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Adam Jones Oct 2014
Full moon shining silver light
Over head it named tonight
Underneath swirls of grey
Outside the doors have called my name
The twilight spoke in a golden tongue
Over and over it must be done
****** fingers captivate
Condemning the beast to demonstrate
Adam Jones Oct 2014
We are barely the flakes of feathers
Circumstances the universe has created
Collecting around and pooling together
Delicate complexities spinning off
Branching off and dancing on their own
Split apart the splinters
Then disintegrate into dirt
Oddly separate are all the same things
Organized only in different ways
Circling around into different shapes
Different things, all in all, being just the same
Adam Jones Oct 2014
Loud and all around i hear the bells ring
I am but one cell being pumped through the bloodstream
Pushed and shoved side to side
Too quickly with haste to even cry
I clench my fists and close my eyes
Feeling panicked i want to hide
I see an opening and duck inside
My fists un-clench
I relax my eyes
My heart stops racing as i have arrived
Adam Jones Oct 2014
Bluish grey light like bleeding ink
Creeping through the sleepy sky
And blending together like pencil shade
All of earth is a constant shadow
Concrete stained like pale skin on aching bones
Unconscious organisms holding still
Holding tough throughout the rain
Unaware they feel no pain
Mornings come to wake the day
Time has come to sip on sugar grain
Adam Jones Oct 2014
Darkness is pure
Untouched by light
Convert of be consumed
Creatures creep around
Never wanting to be found
Crawling and shifting about
Pure black without a face
Is the other half of the human race
Folded hands reach out
To folded faces who never get the point
We drop our pens and burn our papers
When our efforts are through
Even from the start
Brightness will die soon
Light is pure
Unless perverted by darkness
But in the fight for space darkness wins when the wind is blown and the candle dies
The candle dies
The baby cries
But the hungry dog is smiling wide
Splitting open scabbing stitches
Blood seeping into rough ridges
It's his time to consume
Eat or be eaten, only that is fair
Look around the darkened room
You're the only one there
Ask around ask around
You're the only one who cares
Drain the clothes to make room for new stains
Our clothes are too new, too clean, too plain
The person in front stares just the same
Carbon copies copying carbon copies copied by carbon copies
What is life but a series of constant repetition
Darkness existed before light.
  Oct 2014 Adam Jones
A damsel, fair with braided hair,
Her beauty wild beyond compare,
Came bustling to the summer faire,
Her petticoats a-flowing;

She settled there, upon a chair
And watched the young men stop and stare,
But none of them would dare to dare
To coax her with a-wooing;

In her despair, she gasped for air,
No one it seemed would know or care,
Her beauty hid a deep despair
That she was not a-showing

And unaware how to declare
The secrets that she dare not share,
The damsel left to who knows where,
And no one is a-knowing

How came a damsel quite so rare,
With beauty fair and braided hair,
Alone with no one's love to share,
Her petticoats a-flowing
First published 9th Sept 2014, 23:00 AEST.
Adam Jones Oct 2014
Azure sapphires
Glare like sharpened stone
The raven beaked rapture
Swooped down, to **** and capture
And carry me away to their home
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