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741 · Apr 2016
Bailey Apr 2016
The bride and groom prepared their own vows:

Charlotte Ann, the day we met I had lost everything, my family, my home, then you came walking into my life, a bright light, you taught me to breathe again you taught me that I didn't have to fight alone. That day was three years ago and to this day you've stayed by my side, you've challenged me when I thought about giving up you gave me hope. I promise to stay by your side and challenge you and love you for as long as there is breath is these lungs.

Four years later:

Abbigal and Michael stop running you're going to knock someone down. Charlotte said to the kids as we sat in the small hospital room waiting for the bad new we knew was coming.

Cancer, I had stage four cancer: terminal

I looked into Charlottes emerald green eyes I saw that they mirrored mine: heartbreak, terror.

Cancer doesn't care if you have a family, children, cancer is like a drive by shooting attacking quickly before anyone has a chance to do or say anything. Cancer doesn't show on the outside and there is no way to stop the pain it causes.
This isn't really a poem but I needed to express myself...

— The End —