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They say time heals wounds. I’m still waiting for the time that hearing your voice won’t make me feel like there’s an elephant in my throat. I’m still waiting for the time that seeing your face won’t make my heart scream for you, ripping its own seams in the process. I’m still waiting for the time when passing you by won’t make me weak at the knees, won’t make my spine shiver and my lungs suffocate.

They say time heals wounds. How will my wounds heal when the knife is still in my back, when the bullets are still in my chest? How will my wounds heal when whenever I remember to live, your memory pours salt on my cuts? How will my wounds heal when you haven’t even returned what’s left of my heart yet?

They say time heals wounds. Does that mean that I won’t see your face whenever I close my eyes? Does that mean that I won’t find you in every song I listen to? Does that mean I’ll stop hugging myself to sleep at night, feeling homesick for you? Does that mean I’ll be able to love again? and how will I ever love again, when I often find my soul wandering in the places our love was born, searching for you?
 Apr 2014 Aayushi Anand
Then there are days
When with a sulking face
I go through everyone's poems
Including my own
And wonder with bitter scorn
What kick do these people get
From all this rhyme-rhyme business
Just say it all in one line, no
Why coat it with metaphorical prettiness

Don't worry friends,
I hope to self-heal out of this strange daze
Probably just going through
A grumpy phase.
 Apr 2014 Aayushi Anand
Stop racing please?
Thoughts don't have
A finishing line
 Apr 2014 Aayushi Anand
What you do best-
Feel love with the deepest intensity
What I do best-
*Keep jolting you back to my reality
 Apr 2014 Aayushi Anand
Oh he's got such flair,
That khuda khair
One can't help but just stare...
God have mercy!
 Mar 2014 Aayushi Anand
 Mar 2014 Aayushi Anand
I admit
My initial fixation
Was with the idea of love,
All the clichés, the to-do's of love
But now,
You are the idea
You are the clichéd routine of
Chocolates and roses,
Love is no longer a mere emotion
You, now are its purest personification

— The End —