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 May 2015 Abigail Night
 May 2015 Abigail Night
I have scars vertically placed on my arms from the kindness of a rusted razor blade

don't be alarmed,
   I only tried to **** myself.

I have bruises on my knees from the rocks placed on the train tracks

dont be alarmed,
   I only tried to **** myself.

I have rub marks on my neck from the rope that broke like a small piece of thread

don't be alarmed,
   I only tried to **** myself.

I only tried to **** myself, that's all, go back to tweeting.
There are bigger problems out there than what's going on on your Twitter or facebook feed.
 May 2015 Abigail Night
i'm humbled being here
and i'm not sure why

i'm visiting
so i'm allowed

   so many
the stones seem to go on forever
and i dare not step on one
that would be disrespectful
so i walk around
  sometimes hop
if it's last minute

and i find him

  a grey stone
     a military stone
a proud army man
but how proud can you be
   after the fact
i clean it up
   the stone
brush off the dirt, dried leaves
   so i can look

   and i look

reading his name
my heart skips a beat
    my throat constricts
my stomach hurts

i miss him
       my dad
i surely, truly
   miss him

but it doesn't really matter, does it
he's not coming back
   he's gone

  and i'm left here
to figure things out by myself

and it hurts.
As I walk,
On the black top.
Till my feet bleed.
My wings tattered,
Soul destroyed.
Fearing for my life,
From the might of your words.
You brought this upon us...
Now I leave you,
Without saying Goodbye.
Without saying 3 little words.
They don't mean anything,
When I say them to you.

Only one thing left to say,
I'm sorry,
*But this is MY LIFE.
Some issues went down and it was not pretty.. Don't ask either

— The End —