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Alex Jul 2015
Tell me everything I've said that still haunts you. Tell me what you wish I'd say. Tell me all the things you think are too unimportant to bother saying. I promise I'll be interested. I'll always want to hear.
Tell me where your mind goes when I mention I'm unhappy. Tell me what would make you happy.
Tell me what you went through while you were missing from my life. Tell me about that really dark time when you didn't know if you'd make it.
Tell me about the happy times when you knew you'd be okay.
Tell me anything.
I want you to know,
I want to know
Alex Jul 2015
Don't do it
Don't do it
  Jul 2015 Alex
Just Melz
You've always been the one
I never understood why
I cried and cried
And you were so blind to your lies
You forgot the truth
Alone and lost in truth
Deceived by you
But it was always you
I'll never understand
What went through your mind
How kind you were
Then such an instant switch
You can never forget me
But you left
Right in front of you
Then, gone, through
I can't decide what's worse
That I love you
Or that you love me
It ended in so much misery
But, since it was always you
The Love can never be through
I'll never forget you
Near or far
I'll wish upon a star
That I could just be
Wherever you are
Alex Jul 2015
never believed in much
just people
and lord knows they let you down
but maybe you, gripping your holy pages, will find peace tonight
maybe you'll get to sleep.
maybe you don't have to feel like you're going crazy, losing something you never had. maybe.
but me? oh,  for heaven's sake, i am getting by.
i am losing my grip and getting lost in worry and wonder
but i am just fine.
Alex Jul 2015
I'm too tired to consider this good work
My message is simple and then I'll drift off

-I will not feel bad
-I do not deserve to feel bad
-we all make choices, I can live with mine
-it is not my fault, it is exactly the opposite
-I am doing the best I can
-I will be okay
  Jun 2015 Alex
Beth Decisions
They say that when love is real it finds a way.

That if you're meant to be together it will happen.

That if you love someone then to let them go and if they truly love you they'll come back.

But what if both of you are so scared and waiting for the other to fall in your lap you never make the move that gets one another back.

What if when you let them go. They think there's no chance and even though they still love you just as much as you do them... They don't realize you still love them also.

What if you're so busy waiting for fate and the powers of love to fix your life, that you miss the opportunity in front of you. If only you made the move.

Love is powerful because it makes us do things we never would have. Not because it magically fixes everything.
Alex Jun 2015
i envy the ghosts
who get to spend all their time where they want, with whom they want
i envy their transparency
that would allow me to watch over you
eradicating facades, destroying pretenses
i'm really getting quite jealous of the ghosts, how they are able to drift silently around you, gazing at you, watching you laugh, cry and live.
but i know now that i am a ghost
and sadly i have my limits
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