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 Apr 2015 JAM
Jasmine Roper
 Apr 2015 JAM
Jasmine Roper
You aren't my sister
Sometimes I wish you were
The monkey bars gave me this blister
But I was playing with you for sure
I love you a bunch
Much more than you think
I love you so much
Even just when you blink
You are the sister I want
No one else Is like you
It Is you that I flaunt
No matter what you do
You and I, Is we
We, Is just you and me
To my cousin who I love like a sister
Shakespearean Sonnet #3
 Apr 2015 JAM
Liz And Lilacs
You asked me how I felt
and I'll be honest;
I feel like ****
which you didn't want to hear
But it's your own fault
For asking
What you
It's hard to say how he felt,
when he heard my voice,
when he opened the passenger door,
and sat right next to me.

I wasn't sure,
if what I was doing was a bad idea,
but when that man sat next to me,
I felt quite content.

The rain fell down on the street,
as he looked down at his feet,
I asked him where to go,
and he pointed ahead.

As we drove through the driving rain,
he asked me for my name,
and I told him,
and he said...

"My name is Convicton,
I moved here last year,
with my wife and my kid,
now I live here."

I looked and I smiled,
told him that was neat,
asked where he was from,
then he looked at me...

"I moved here from Haiti,
after the earthquake.
God blessed me with life,
and I'm not going to waste it."

As he told me to turn right,
I asked him why,
why did he move here,
and what made him keep trying.

And he told me, "Gods blessings,
he sends them to me,
in the forms of small things,
in the forms of thee."

And he smiled at me,
as he told me to stop.
I pulled over and told him,
it was nice to talk.

He grabbed his laundry,
and closed the back door.
I looked out the passenger window,
and waved au revoir.

He smiled at me,
and told me "God bless!".
Then he shuffled away,
into his house.

And as shifted into drive,
and slowly drove away,
I smiled and thought,
"one good deed a day".
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
 Apr 2015 JAM
Rolling Tongue
 Apr 2015 JAM
I'll cut your tongue off
And I'll smack some truth on it
Because that is what friends do.
-V. Nacho
 Apr 2015 JAM
I pick at your mind
Like it is last months shingles
Can't break the habit.
-V. Nacho
 Apr 2015 JAM
Liz And Lilacs
 Apr 2015 JAM
Liz And Lilacs
"Even your own body hates you,
enough to betray your mind."

The coldest thing
I could have heard
on that day
was what you said.

It was a bad day,
A hot day
full of my burning fear
and your scorching desire.

But what you said was so cold
So cruel
So utterly and completely terrifying
and absolutely humiliating.

"Even your own body hates you,
enough to betray your mind."
 Apr 2015 JAM
S R Mats
Two Broken
 Apr 2015 JAM
S R Mats
"Oh, Harry!  Harry is that you?"
The old lady calls to the young man passing by.

"I have looked for you everywhere, but could not find you.  
Why are they keeping me here, Harry?"

And when he pats her hand and bids her goodbye,
his heart is breaking;

For he wishes with all his being to have had her same recognition.
This scene is played out in homes for the aging repeatedly..
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