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272 · Dec 2017
8:65 a.m
Lvice Dec 2017
I'm so unbelievably sleepy
My face hurts..
And there are no words
left to say what I have been
saying all along.
But they weren't listening then,
and they don't really care now.
Just a matter of time I guess.
271 · Oct 2018
9:36 p.m
Lvice Oct 2018
Punish him
By being better,
Show him
He is wrong
By being good
To him.
This is
How you
Do not lose
270 · Sep 2017
Lvice Sep 2017
Nice people cry
And nice people do
What everyone wants them to.

It doesn't really matter
If they get the blame
They'll smile and take it as a gift.

They think it's important
To put everyone first,
But everyone excludes them.

Nice people
Want everyone happy,
And everyone excludes them.
269 · Aug 2017
He calls me babygirl
Lvice Aug 2017
If babygirl wants, baby girl will get
He takes care of mommy
And loves her to death

He says that if I need him,
To please let him know
He wants to take care of me too.

Peaceful snoring on my couch,
And I hope that he stays.
We'd all like it better that way

Will I have a new Daddy?..
I've never had one before,
But I hope that maybe he'll stay.
He calls me baby girl ❤
269 · Dec 2017
Lvice Dec 2017
How could
We do these things
To ourselves?
To our soul
Our mind
Our bodies..
267 · Jun 2017
Archive Mind
Lvice Jun 2017
(A Thousand-Mile Poem)
by JAC and JAB

I went hunting for history
Between the walls of a house
Peeking through its windows
In case its eyes went without.
Collecting the shadows
From shelves under his eyes
The storage room was full,
His heart heavy with lies.

Archive mind afloat with mystery
Memories and history
Saving me a seat
At the back of the library.

Reading through aisles of empty thoughts
I've known him since that moment.
The memory he nearly forgot,
He still carries a rusting watch
*The watch and time, no longer friends
Rust and poison, a story again
The archive mind begins and ends
At the touch of the forgotten face.
Another poem with the poet JAC! His work is in italics!!
Lovely working the Thousand-Mile Poetry Collection with you!!
266 · Jun 2017
Lvice Jun 2017
She was the nebula

A cloud of planetary dust
but light

The silhouette of possibilities
that somehow fell together

Imploding within herself-her irises of Sun

Matter in the purest form

The body that created stars
through other orbiting bodies
as small and meaningful as life
They used to call her impossible

But the facts can't lie as she does
As open as the sky
reflecting back her own light

A nebula of time
265 · Feb 2018
3:20 a.m
Lvice Feb 2018
The hardest thing
About love
Is that it isn't harsh.
All emotions
Are used like poker chips
And we care
So **** much if
We lose.
But if its the real kind,
Love can't be lost.
262 · Feb 2017
For my Future Chilren,
Lvice Feb 2017
One day,
       Someone will kick me in the stomache
And leave me breathless

And we will grow up-
  I will remember it
But they may not
  The feeling will leave footprints on my ribcage
  That will turn to mud
  On hardwood kitchen floors

We will fight
  And probably cry,you more than me
But oh can you imagine the happiness you bring!

One day you will lay your head
On the place that first knew your heartbeat

And we will both be home
261 · Jul 2018
Lvice Jul 2018
It could
Only be this type
I believe in only
Falling in too deep.
259 · Aug 2018
Lvice Aug 2018
I'd run away
From all of you
To find myself
And live my truth

There wouldn't be
A problem left if only
She understood he
Wasn't the secret kept.

I left your anger
Tears and pettiness
Under my pillows to be
Collected by whatever God

Is there waiting for them.  
I will not be the one
Your insecurities and fears
Haunt. I cannot let You

Determine my future
When what was good for you
Cannot be my medicine. I smile
With all the brightness of

A million suns and I can't
Take your constant clouding
Of my judgement. If you don't
Know I love so differently then

You do then you haven't been listening to me.  I have been screaming so loudly for so long
My throat is raw with emotion.

I want to bathe until all of the things we have been through are boiled off. I want a skin only the sun and breeze have touched.
255 · Aug 2018
Ella Sol
Lvice Aug 2018
Her heart
Beats inside my
255 · Dec 2017
A Reminder
Lvice Dec 2017
I'll always be there..tighten the jacket.
Read our old texts..reread the letters I've sent.
You have half of me with you always
I would never leave you alone.
252 · Jul 2017
Lvice Jul 2017
I guess
We all need to grow
A little
Being young
252 · Jul 2016
Lvice Jul 2016
I try to lift weights
So I feel strong
But what about the ones
I just drag along?

Iron at my ankles
Shackles on my wrists
I never knew I was a prisoner
Until this feeling hit.

Never knew what I've done wrong
I tried to be perfect
But it's all what I thought would happen
If people were ticking bombs.

I blew up in your face
After I thought I was helping you
You lit a fire on a long rope
And all I felt was a threatening taste-

I didn't know depression was this heavy a weight.
250 · Aug 2017
10:07 p.m
Lvice Aug 2017
I'm not sure what
You think I've lost
If now I have
My peace of mind
250 · Feb 2017
Scrambled Junctions
Lvice Feb 2017
The door was left open and you
  Stayed halfway     In

You broke the hinges to my head
Yes you
           let the words fly
In.      And
As they so please

The draft blew in and left
Sentences scrambling
(in the circumstances )

The pens wrote clumsily-and-scrawled
Brawling inks
  On my favorite wall

You let me fall off of the couch
And hit my poetry head first

I divided right in
Diving into yesterdays works.

Please ask him where he got the pieces from
I don't recognize my own heart anymore

I felt the puzzle in my head and knew the chaos that he handed to me like
Misplaced keys

He split the words of u-s with his tongue
And fingered through them

Like pages of the book he never finished
250 · Nov 2016
Lvice Nov 2016
Bring up the four walls again
Close all the windows
Make sure the blinds are shut
Keep yourself locked inside.
249 · Jul 2017
Lvice Jul 2017
The walls are spinning
Are spinning
The bed is moving
Your head is moving
Your feet are dancing
Your mind is open to
All possibilities
There are no impossible things
In the realm
Of make believe
When you are a fact
And I
Am a point in history
I will look for you
Where the world never stops
And colors
Taste like your name
This place
Where happiness sounds
Like music
Surround sound
In your head
The impossible is possible here
Where you never stop moving
I need another night
To never stop moving
To hear the music of my soul
247 · Sep 2018
In some pavilion,
Lvice Sep 2018
Two young woman are
Sitting across from each other
Soaking in the sun and scattering drops of rain.

Two sisters get to know each other again after what feels like years, over silly things like tattoos and muffins and how he held her close to him like he couldn't get enough.

The younger of the two wants to say how much she loves him. She wants to say so badly that he makes her pupils dilate too and he smiles like the sun and she doesn't want to lose that warmth.

As best friends they should be able to tell each other everything...but they've been apart for sometime and the age difference is a rift between them on occasion.

I just want to say that the love you feel, that mom feels, it's running through me too.
244 · Feb 2018
Lvice Feb 2018
She eats poison
For breakfast hoping
That tomorrow,

that there isn't.
God what the hell is wrong with me lately
244 · Jul 2017
12:55 a.m
Lvice Jul 2017
you want the truth,
wasn't you.
244 · Jun 2017
This is not a love poem
Lvice Jun 2017
But I still love the way
her freckles are only on her nose
How she can't dance but she
tiptoes across her kitchen
in her socks
There is beauty in the
dirt under her nails
As she grows her mind
This is not an ode
to how she drools in her sleep
Dreaming in puddles
then jumping in them afterwards
She's always liked the rain
She won't beg you to love her
She won't command your trust
She doesn't believe in warfare
But she doesn't mind a fight
She's been fighting herself, leaving her covered in scars
She sleeps alone in the comfort of her own skin
Always alone..but she doesn't mind
This is a poem dedicated to the love she gives to herself
The love that he couldn't give her
The love she can only give to herself
243 · Feb 2018
A Name
Lvice Feb 2018
I know what
he likes to be called.
But instead I call him
by what he is and though
he doesn't know it,
it's the truth in
my words that he loves.
242 · May 2017
Lvice May 2017
My laughter travels from my lips
to his cheeks
The result in his smile was beautiful

Mein Lachen reist aus meinen Lippen
Zu seinen Wangen
Das Ergebnis in seinem Lächeln war schön
242 · Nov 2017
6:35 a.m
Lvice Nov 2017
People come and go
And I won't bat an eye
But if you're the one
Who doesn't stay..
Lvice Mar 2017
The biggest problem
About air
Is knowing when to hold your breath
When to breathe
"Just breathe.."
242 · Nov 2017
5:22 p.m
Lvice Nov 2017
The fever broke
And she feels
241 · Jul 2017
Forgiveness Instead
Lvice Jul 2017
If her breathing
ever gives way,
let it not
be to hate.
241 · Aug 2017
Daylight Thoughts
Lvice Aug 2017
She'd rather
Petals over the

Give it to her
In pieces,
239 · Jul 2017
Cupid doesn't shoot strait
Lvice Jul 2017
Our first clue
That love will hurt,
Should have been
Cupid shoots arrows
At people.

"But is the pain worth it?"
For I wouldn't know,
I've only been grazed
A couple times.
238 · Oct 2017
11:36 p.m
Lvice Oct 2017
I don't get it
She's so great
And you
Deserve better
237 · Jul 2018
Lvice Jul 2018
Force yourself
Into my
But never
My heart
237 · Dec 2017
5: 16
Lvice Dec 2017
I crave to have
The truth
I know when
It is not mine
237 · Aug 2017
Trust in Myself
Lvice Aug 2017
I don't really want to fall
In love
I just want to feel like dancing
And smile for no reason

I don't really want to fall
In love
I just a daily hug
And to feel loved
237 · Oct 2018
Lvice Oct 2018
It feels
Like a weight
That sits on your
Chest and slowly
Weighs you down until
You feel like you're used to
The weight. Then when you're
Ready to go on, you step into the
Water and it brings you deeper into yourself.
236 · Jul 2017
Lvice Jul 2017
"I want you to be mine."
You can never
Own a girl
Who belongs solely to
236 · Aug 2016
Miles of her own.
Lvice Aug 2016
Give that girl an inch
And she'll make a mile
Constructing sky scrapers
Out of wooden tiles
Just feeling really upbeat today!
235 · Apr 2017
Don't Let Go..
Lvice Apr 2017
She held on with pale finger tips
And white knuckles
She held on
With praying hands
And tender lips
From rosaries
She locked arms
With something like the truth
And she held on
234 · Jun 2017
11:07 p.m
Lvice Jun 2017
So please
234 · Aug 2017
3:49 a.m
Lvice Aug 2017
"I'm sorry baby
I didn't mean to hurt you
You're doing amazing
I'm proud of you
I love you,"
233 · Sep 2018
"Bare with me"
Lvice Sep 2018
I could never forgive myself
If I hurt you
231 · Jun 2017
4:35 p.m
Lvice Jun 2017
I've cried often
and tasted the salt and sadness.
But that was before.
It would only take the once when
I kissed the rain from his lips
and that
would be all that ever mattered.
231 · Apr 2017
He is..
Lvice Apr 2017
The thing that breaks my heart
And allows me to come clean
Confessions at midnight
When tears are nearly pristine

He becomes the sheets my hands crave
To hold on to
when the day is rougher then us
He is where my soul can rest its tired head

He is the laughter between recycled jokes
And somehow his classics are funnier
As I feel the laughter tremble in
His heart of hearts

He was the happiness
That found me the way
all wonderful things do
And he stays the way they usually don't
230 · Jun 2017
1:45 p.m
Lvice Jun 2017
She still believes
in the falling
of rain
230 · Apr 2017
A Note to Her.
Lvice Apr 2017
You laughed as I expressed my grief
In waves of things I'm sure you expected
And smiled as I frowned back
And I tilted my head back
And how carelessly..
Did I lose my crown...
229 · Mar 2017
Lvice Mar 2017
You get nauseous
She asks if you're okay?
And you say it's just the foot
And when she tries to make sure
That you're okay you smile and hug her
This is the most you've been touched in
Forever and you miss the warmth that
You get from him and you love him
And she can't know because he's
Technically not yours? But he
Loves you and he loves you
And he loves and loves
And you
229 · Oct 2017
My love..
Lvice Oct 2017
My love,
You dress like an infinity of
You smile like the
As you rise
I love your warmth
And hold you
To my heart
227 · Aug 2018
7:03 a.m
Lvice Aug 2018
I only see
The good in people
Because what else could
There be to see?
227 · Feb 2018
Lvice Feb 2018
I don't know
Why I do this to myself,
Over and over again.

Why I keep telling
Myself that I will get
What was promised.

I should know better.
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