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Adasyev May 2018
For you, my heaven and my hell,
I sing about me and the world as well,
about the delusions and comedy,
my desires that howl in a black night's dream.

And the tears come by twilight,
but in the sun my song is wild,
with a glitter burning still,
like two stars dancing in the sea.
From Melancholic Journey (1906)
Adasyev Apr 2018
Joker killed the king one day
& pushed him down his throne,

then told all who were blaming him:
"Anyway, you'll be gone."

But some didn't get that joke
& cut his head with a string,

then put this head on the throne,
saying: "You like to be a king?"

Then they started to laugh so loudly
& realized one thing:

there never had been such a laugh,
until Joker killed the king.
Adasyev Mar 2018
I'm the verse,
I am the blanket of the cold night,
I am the night in a blanket
like caffein in a coffin,
like grey in gray.

The above text read now by a torturer to its victim.
Everyone is the author of every thing
before being made
                   of flesh and brain.


Go straight
with no paths.
Adasyev Mar 2018
Opice opice vřískaly vztekle:

Vřískaly opice v noci i ve dne,
obtisky zadků jim zůstaly v sedle.

Vřískaly opice v kanclu i autech,
skákaly ze stromů s úsměvem na rtech.

Skákaly ze stromů holých jak skála,
jež po těch stromech teď na místě stála.

Marně si opice lízaly zadky,
co jednou sežraly nejde vzít zpátky.
Adasyev Jan 2018
Hřejivé paprsky zimního slunce
házely do sněhu stříbrné mince.

U sněhu se třpytí zelená tráva,
je jako pobřeží,
jak nějaká mapa.

Prorůstá tím sluncem úplně tiše.
Tak v lednu může růst zelená tráva.
16. 1. 2018
Adasyev Jan 2018
Je čas na trochu lásky,
ale neni s kym,

nasaďte si masky
a pusťe si plyn.
Adasyev Jul 2017
Doma všechno hrůzou hřmí,
hovna leží za dveřmi.
(William Blake)
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