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  Dec 2014 Adam Childs
Poetic T
It wasn't Really thought through
That momEnt changed
Altogether eVer feeling
Cascaded, rEations  of
What was kNown, regret
Was stained,naGging within,
It wasn't revengE it was a foolish moment, now regret.
Revenge is never sweet it is a stain that follows for life..
Adam Childs Dec 2014
When I am full of regrets
But it is not just my fault  

Because someone said
You canot blame

A thousand fingers
Point at me
But I scream ,
         "It was not just me "

Tired of those who
Talk of self responsibility
But act without impunity
And with disregard

With the rug of power
Pulled from under me
I am forced to **** it and see

Many talk of positivity
Claiming to be free

But I cannot control all
Sometimes letting be
As I am not master
Of the universe you see

And when I wear their positivity
Wrapping up tightly
I find it gives me blisters
Everywhere I walk

So when I feel my regrets
And it is not just my fault
Powerless as I walk
And cannot get on
With their positivity
And I am not free

But when bravely admitting
All the above I start
And look and see  
I start to be
At least half free

Realizing it is ok
To say it is not just me
Adam Childs Nov 2014
I am a supreme
Light framed being
Who leaves ferrari's
In the dust
I am sorry for your
Jealousy as I am
Totally terrific
And love wearing
My fabulous coat
Fiercely independent I
Imprint the air with
My personal spots
My proud individuality

Nothing out of reach
I wait for something to inspire
As I hunt lightly
Positioning intelligently
And quickly
Pads on fire
I grab the ground
As I grip the world
With the sharpest claw
As evolving and revolving
Forces compel me with desire

My vibrant cells flicker
Waiting for the right trigger
Spinning and twisting
They collapse into air
As I rush and rush
chasing and chasing
My focus still like stone
Lands lightly like a feather
As I am clear as
Diamond or glass
Empty of thoughts I am a tunnel
The wind blows through
As I run and run

Soft and agile
I can quickly change
Direction or pace
Perfect balance my
Tail acts as a fulcrum
It is as though a
Silver thread was attached
From high up in heaven
Moving on an electric circuit
I am lightning through the air

Stretching like elastic
Expanding into spaces
I become a mile long
Reaching and Reaching
Into proud new places
Slipping through the air
As though someone
Had oiled my hair
I slide weightless
Air born on ice skates
As I catch my hare

With her swiftness
We find she lifts us
With her fire we catch desire
Adam Childs Nov 2014
As the Lord , now speaks
Your the grace I give this earth
Fore that you must be shore
Your the gracious loving child
I will always much adore
Bringing in new Kingdoms
Of peace love and joy
For this you must always know
Forever I will be near

She maybe very wild
But at the same time
So very mild
Like a towering volcano
She breaths fire every where
So never try to engulf her
Or even try to solve her
Breaking in  new pathways
So everyone can see
For she is the girl
I most cherish
For everyone must do

As she stands there all free
Flames bellow from her heart
As she rockets through the sky
Propelled by her own desire
The Lord feels her inspire
And sings to her go higher
Great companions they become
Burning through the land
She leaves inspiration all around
Crossing nations like a forest fire
We can only stand and watch

Many men try and chain her
Wrapping ropes up all around her
But as they will all see
She can only be free
Turning chains into charcoal
With the fires of her heart
And with her boiling lava
She creates earthquakes
In our soul
But grateful we remain
As she is our new teacher
We only know and love

Our time maybe quite brief
Just moments at a time
But it is always seems so eternal
when it is only you and me
This I wrote a long time ago  while I was nursing a heart break , possibly less sophisticated in the writing i imagine you would say ,  but there is something I like about it . maybe it just reminds me of her
Adam Childs Nov 2014
How I adore her ladyship
The beautiful Royal spider
Enthroned on her own dominion
She delicately threads her silky webb
Intricately weaving her beauty
As her home glistens in the sun
And sparkles in the dew
She sits silently in her center
As though floating in air
All eyes alight
Legs intricately placed on her many
Architectural angles, she demonstrates
Perfect dexterity and agility
Sitting as light as a feather
Perfectly Alert to all, ready and aware
For she controls all

Living my life like a light headed child
I wander freely, from place to place
But nerves begin to embrace
With eyes weighing on my back  
An inner dread fills my soul
As I fear I have fallen in her Web
I twist,  scrabble and struggle  
But it's no use for it is too sticky
Feeling her every movement
Making me sea sick on her web
Her eyes bearing down on me
I feel a thousand bricks on my back
My jellified legs begin to wobble
As she casts a shadow over me
I am wrapped in confusion of this spider's control
Sticking and attaching her emotional ties
I freeze within the spider's bite
I screech, shriek and holler
As I cry
And scream for mercy
But as spiders cannot hear
I find my destiny sealed

Looking to heaven above
I weep, I cry
To God for help
Then with all the lord's elegance
A Beautiful Glorious spider
Began descending from heaven
A dignified Royalty, A great magnificence
A commander of both
Love and Respect
Adoring her graceful entrance
I collapse in her presence
Crouching down beside me
She comforts and caresses
Wrapping her legs around me like a very warm blanket
She lean's in and whispers, in my ear
"Bite her", I cried
I am a good person I cannot bite her
Raising her voice she repeats
BITE HER !!!!!!

She pushes me further
Into this Silent world
Where there is no anger, no fear ,
No vengeance or guilt
No judgement ,  good or bad
No love or hate
I lie within this silent world
Somewhere beyond it all
With this clinically clear mind
Like an SS soldier, I strike without thought
Quickly and decisively
Biting hard I bury my teeth deep
A tear drops from my eyes
As I hear her yelp
I feel remorse and regret
As like with a long lost friend
My emotions return
I see her distress and confusion
But I am pulled back as I am told
She needs to find the center of her own Web

Through understanding
Her Majesty, Her Royalty
And loving her complete magnificence
We discover the anti venom
By understanding her venom
Through the unification of that understanding
We can all learn to be
The commander of our own domain
As I give my love to the Royal Spider

I wrote this when i was spending a lot of time with a controlling person who had quite a negative impact on my life and general happiness at the time  and I that found the spider had a lot of my answers
Adam Childs Nov 2014
I am honey coated
In the dawn yellow sun
As I walk softly
Through the glazing savanna
Intimately married to
My body I feel all
Her strength and power
My low center of gravity
Pushes down 2 tonnes
Of my power house weight
Almost buckles the ground
It is as though the earth
Beneath me becomes concave
As I stand on a spongy soil
As the landscape rolls up
To a brand new sun

If the rest of me forgets
Where I am going submerged
In flaky doubt my hard horn
Points the course through the
Clouds of apposing forces
As even the Gods are forced
To part the way like the red sea
As I plough through space and time
Nothing dictates to me
As I chase away darkness
And carve out doubt
Breaking spells while proceeding
All ghost will run from me
Possessed by the devil
I will DRIVE  him out

Careful where you step
Because I hang over
The savanna like a
Silent volcano
Run and hide if you
Ever hear the huff and
Puff of my disgruntled being
As you better get out the way
Without any delay
As I blaze new pathways
Showing you a brand new day
As I smash through obstacles
You or the world

I feel my center speaking
Opening , EXPLODING into
Inside out spaces
Multiverses are vibrating
As I ride on a wave
Of infinite forces
I am fired forward
With rocket fuel
As I reach new places
Expanding into worlds
Of high and far out spaces
Greater than I know

Hesitation and procrastination
Will be trampled on
All those blown over by life
Jump on my back
And I will stampede you
Through this world
So dare you attack
Or cover my track like weeds
With feeble words and excuses
As they strangle my future path
And my lava filled belly
Will blast them with fire
Melting and molding
My internal landscape
As I imprint my freedom

How I love you Black Rhino
You have my attention
So can you please point
Your horn in the right direction  
Forward and up for me
As I ride with the BLACK RHINO
I unwittingly wrote this today while someone in a zoo was being attacked by a Rhino , guess there is some thing in the air . I hope he is OK
Adam Childs Nov 2014
The battle field of
My being never sleeps
Where sweet sugar from
My soul lives in trenches
As the battle  rages on
Bombarded by shells
My heart nests in bunkers
Where ears become death
With the sound of hatred

My heart consolidates its
Strength in the shared
Responsibility of war
As I fight for brother and sister
And honor all those
Who came before
Let no one die in vain
As the stillness in my center
Marches out like thunder
As armies are accessed
I fight the silent war

For my gentle acceptance is far
More bolder and carries greater
Power than you world
And my silence carries
Ferocious fires from
Many dragons
As my heart drinks the
Bitter taste of unfairness
And  sprinkles sugar
Making  lemonade

With the strength of
Charging Rhino
I fight the peaceful war
Sitting still and softly
I let nestle and rest
Upon my chest
Fear , anger and depression
Where they make a cosy nest
Fended of by fountain spring
My loving heart turns
The battle field green
As I fight the passive war
not sure how this turned out thought i might as well , put it up
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