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 Mar 2016 Zhanara
Frank DeRose
She told me one time,

That all of life was lost. 

And she told me that time,

That she was afraid.

She said she was alone,

That no one loved her.

She said she could not be happy,

That love was a lie anyway,

Because people always hurt you.

I answered her in kind,

That the sun,

Following the night,

Never ceases to rise. 

I told her that was love.

I told her she was not alone,

That the sun caressed her

Skin and bones,

And that was love.

She did not believe me,

For she preferred the night.



And comforting,

She said.

I said that was fine,

For the stars could love her,

Just as the sun did.

She fell so in love with darkness,

That it consumed her,

Killed her. 

She did not understand me.

It was the light in the darkness that loved her. 

It was the stars amidst the darkness,

That could save her. 

But alas, 

They did not. 

I only hope now,

That they can save me.
 Mar 2016 Zhanara
Frank DeRose
You marry the night,
I'll marry the light.
Wear a shroud of darkness,
I'll wear one of white.
Show me hate,
I'll give you love.
Show me cruelty,
I'll care for you.
Be everything I'm not,
And I'll make you whole.
Leave me for dead,
I'll kiss you awake.
Take my soul,
I'll take your hate.
Give me unrest,
I'll bring you peace.
Put me down,
I'll lift you up.
Ever I shall lift you up,
Higher than I.
Bring me to hell,
I'll show you Heaven.
Because that's what love is.
Opposites do attract.
Written to comfort a friend.
Shattered marbles on the floor
Beautifully sparkling like snow
The light so thin beneath the door
A silver crimson line that flows
Wonderful forever more
Broken long, forever ago

Beauty is held in pieces so fine
Wholeness is so un-unique
But the glimmer of a broken line
The shattered skin so slick and sleek

Broken is as beauty seeks
The finest of the gentle meek
Soft rain dew over cheek
Pain is where true beauty leaks
A clock ticks time by tirelessly
Gears winding like twines of string
With quaint clicking quickly quieting
Until finally time stands still

Broken glass of a smooth clock face
Gears halting in deformity
Glistening shards like the sands of time
Ceasing in their downward flight

A once beating ticking heart of life
Now is lost within a sleepless night
Once a momentum to continued light
Now falls to the ringing silence's might

Time broken into shattered deaths
Until there is simply nothing left
Maybe you've guessed; my nightstand clock broke. It's not like it was an antique that belonged to my great grandmother or anything. Oh wait....
 Mar 2016 Zhanara
Poetry Is Life
These dreams-
They're killing me
They can't be real
I just want free

In each of these-
To me, he dies
But they can't be true
They're filled with lies

But to just sit here-
While they destroy my life
On the brink of insanity, I know
To live is to die
 Mar 2016 Zhanara
 Mar 2016 Zhanara
I thought to myself as I watched lightning dance across the sky north of my town.
"They must be getting really pounded up there."
But where I stood it was dry and no lightning threatened my light night walk.
So I carried on.
I never really plan these walks, I've never wanted to.
And there is no doubt in my mind.
That everyone I know spots me from time to time.
Old friends, relatives to whom I rarely speak, the black lipped girl I used to write about.
And sometimes I wonder what they think of me as I walk along.
But then my mind jumps away to other thoughts.
And its not even that I don't care which is usually the case.
It's just because on my walks I never go backwards.
Say, life is good.
Say, life is bad.
Say, you'll give
me the world.
Say, you'll not
die with the world.
Say, you care
about me inside.
Say, about me, I
hate you inside.
Say to me, I'll die
before you die so your
beauty can live everlasting.
Say to me I hate you.
Say to me, I love you:)
To be loved is the greatest
gift of life.
To be loved is the greatest
times to share.
To be loved is the greatest
compassion we share.
To be loved is the greatest
role of life.
To be loved is the greatest
pain we share.
To be loved is the greatest
moments of love.
To be loved is the greatest
guide to everlasting
I felt really good about myself. Hope you like it:)<3
Faith is when
you believe in
you or yourself.
Faith is what you
choose in your life.
Faith is with all
people in the world.
Faith is when you
have to hold on.
Don't worry we all
have faith in hope.
Faith is when you
work hard in school.
Faith is when you
applie yourself to work.
Faith is when you find
your one true love.
We do not
know what faith
will bring us.
Only you will know.
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