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Jun 4 · 46
the calm before the
efni Jun 4
monstrous, grieving clouds send out
deep bellows and flashing light rods
as warnings for what is to come

animals that aren’t running to shelter
have already hidden by now

the birds have become scarce

the trees stand still


this is my 300th poem.
i’m glad it’s not a sad one
Jun 4 · 152
efni Jun 4
from inside the valley, looking up will reveal
a fortress of mountains
protecting our homes, and pointing to the
endless shades of blue above

but today, it is trapped
within a dome of dense grey
unrelenting grey

it brings noisy, manic winds
knocking the temperatures down
by a few degrees but

the still air is scarier
that silence is louder

as the clouds grow
as we all wait

the experience of watching a storm build up on my island.

these clouds have been growing for over a week now. once the rain starts to fall, it will be something to be reckoned with
May 28 · 135
efni May 28
my mother looks at me like
a wound on her arm, unsightly
and gushing hot velvet blood

she buries me in bandages
she can't stand to watch me bleed
she can't stand me.

so she waits until i scab
until i am cold and hard and tender
until i eventually fall away

she never wanted children. she never wanted me. she will never stop blaming me for that, because blaming herself would ruin her. blaming herself will make her a failure - and then it's all for nothing. so blame me. you might as well. just ignore me until i fall away. it's okay, mom.
efni May 28
the beauty i find manifests through me like rays of energy
in the same way that light animates broken glass pieces
which are held together by the lead from the bullets
that ruthlessly shattered me in the first place

brokenness cannot stop me from searching for beauty.
even during death, even after death.
May 20 · 133
efni May 20
every day i wake up
and deny myself death
and it is torture,
it is torture,
it is torture.
i don’t want anything else
May 6 · 47
efni May 6
my insides are hollow
and painful to the touch
like burnt flesh

but when you have
become nothing

any pain that you feel
becomes you

my pain has finally swallowed me whole.

my heart has gone, how am i still breathing?
my pain is overflowing but i am not drowning. i have become the water.
Mar 10 · 81
beautiful afterthought
efni Mar 10
i'm so disappointed that
i can't even find the words
but are there any to find
in the first place?

because I have this familiar feeling

a feeling that comes around
when there really isn't
anything left to say but

you really let me down this time, it's time for me to let you go.
thank you for the memories.
efni Mar 6
when you slashed my skin
your sorry excuses held me together
like ***** tangled stitches
killing me slowly with infections
only to continue bleeding

endlessly bleeding

this is a poem about my abusive ex-boyfriend. i left him around 6 months ago now.

i'm healing from the scars.
i'm not bleeding anymore.
Mar 6 · 45
efni Mar 6
we're just friends with memories now but

my heart remains stuck to you
even after my mind abandoned you
even after i said goodbye

i'll let you go someday
but I'll let my love stick around
for a little while longer

inspired by my persevering love for you and our song, "Glue Song" by beabadoobee ft. clairo.

im glad you're still in my life.
Mar 6 · 55
spring to summer
efni Mar 6
as soon as i climbed onto my roof
the sun hid nervously behind the clouds

its rays of heat were
replaced by the cool breeze,
a musician,
which rustled the trees,
its instruments.

slowly the sun began to shine between
the shadows of the leaves that watched
the wind wrestle with the returning heat

bright and windy days are one of my favourite kinds
Feb 22 · 58
the weight
efni Feb 22
is there any chance you know of a place that
i could rest my pain, for just a second?

i know i can hold it but it is dreadfully heavy
and i am more exhausted than
words can describe

is there any chance you could show me
somewhere i do not have to be strong?

i have died from exhaustion several times over in my life. have you ever known such a death? i pray you never will.

and i pray, one day, i can start to forget what it feels like.
Feb 22 · 166
efni Feb 22
i think if i stopped fighting
my joints would give way
rendering me a small pile
of bones, flesh and blood

i think if i stopped fighting
to keep it all together
i would crumble for good.

as long as i can remember, to live meant to fight. so, unknowingly, I understood that to die meant to rest.

maybe one day i can learn to live without fighting. i am awfully tired.
Jan 23 · 382
the sunset
efni Jan 23
out of the endless darkness,
the day i begged for
finally happened

the sun came

the sun left

i never considered that the day
i see my first sunrise
is the day i see my first sunset

a continuation of a poem i published years ago: ‘the sun’

i was looking at the sky for a while
basking in star light
talking to the moon
i almost forgot it was still night

but the clouds served as a cruel reminder
that i never left the darkness
rather, it never left me
and the sun was never coming up
as far as i can see

the sun is never coming up


for the first time in five years, i experienced happiness. true happiness that lasted 4 weeks. and for the first time in five years, i experienced the loss of happiness. the return to the dark. the sunset.
efni Jan 23
i know i can leave now, and i know how.
but, is it so wrong to visit?
is it so wrong to want to stay for a while?

i know it was my prison, i begged for escape
but, i haven't found new refuge
i haven't made anywhere else my home

it's the only home i've ever known.

my sadness just doesn't know how to let go. unfortunately, neither do i. i'm sorry, i want to be sad again tonight. but just for tonight. is that so wrong?
Jan 23 · 31
efni Jan 23
my thoughts pour out messily
spilling out from the loose grip
i have on my reality, like
the glass of ***** from my
limp hands, gentle grasp

but then it all quiets for just a second
"i want to die," i think.

oh. i want to die?
oh! i want to die!

the familiar desire rang in my mind
like the echo of an old lover

finally something i understand
finally something i know.

i know i'm getting better but it's all so unfamiliar. healing isn't linear, right?
i didn't expect to be so comforted by that thought. a thought i once knew so well. the thought i couldn't escape, embraces me tonight
Jan 19 · 272
mother's love
efni Jan 19
i'm sorry for my cold staring
in response to
your fondness of me

my mother could only ever
love me in code
when she could at all

i spent my life decrypting it
and i'm afraid
i'll spend the rest of my life
trying to decode
all the love i will ever know

my mother struggles to love me. my mother struggled to love me
my mother could only ever love me in code, when she could at all..
efni Jan 16
see all my bones are broken
underneath my porcelain skin
i am chained to the ceiling of happiness
something i will never reach

hanging at the mercy of my thoughts
at the mercy of the horrors
beating me endlessly endlessly endlessly

see all my bones are pulverised
i am dust beneath my flesh
cut too deep and i may float away in the wind
cut too deep and i may disappear

drunk write
why won't it stop.
Jan 15 · 53
mr. born to lose
efni Jan 15
let the shards from my soul
shattered by you
tear into your thick flesh

then, let those wounds burn
in salt from the ocean
of tears i have cried for you

and dissolve in the poison
that drips from my blackened mind
and chokes me, as it pours
out of my tired eyes and into my mouth
agape and screaming in the pain
that you gifted me

i want you to hurt like you hurt me.
i want you to hurt like you hurt me.
i want you to hurt.

i wrote this in a rage.
i wrote this in my pain.

i want you to feel it too.
Jan 15 · 51
don't forget me
efni Jan 15
i hope you're okay but
not okay with the fact
that i'm gone.

i hope you come back but
constantly hate the fact
that you won't.

do you miss me desperately?
do you think of me when you hear our songs?
do you think of me at all?
do you miss me endlessly?
do you miss me pathetically?
do you miss me the way i miss you?
Jan 15 · 59
efni Jan 15
i flinch at your gentle touch and
i brace myself for your kind words

with one hand, i grip
the door handle
ready to run

while you hand me
your heart to hold
with the other

i can fight how fast i'm falling for you
because i've never known love without war

i won't fight how fast i'm falling for you
because i've never known love without war

is it too good to be true or is it just good...
could it possibly be just good
Jan 13 · 52
my best
efni Jan 13
trust me, old friend,
i have loved you the best

i gifted you a pearl of purity
amongst my chaos and pain

i shared with you a light
brighter than i have ever seen
when i was stumbling through
my mind's darkest of times

trust me, stranger,
i have never loved anyone better

we're just strangers now. i wonder if you know that you taught me how to love.
Jan 12 · 106
my great love
efni Jan 12
i miss you at the strangest of times.

i continue to miss you all the time

my great love
i’ve come to accept this is who you are

i miss you even when i was sure that
i had already let you go.

we haven’t really spoken in years but you’re still my first poem of the year. you still remain my muse - with a permanent place in my heart.
Dec 2023 · 223
efni Dec 2023
i have been no stranger to love
but i have always been an alien

because i've never been loved
in a way that i understood

i've always looked for love in hints
craving the closest translation

but never truly understanding
why i can't be loved
in a way i know

parents, friends, partners
it's okay to be different but it hurts to feel lonely when no one seems to love the way you do, and you never know the feeling of love you truly understand
Dec 2023 · 74
don't worry about it
efni Dec 2023
i let the horrors dealt to me
roll off my back like water

for years, slowly eroding
the soft surface of my skin

until it begins to just barely
drip through into my body

i let the horrors dealt to me
hollow me out like acid

each atrocity seeping inside
and dissolving my bones

until my heart and my mind
are drenched and drowned

i let the horrors dealt to me
fill me back up like poison

i don't know how to stop
letting it all roll off my back

i don't know how to stop
letting it all ruin me.

i'm hollow and my back is wide open collecting the cruelty and savagery that the world endlessly offers me.
Dec 2023 · 81
efni Dec 2023
for a few, fleeting seconds
i cried like a child

i let the sound of my wailing
take up as much space
as it demanded

i let my gasps fill my lungs
with as much air
as it needed

to continue bawling abashedly

sending out sorrowful groans
that echoed throughout the house.

and then it was silent

i'm more used to crying with both hands smothering my mouth.
Nov 2023 · 60
ghost of you
efni Nov 2023
i remember how your words
shaped your lips when you spoke
but no longer the sound of your voice

i remember how you smiled
with all of your teeth like a child
but no longer the sound of your laugh

but even if i did, i'm sure
your voice has changed by now
and your laugh is different, isn't it

i'm forgetting who you were then
i'll never know who you are now

i didn't realize you could become
even more lost to me than you were
when i lost you

i don't even know how to miss you anymore.
i'm still loving the ghost of my best friend
Nov 2023 · 79
efni Nov 2023
i seldom find myself
writing about your absence
but your presence remains
my unabating muse

the way my heart is stuck in the mold of your fist
because you squeezed it too tightly, for too long

even with you gone, i'm still writing about you.
you're still in my head.
Nov 2023 · 498
heavy feet
efni Nov 2023
i'm trying to keep you
at an arm's length away
but you're gently grabbing
my outstretched hand

you're trying to pull me
a little bit closer to you
but I've buried and planted
my feet in the sand

big steps, baby steps
i'm not light on my feet anymore

it doesn't really matter now
that my love has turned into
a familiar field of landmines

it doesn't really matter now
that every step i take feels like
the beginning of the end

i'm sorry for my hesitation but, for me, love usually comes with a time bomb attached
Nov 2023 · 189
screams and whispers
efni Nov 2023
maybe i am meant to be loved only
in violent screams or cruel whispers
in molten magma or rigid frost
in blinding light or void darkness

maybe i am not meant to be
loved gently

maybe it will always be
all or nothing

i'd like to be loved in moderation.
but i'd be a fool to expect that from you.
i'd be a fool to expect that from anyone.
Nov 2023 · 60
i am loved.
efni Nov 2023
i am loved like water on the coast
pulled in slowly, building waves
that inevitably crash me into the sand

can you blame me that "i love you"
sounds like the beginning of the end
while the ground cracks beneath me?

can you blame me that "i want you"
sounds like a familiar echo of heartbreak
that always makes its way back to me?

i know it's true that i'm easy to love
but after a while, i can't help but wonder
if i am equally as easy to leave behind.

if i am equally as easy to hurt.

"i cannot love anymore," i tell you.
while i desperately wish it was the truth.

can i be loved without being destined to dig another hole, 6 feet deep, in my heart. can i be loved without losing.
Nov 2023 · 43
efni Nov 2023
tossing, turning, and gasping in bed
while you visit me in my sleep

i wish you weren't around

cautiously peeking around corners
before i can let myself breathe again

i wish you weren't around

always planning an escape route
in case i glimpse you along my path

i wish you weren't around

my nightmare walks around the same campus as me every day.
i'm so tired of being scared. i wish you would disappear.
Nov 2023 · 550
efni Nov 2023
i ran from our our love
bleeding and bruised because

you couldn't stop loving me
and i couldn't stop letting you

we have been broken up for 2 months and I hadn't written a poem since then. i hadn't written a poem since I was freed.
Jul 2023 · 365
fresh air
efni Jul 2023
while ashing and outing,
i sit crisscrossed writing
as that 2 a.m. fresh air
wrestles my smoky breaths

yin and yang in my lungs tonight
Jul 2023 · 72
party trickster
efni Jul 2023
how much of your love
has been lost that you
look for it in empty space
between your own thieves

you do party tricks when no one's watching
efni Jul 2023
whether your power
comes from weakness or strength
by warmth or by fear

anything that allows you
to live a lie for love
must be destroyed

nothing could change the way i feel, not even changing who i am
Jun 2023 · 120
mister moon
efni Jun 2023
pools of white colour settle on the tiles
from your second-hand rays, mister moon.
you show the path for wandering dogs of the night
and sights to blend into as i sink below my deepest thoughts tonight.

me and the moonlight
Jun 2023 · 200
midnight apple
efni Jun 2023
with every shiver powered by
your midnight breeze
im forced to take a small bite
out of this night like
a crisp, refreshing green apple

just trying to give in to the wonder of this night
Jun 2023 · 175
a timed burst
efni Jun 2023
but to be in love with the wind
means to sit as she comes and goes
you must stay

through rains and thunder
as she will never tell you
when she has truly gone

until she's lost in the storm
that washes away the trace
of your love in the air.

maybe it really was for the best
Jun 2023 · 315
embrace of the breeze
efni Jun 2023
if i hadn't waited on the timing you promised
i would have sat anxiously unaware
walls and doors apart from you
but i waited, but i stayed, and you showed me
the truest love.

a love of the wind.

it is honest to admit that a patient love is one of luck
May 2023 · 110
up down right left
efni May 2023
are my ears popping
as real as the brown boy
peeping and making
his way around my vision
only in broken steps

or as the reflection on my
special metal friend of a friend

the silhouette meeting upon a cross
May 2023 · 205
sit up
efni May 2023
the heat rushed to my head
while the dark trickled up my leg
rolling down when yours only needs to go up

the moonlight isnt the only one
May 2023 · 109
passenger's seat
efni May 2023
we sat together
in line and in silence
as time becomes tied
a noise errupted of
thoughts and prayers
self-claimed prosephies
but what if this noise is relative

if he scratches his nose,
and i do the same will it be
mimicry or mockery

the passenger's seat is not to be seen by me
the only seat meant for me is mine
Mar 2023 · 410
don't waste it
efni Mar 2023
don't fix your stare
on bars before the
shooting stars

it won't last forever
watch just as much
as you can

there's so much more in the far away little
Mar 2023 · 114
good guy
efni Mar 2023
i can't collect your love
there's simply no more space
for square kisses in my circle heart
so don't let it be emptied for
"my own good"

if you're a good guy what am i, love. loved.
Mar 2023 · 117
that non-slip love
efni Mar 2023
don't refuse the hate
you have for me
it keeps the loose thread
on my old socks
from being torn away

comfy and worn only ever so often
when it gets a bit too cold
Mar 2023 · 102
by my name
efni Mar 2023
Hannah, please, stop allowing


to be the sole muse of your poetry
and your past
to be the muse of her through you

but that's not your name, is it

and that's not who you are.

call me by your name and I'll call you by mine
Mar 2023 · 73
half of a long ladder
efni Mar 2023
pull up a ladder
just a quarter short
and rocky on one side

the wind is strong
but not strong enough

it will put you the rain
but it would never let you fall

Mar 2023 · 346
night rock
efni Mar 2023
and if i sleep below your leaves
brief exchanges in conversation
led by the heartless breeze will i
be waked by many songs of birds

or a spider in the developed night
would i then roll over the edge of
my concrete wingman and let the
intent be the eternal consequence

i can only rock, pulling and pushing
the bully, keeping both eyes open

you've weighed the odds
dont stop moving now
Mar 2023 · 109
slow blinking lights
efni Mar 2023
my skin mimics the
light beside us
on and off followed by
life and death, somehow

and my eyes use this
as a melody that
leads a dance on a
tree before us

aren't you the peaceful intruder
your strength is not a downfall
efni Mar 2023
let the night consume me.

swift and soft cold winds
like metal cake cutters
shaping and taking my skin
while the moon of many
loyal supporters burns
into my gaze turned glare

glory turned gratitude

you are not for the taking
i must have you nonetheless
what choice do i have
"i must"
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