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Adam Childs Nov 2014
Please do not loose heart Scotland
Though feelings maybe strong
As hearts spill a gentle tear
For you are strong

You may feel a need to weep
As we sold out cheap
But let your tears now fall
For they will feed our
Scottish soil

Do not be angered by hearts
That can only hear cha-ching
And forgotten the ring
Of the Scottish highland sing

For now is the time
To love each other thickly
Holding together now richly
As we rise together like cream
For this is more than a dream

Though we failed to break free
We will keep growing like a tree
And our Stag will bring a reason
A new spring rutting season
To stop English  butting in

Though we wasted chances
Only kissed then missed
We know it is wrong
So we will come back strong

Do not think we will finish on this note
Or that you have wasted a vote
For our lady Scotland
Has heard our every yes
each delighting her
Like the opening
And discovery of
A fresh new flower
just written in response to the NO vote in Scotland :-)
Adam Childs Nov 2014
Gentle friends gather
some where between
A tear and Anger
As we march like silent thunder
Into cloudy hill tops higher
To free the minds of forgotten children
While lifting mist from their future

Children burned by the fires
Of societies scorn
They are rejected and rejected
For does anyone know
When someone last said
I love you Johnny
or jenny
or James

So together we march
To mark an awareness in God

Good moods are blown
Through life saying
Trust in God
Trust in existence  
But they are as weak
As houses made of
Flaky straw
In a world full of hungry  Wolves

So me and my friends together march

For Becki and Debbie
Who's parents cancelled Christmas
On Christmas morning
Or Rachel's lost innocence

   Do you even know their name
   Even know they live
This  shame  needs a home

For I ask anyone
If you see God
Please tell him about the children
Who live betrayed in the
Shadows of existence

In the mean time me and my friends
Will march to higher states on Snowdon
Some where between a tear and anger
This was written after taking part in a fundraising project to place meditation into referral schools to help troubled children and give them a second chance .
Adam Childs Nov 2014
With the knowledge of celebration
I gaze into night skies
Slipping into a vast black nothingness
But there are  no stars which sparkle in me
As I wonder how a life
Which began so centered
And carried such conviction
Sailing towards success and freedom
Finds itself scattered  like drift wood
Across many shores

Deep inside my being lives
A brave young Knight , on a quest
As he strides with purpose
Of to slay the Red Dragon
That hoards boundless wealth

Back on the outside I puff in displeasure  
As i guess its a masked ball for me
As I placing a smile on my gristly face
And wear my orange chorus party coat

The young Knight reaches the
Great Red Dragon's kingdom
And finds him  deep in his lair
With beautiful bright  red scales that glitter
As he restlessly guards  his huge  treasure

Back at the party I force my demeanor
But like a iron breast plate my heart
Weighs heavy underneath my
Orange chorus coat
As I am split in two

In the lair the dragon breaths out
A both tantalizing and ferocious firey focus
Warning the Knight well away
As the dragon holds on and holds on
As he knows the world seeks  his treasure
But deep down ,  he is divided as an
Imprisoned part  longs for the sky
And to stretch his wings

Back at the party I am an onlooker
Feeling numb and divided as
Though my past had placed
One of my feet in the grave

At the lair the Dragon remains
Torn between his treasure and the sky
But in a moment of madness
He takes flight leaving his treasure behind

At the party i accidentally catch a young ladies eye
And for a moment my stone heart is pliable like butter
As I feel a new relaxed rigor in my stride

The dragon looks down and see's his treasure disappear
And feels naked like they were ripping his cloths away
But carries on flying high searching the sky

Back at the party , I am totally let go
As my heavy heart drops away
And I dissolve into my ORANGE CHORUS COAT
I become the very essence of party
I feel light as through the wind blew  
Through me and I am lifted
Sparkling wine and stars shine

Sailing through the skies the
RED DRAGON returns to his castle
To find an amazing  surprise
As all the people through out the land
Now worship him and have put on a
Celebration and  great feast in his honor
And all promise to forever share their bounty
And bring many gifts to the

Back at the party I gain a new lease of life
As though I had gained great  red wings
As I feel the space of my inner being fly
more like a story than a poem , would really appreciate feed back and feel free to be honest :-)
Adam Childs Oct 2014
To the girl that never came
I would like
You to know
I am still waiting

They told me
Something better
Around the corner
Is just waiting
But she never came

I have been waiting
By the window
Around the corner
On  the phone
And on my own
But she never came

I wish she only knew
I have been weeding
A very sacred place
For our love to grow
On a daily base

As hope ran away
Some where dark
I would rather , not say
Did she ever hear
The song of my
Humming bird heart

Now lost its voice
I wish she would
Consider me a choice
bended  knees  
I am still asking

Oh God
My friend is now helping
Dignity needs saving
Catch me God
My heart is breaking

As I am still waiting  
For the girl
That never came
Adam Childs Oct 2014
I am a floating weightless rabbit
So let me bring a soft spring
As my fury pads
Softly pass like a
Silky silent stream
Still in silence you must be
If you ever wish to see me
As I am so very shy
And will soon fly
As I meet the world
With a gentle touch
While I dance and play

Many lords and land owners
Clumsily wade and trample
Over life and emotion
Colorful cars and coats
Controlling , as I am bulldozed
Out  to societies edges
Sharing land with farmed animals
Who have long since lost
Their control on fate
As we are left like
Miserly maggots just surviving

Looking up at grand stately home
A  bubbling , curdling
And Blood thirsty envy
Rises  up in me
What am I saying
Have I lost mind  
For  I am vegetarian
No jealousy in me
As I can only lightly nibble
At the great green abundance
The world always offers me

Never seeking to change
The outside world
Like stampeding ego's
Building boundary fences
I spend my time only
Seeing and understanding
As i borrow deeper and deeper
How deep can  go  
Breaking away from above
I feel as free as a dove
Sinking searching deeply
I love this hidden world
A deep internal Love
Exploring many pathways
While always feeling protected
From the clashing worlds above
As i feel the earths embrace
My heart unfolds into
An unlimited space

Very many are we
Common are we
So common you see
Wearing our grey coats
We are a mediocre day
We have such an ordinary way
As I  vanish into grey
Such a blissful way
As there is more expansion in
Grey than there is ever in
The confines of great expectation
As nothing warms my heart more
Fondly than the simple life on
The edge of town , where
The grass is green and tender
So in this blending  relaxation
How ordinary can I be

In a humble state
I pop in , pop out
Pop up , pop down
Never needing to
Challenge and conquer
As I live lightly under
Softly accepting and accepting
As the world drops my importance
I am found completely free
Listening and listening
I drop into a watchful silence
As I navigate the world
With the most delicate  foot
As I lightly tickle the world
I hear the earth's laughter

Living life like a weightless Rabbit
We find out life much easier to face
As we humbly embrace our place
Adam Childs Oct 2014
Turning into peach
I feel a tender baby
My young ****** heart
Unspoiled by the world
Like a seed it carries
All my future growth

Living within an empty casket
A vessel of infinite space
The hardest peach stone
Two half's , In GODS two
Hands he holds me tight
Within the hardest rock
I feel cradled and protected
Trusting the whole
As it carries me safely

Shinning brightly within
My blistering white core
Curled up deeply
My space , I site silently
Contemplating peacefully
As all attacks from the
World can not touch me
My chest expands with the
Growing space inside me
Where I feel the world
And my love ,which
Sit beside me

Rolling outwardly I radiate
Yellow like the sun
Shining brightly
As I feel many flavored
Layers of delicious juice
Wrapped in my body
Bathed in a fleshy beauty
I am rich in blissful
Golden bounty

As I reach out
I touch the world
With a delicate hair
On my furry surface
Of soft carpets and sofa's
Fluffy blankets and cushions
Where hearts and souls
Collapse into lovers arms
With abandoned minds

As we roll around
In each other charms
With the ease of
Bended knee's
As we hear resonatingT
Tones of humming
Heart strings collide
As our empty center's
Can only attract
As we fall and embrace

As together in Intimacy
We turn into delicate peach
Adam Childs Oct 2014
I am the lazy
Laid back surfer
Lounging and living
Drinking cocktail martini's
With my disheveled hair
My parent despair
For what is the hurry
Making no impulsive decision
For why the hurry
With so much of this fun
In this beautiful sun
As I talk to Dave
Waiting for the perfect wave

When forces of financial
Destruction smash against me
Wave after wave
Wash over me
As I am a rock and
Nothing penetrates you see
As I am the cliff that pushes
Back at rough sea
As a thousand years of
Character are washed
In my rock face
For I am the perfect surfer
Simple needs, dry perspective
As it is only really money

Standing on my board
I remain on top
As I am always objective
Swallowed by no
subjective under current
I keep myself in balance
Never engulfed by emotion
Like the many that fall
As I sail over emotion
Like the eagle sails over sky
Wiped out before
I now stay on top
Because I know where to stop
And remaining alert in
These financial waters
For there is a slight risk
Of meeting great whites

I am the perfect surfer
And surfs up today
Well rested I move swiftly
As I seek the giant wave
The perfect cycle
As I slip into the tunnel
Of the perfect wave
With water and emotion
All around me , I remain
Dry and objective
As i enjoy the thrill and spill
As white waters splash I dash
And dance and play
On the waves today
Effortlessly gliding
I feel the blissful froth
As i am taken further
And further

Life would be so much easier
If we could all learn from
The perfect surfer
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