I know the dew drops live on wild flowers
With moving wind and calming breeze to temper
Knowing how beauty extinguished with noon
Come the cold end of summer, ardent and true
Yet, like a sorrowed raindrop that descends
Without swoop and decline, a bird can't ascend
Song after tune followed by chirp, music resumes
Until welkin and hell merge, as dust consumes
For I know that pure love lasts an eternity
Whenever the roses lose color quickly
Giving an innocent bud, beauty
Though, I know spring awaits the many
Placing that remnant of our affection gently
It is with great sadness, petals fall patiently
Beneath a conscious will to live is nothing but escape
Today I learned to be grateful for all the things I have in my life. I learn this lesson of gratitude because one must exalt themselves in artistic and spiritual expression. I have left past behind meaningfully looking to the future.