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Adasyev Sep 2016
Chyť se mých křídel
na zrncích písku
slova jsou moře
a já jsem vzduch

Cesta vede tmavozeleným tunelem stromů
a září zatím neškrtlo sirkami hodin
o hřebínky vln.

V eternitu střech a vybledlých korunách domů
jsou kalná podkroví
a u zahalených břehů nahá samota mladých leseb a přehřátých starců
zkalená do němoty modrého dne.

Než plíce jehličnaté noci naposledy vydechnou
do jílovitého ramene
oxidující pískovec fasády léta
a září škrtne o hřebínky v trávě
nad závity stébel a sedmikrásnými stvoly se ponesou otáčky kol
a šelestění kloubů od stolů a slunečníků u silnic.

Děti pak pošlou matky na březové ostrovy hledat věčná napajedla
a hejna dronů rozhodí svoje sítě mezi souhvězdími
aby na sítnici zachytily bronz milenců
a v nekonečně krátkém čase sestrojily triangulaci neopakovatelného
z kterého není návratu.
Pískovna Cep, Suchdol n. Lužnicí/Majdalena, září 2016
Adasyev May 2017
Tajný kód loňského léta
láska se z kůže jako had svléká
proklouzla oknem
a syčí pod koly

odpusť mi, lásko,
ať jsi kdekoli.
Adasyev Oct 2015
Look over there, The moon has fled
well she is not kind — she is bad
just hidden from us in a clouds' cache
and nudging them and it starts to splash
with acrid rain on the darkness
of the roofs with breath of softness
tinging a house where the sleep could stay
sleep, wherever you have slipped away
all those dreams, they have become wet
the rock is sighing it has let
the ravine to take one stone falling
and meantime here I, I am singing.

Never mind that I am in a jail
because I know the morning won't fail
to help me when it grows to inflame
out of the ripe night which keeps the same
also for the next tomorrow.
Indeed they seem to overflow
these mornings, still in a drowsy vein
as raising the head from breast of rain
which fell in love with them and shines
and to honour both with my lines
while for me a note of wind is blown
tell me, why I shouldn't sing on my own.
Written June 16, 1941

Original in Czech:
Adasyev Jul 2016
Thy love as wind couldt bee
Shall not bleed *** legs to shy
Shave'er they bliss to sea
God kiss thee farts seen.

Enhfartened thy being loved
Never have not God's pool removed
Might schwim sein or O'Sinner be
As nevertheless duck dwelt in ale to bear.
2016 A. D.
Adasyev Oct 2015
Hey, lament, if I may call you so
would you come here to bring your sorrow?

Fragrance, do you have things to tell?
I would breathe in your poisoned smell.

How many curtains! But none that hangs.
I feel my head, lungs and heart have pangs.

That's for the drinks I had to take.
Maybe for all that I can take.

For fasting there is a believer.
I stubbornly think of a dinner.

I'm hungry! Who cares if I ate
the tears and the fear and the hate.

I'm also thirsty. I'll drink my pail
of blizzard, rainstorm and the hail

and after getting tired from it
I fall asleep on this couplet.

But lament, why am I saying so
would you come here to bring your sorrow?
Written March 31,  1941

Original in Czech:
Adasyev Nov 2015
Where do the wrecks of our children lie????????????????????????????????
Lukewarm as a silent draught in saturated heads
Yellowed in smoothness
                      of apples with silk so ancient and in vermouth
                                                        ­                                          so cheap
                                         mixed with the chlorine water of the city
where do the wrecks of our children lie
                                                      & yellowy
                                                         ­               & tremulous
just like an archangel's gesture
which we use for forcing them to leave us
for ages or for never

Yes, our expelled white and green and yellow cry
thirstily yells in the desert of bedsheets
and with the skin in a sweat up to our neck
we struggle for that smell in the air with beginning
of decay
which belongs to our
doubled loneliness
From Stop-time (published 1969)
Adasyev Nov 2016
There are dangers of hell
             keep waiting
                   till they are felt

There are dangers of hell

You can forget anything
             never forget it all
Devoted to John Cale.
From "Rok krysy" (2008).
Adasyev Dec 2015
You've bought a ticket for a late night show
put the stub and good luck into your pack
tried to get how far you have to go
just for hearing some music on your track

You spent your time that was too cheap
when things got louder in a darkened hall
and with an empty stage you feel too hard to leap
while everyone's thinking about their fall

With everyone's cry for someone else's lack
there is no light but flashing of warmth
and with the hands raising down but not straight

there's no one to give money back.
Adasyev Jul 2016
A few blooms in Bohemia
for your hair do a duty
and make their red heavier
to fit the brown of your beauty.

But how many gallows
morals have built along the trees!
Joyful sin, tell me, in their shadow,
are flowers allowed to please?

The burdock and nettles
are growing as every year
and so people of Protectus settle
with their tracts everyone's ear.

Praying is just a waste
as it was at the time I was born.
The blooming aloe is my taste
of your black hair adorned.
From Melancholic Journey (1906)
Adasyev Oct 2015
Hall, how you are full of ceiling!
It goes where the flooring is
Land prepares for giant flooding
and drinks the palms of oases

Hold the things before they will fly
Today's swirl isn't mute
Get tied down with endlessly high
torment to your inside root

To your cisterns of claims that die
being pecked through liver's shell
by fierce eagle which would **** dry
the water, drinks, pail as well.
Written May 29, 1941

Original in Czech:
Adasyev Nov 2016
Típli to, co připomínalo barvu
a šli dovnitř, aby normalizovali šeď.

Báli se, aby od toho nechytla jejich jediná vlajka.

Doteď je svrbí prsty.
Adasyev Jul 2017
Vítr si za tmy hraje s listy stromů,
kde ve zlato se tma otáčí
a peklo se mazlí s lidma domů,
kde samota líbá na oči.

S bodáky jehličí měsíc splývá
a podlaha pálí jako led,
do průrev střechy souhvězdí zpívá.
Taky můžeš jít spát naposled.

Kocour na uhel černý nocí hoří
a mrtvé maso by rád k ránu sněd
a nachové plachty z odplutých moří
se pnou vstříc pevnině smrti na dohled.

Vítr za tmy si hraje s vlasy stromů
a displeje ve tmě zazáří,
nebe se stáhlo do stínu lomů.
Chceš škrábat sny na bílém polštáři?
Adasyev Jun 2018
Zeptal se dělník k čemu je umění,
když na mojí práci se stejně nic nemění.

Na mý práci se stejně nic nemění,
tak k čemu je umění,
umělci zkurvení.

Umělci zkurvení,
zkuste si umění
a budete tu jak němý.
Adasyev Nov 2016
Dala si k srdci kostky ledu
a uvnitř toužila po slunci,
v řečišti slov hledá nápovědu
a lásku miluje v posuncích.

"Chce být vážná jako noc
a svítí jako den.
Do pasti její noci
bude den polapen."

Než vzduch sedne na její křídla
a prach svoji šanci vytuší,
někdo objeví její slepená zřídla
a bude ji učit dívat se živým do duší.

— The End —