wishes many things but always wonders why
Her dreams are so vivid they feel extremely real
when shes fast asleep she no longer feels
Her body is so numb, cold from all the pain
living in the moment while fighting all the shame

374 · Sep 2013
Amanda Patrina Sep 2013
My scars bring me back
When i see them i become unrelaxed
An uneasy time
So much pain in endured
I dont think ill ever be fully cured
My mind frequently wonders to those times
Im struggling, even still now, no, no im not fine
373 · Feb 2015
no title
Amanda Patrina Feb 2015
the rain drops drip down slowly
on the edge of the building
as i look down i think
"would i drip as slowly as the water
falls so soft?"
351 · Sep 2013
Amanda Patrina Sep 2013
You are mine
My heart, my body, and my soul
The love I have, no one will ever know
You keep me safe
My heart, my body, and my soul
Our love is special, and ill never let you go
You are mine
As I am yours
Ill love you forever, my promise is pure
348 · Apr 2015
Amanda Patrina Apr 2015
Behind the smile and behild the laugh,
the anguish that's felt never collapses.
Every corner and every chase ceases to exist in this sacred place.
Mind so bottled; heart completley filled, hoping and wishing for another life to build.
332 · Jun 2015
Amanda Patrina Jun 2015
i took faith by the hand and walked with her slowly
she whispered sweet nothings into my ear had me believing
she took me to a place i wasn't familiar with
she had my attention, her truth seemed so real
i had emotions again, i could finally feel
she told me all terrible things with time will heal
i took faith by the hand and ran with her swiftly
things started to change even more quickly
she took me to a place filled with the unknown
i was finally no longer afraid of what things might be
as i looked passed the darkness all i could see
my own reflection looking back at me

330 · Sep 2013
Amanda Patrina Sep 2013
For you are what I seek
When im home alone
But once im among others
I forget who you even are
When i lay down at night
I cant seem to get you off my mind
Gasping for your breath
Begging for your scent
326 · Aug 2016
Amanda Patrina Aug 2016
Ive always wondered what heaven was like
And how it looks when you cross to the other side
I cant wait till the day I enter, and I see you there so we can sing and ride
Loud and obnoxious just like the good old days
When we didnt worry about a thing
But until then I cherish our moments we had and all our memories
Holding your love tightly, and never letting it go
Never forgetting you and how you would lift me up when I was feeling low
My dearest cousin I love you till the end of time
The world seems so different now, the pain has not been kind
Untill I pass those golden gates, I try to live my life for you
Keeping my head held high, forever missing you
313 · Sep 2015
Amanda Patrina Sep 2015
The silence is louder than ever
Im wondering when things will get better
Lost in my head
Cant feel a thing
I must pick up to endeavor

The silence is louder than ever
The thoughts dont seem to bring pleasure
Holding on too tight
Grasping way to hard
Hoping none of this lasts forever
308 · Sep 2013
Amanda Patrina Sep 2013
Time and time again
We let them win
Time and time again
We let them sin

Not this time!
301 · Oct 2014
"That's life"
Amanda Patrina Oct 2014
You are gone and I am here
I am stuck, and full of fear

Your promises were empty
All filled with lies

You know we were okay
Once we looked in each others eyes

But you are gone and I am here
Im just stuck, trying not to tear

When we said goodbye I cant deny
That I felt something horrifying inside

I knew that this was it
Its officially over

Nothing left to do
But try and stay sober

Inside our hearts we knew it was true
But honestly

I cant get over you
Thinking of him...

The title is what he just told me
"Thats life"
299 · Mar 2016
Amanda Patrina Mar 2016
Wishing for the sun,
staring at the moon.
Visions of the day,
leaving way too soon.
Walking through the mists,
darkness throughout.
Overwhelming distance,
but courage is found.
Running forward,
faster than before.
The light is reached,
sadness is no more.
259 · Jul 2016
Amanda Patrina Jul 2016
I smiled back when he asked if I was alright
Knowing inside I wasn't
I laughed when he insisted there was
Dark deep thoughts drifting through my mind
Release me
I smiled back when he asked if I was alright
211 · Nov 2015
Amanda Patrina Nov 2015
I wanted to see you but then i remembered your no longer here
I wanted to hear you but then i remembered we no longer speak
I wanted to feel you but then i remembered everything you feared
I thought about us but then i remembered how we are too weak
I didnt want to remember anymore
155 · Nov 2019
Amanda Patrina Nov 2019
my mind is as empty as the glass thats half full
see im confused, but still optimistic about everything I been through
The scars bring me back to my past
A time where darkness followed me untill I collapsed
Lifes been hard, its a true struggle
But ive learned to never put anyone above you
Listening to my thoughts, one at a time
Collecting these memories as if they were really ever mine
Scattering these pages and burning them all
You may watch me slip, but youll never watch me fall

— The End —