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Wuji Feb 2012
Tasted blood again today,
Though today the taste was different,
Saw it before but this time was liquid.

Warm the blood was but to my delight,
It tasted like fruit punch.
Others stared in fright.

Cut on thin steel the blood came out,
Rushed from my finger,
Rose up like a spout.

But this High-C,
Will spread disease,
If anyone drinks it but me.

Ya it's twisted,
I know.
But I had to share this since you all missed it.
I don't even know.
Wuji May 2012
Churches crying for attention,
Preachers point towards crowds.
"Sinners, all of you!
Repent, or go to Hell!"

Scared sheep scattered to find sanction,
In the so called holy land.
Attempts to please their God,
Explosions of passion everywhere.

People now divided,
Weaker than before.
But at least we know it's bad now,
To **** many ******.

Generals in the clouds,
Divide and conquer they all say.
I'll take the west you take the east,
Let's each make up some crazy names.

We'll tell the living a lie,
To keep them all in line.
Follow the instruction manual,
Or they'll all burn underground!

Get them to fear their master,
Make them beg for his forgiveness.
We truly are sadist,
For how much we enjoy your pain from our power.

Yes, everything is your fault,
And unless you donate to our corporation,
Than you can bye bye to all of your present and past family,
Because your going to burn in damnation.  

We'll make puppets of people,
To spread our word.
Which will create an opposite group,
Who we can put the blame on!

Scare the world to purge evil,
Fight hundreds of wars.
Just men waiting for a happy death,
All of which we can offer door to door.
"Like if you like Jesus, don't like if you like Satan."...really?
Wuji Oct 2011
Remember when we would lay with each other?
Remember when all I needed was you?
Remember when you broke my heart?
Why am I even asking, of course you do.

Remember when the towers fell?
Remember when Osama died?
Remember when I loved you?
Do you remember all these crimes?

Remember all the smart *** comments?
Remember how your dad teased me?
Remember laughing together?
Remember what we used to be?

Remember all the good times?
Remember when we fell asleep on the chair?
Remember all our stupid fights?
Remember how much you really cared?

Remember when the towers fell?
Remember when Osama died?
Remember when I loved you?
Do you remember all these crimes?

Remember when I remembered,
All the things from our past?
Remember how you pushed me away?
Remember the thing we did last?

We held hands,
In a reassuring squeeze.
And I felt sick,
Right down to my knees.
Yet you gave me that look,
To tell me everything was gonna be alright.
That was a lie though,
I am too blind to have sight.

Remember when I wrote this?
Remember the pain I felt?
No, no you don't,
Because I kept it all to myself.

Remember when WE fell in love?
Remember when YOU lied?
Remember when I loved you?
Do you remember all of OUR crimes?

I can't forget.
I remember.
Wuji Jun 2014
Started with a bang,
Ended when you rang.
That call that night,
That gentle shove out of sight.
All is fair in love and war,
She left me looking for more.
I stole you from your past,
To only now be put in last.
She'll **** her theripist,
Until he gets ******.
And then she too will feel the crash,
Tossed aside broken in the trash.
And I can't decide how I feel,
Think about you day and night as if you're real.
Out of sight and out of mind you don't exisit,
But then why do I still crave your kiss?
How could I ever take you back,
You've erased us and cut the slack.
Nothing was wrong you just couldn't decide,
I'd love to forgive but I'd hate to lie.
You know I'll see you on the streets,
You know how much I'd love to drag you back to my sheets.
I stole you once I'll return to the scene of the crime,
I know all you want is time.
To hate is weak and to love is to be strong,
Never the less you are ******* wrong.
And I can't decide how I feel,
So I won't decide I'll just spin the wheel.
I hope you understand this more than I do.
Wuji Apr 2012
Lacking emotions,
I take from those who feel.
A feeder of feelings,
Taking what is real.

A great man died,
Never met him in his life.
Yet come the end of his service,
I hold back tears in my eyes.

Everyone around me sad,
Remembering bittersweet memories.
As I stand there a stranger to their god,
Not knowing what life has in store for me.

Sad music plays,
And I try to see in the smoke,
The face a man or god,
Something to give me hope.

Hope that he is rewarded,
In their kingdom above.
As I take cues from the family,
Who gave that man all their love.

Leaving the service,
Holding the host in my hands.
No idea what to do with it,
Not knowing my plan.

Few there knew me,
Kid in red with long hair,
Stood by the grandsons,
The look on his face showed he really did care.

No clue on religion,
Or the story of the boy in the manger.
Rest In Peace,
From a stranger.
Rest In Peace.
Wuji Sep 2012
Ever walk into the dark hoping you'd get grabbed?
Ever held a knife's blade dreaming of the stab?
Visioning all that's wrong,
And all the ways to make them right.
Staring into the night sky waiting for the first glimpse of light.
Suddenly the light hits you,
The moment you look away.
Reveling all the scars,
Reminding you of the old days.
Each one of them was painful.
Each one of them made me smile.
Now I wait to be finished off,
Covered in oil,
Ready for the fire.
When I ignite my eyes will be on the night,
Standing there motionlessly on fire.
The unending pitch black night sky won't look as bad,
As the smoke raises higher.

This is my revision of the dark,
Picture a fire in a park.
Ignored by all.
A child watching,
Holds her doll.
And in her eyes,
There is the sun.
And the revision,
Has begun.
Spinning, spinning, and spinning.
Wuji May 2012
Under this grave deep in beneath all the dirt,
Heads of two men pulled an opposite Kurt.
Together skipped through the state of Denmark,
Pestered Hamlet 'bout madness till he barked.
Kissing the hands that always seems to feed,
Loved to be servants to the King and Queen.
Promoted to the most difficult task,
        Cruise to England to rid Hamlet at last.      
But Captain Jack Sparrow saved the poor fools,
Left them sailing in a sea of their drool.
Letter in hands they had it delivered,
Words in it though will have them bewildered.
Turned to the King they asked what's it about,
Twas the last time the two ever hanged out.
School project from the play Hamlet. This is what would have been wrote on Rosencrantz and Guildenstern's gravestone.
Ms. Mouser's favorite one she read. I got a 100%, "Awesome!!!" and at the last line she wrote "lol". I'll miss her.
Wuji Jul 2012
The dark,
Is it empty?
Or is it full,
Of the unseen?
Flip the switch,
Scan the space.
Find anything,
That you don't like?
Please replace.
Clutter will mutter,
***** thoughts to your mind.
Till you finally snap,
And **** someone.
Then your trapped,
In dark again.
This time jail cell,
With your new friend.
Go ahead,
Take your corner,
Sit and think,
About her.
She's all you have,
Yet she's not even there.
Alone with darkness,
Without a care.
Never know though,
The dark is so thick,
Maybe she's with you,
Trying to sooth the sick.
Wrap your arms,
Around both your sides,
Pretend she's tight against you,
And try not to cry.
All encompassing darkness.
Wuji Nov 2012
Rubbing the scars,
Magic lamp.
You are the genie,
That appears in my head.
Not with wishes,
Not with cures.
But I do while smile,
Why? I'm not sure.

Ideas of what,
We could be doing,
If not for,
All the walls.
You feel trapped,
I feel safe,
We both claim,
To have *****.

If I rub my scars,
Will you appear?
Or are you too close,
To be considered near?
You were happy in the past,
Why chance anything else?
If you do come visit me at my house,
I'll be smiling by myself.
Then they heal, and you won't come anymore.
Wuji Nov 2012
They say the graveyard is where everything goes to die,
But that wasn't the case that night for you and I.
Ignoring the calls and bright lights from the world,
Fixated only on the moans coming from the back seat of the car.

That girl that I stole,
With my corrosive touch.
At my mercy she moves,
Both of us can't get enough.

Caressing her over, pain on my mind,
Anger, desire, and confusion all down inside.
Just like my fingers found there way into her ****,
Controlling her, my puppet I'll tell her when to crash.

A lovely night in the back of the Jeep,
Held you so close in hopes that I could keep.
Surrounded by lust and dark thoughts,
I stare into nothing so I wouldn't weep.

You make me promise I won't love you,
You swear you're ******* me up.
You beg me to bone you,
But I can't...

I won't ruin you.
How long until I crack?
Wuji Jun 2012
Realization through dehydration,
Sadness is so sensitizing!

When I own the sadness,
It's a depressing madness.

When I see sadness on your doorstep,
I couldn't be more glad you guys met!

Sadness is relative,
And is all one of our relatives.

We all share the feeling,
But on others it is peeling.

When I see it on some though,
I laugh till I know,

The sadness.
Can't help but laugh.
Wuji Oct 2012
How does it feel to have a safety net?
Must me nice to know,
That there are dozens more,
To cushion the blow.
The shock from the fall might be sad,
But the nets will hold you close,
And even closer to their *****.
Now go,

I walk the tightrope,
With no nets beneath.
So wait there,
Stranded sitting down for a moment,
And pretend someone is worried underneath.
Instead of the cold hard ground.
My turn now,
Hope the friends in my head can catch,
Go long.
It is a little unfair.
Wuji Aug 2012
I can sit here.
Quietly I'll hum.
Maybe some tunes of happiness,
Or screams of sorrow to come.
I can close my eyes,
Can't promise they'll open though.
Inside of my eyelids stained,
With pictures that come and go.
A flickering light,
That excites me with each flash.  
But here comes those demons,
Here comes the crash.
So I stare,
And look them in eyes.
Then that hand reaches out,
They close my mouth and I agree,
I've said too much.
Only way to fix the world,
Is too just shut up.
Hold your tongue.
Wuji Oct 2014
Those chicks with the freaky brains.
The girls who dig pain.
Woman that dance in rain.
Broads who I can point out and name.

They all live cooped up.
Like to stay in their tree house.
So I find myself in there.
Looking for the rat among the mouse.

Plenty of them there.
Love the short hair.
Get lost into their violent stares.
I have a type, who cares?

I get inside the tower next door.
They all look at me intrigued.
Some want to ****.
Others just want me for the money.

I show them that I can tame.
Invite them to play a game.
It all feels the same.
Back in the tree house again.
The security guard remembers me by name.
Wuji Feb 2012
She's a freak,
She's quite meek,
And her cheeks,
Are divine.
Not sure,
If it's love,
But is that a crime?
To like,
A little crush,
On a girl so cute.
I barely know,
Much about her,
But I'd gladly,
Change that truth.
So let's sit,
On a couch,
And watch some movies.
Get to know each other better,
Or maybe you might,
Just slip me some roofies.
I guess that works too,
But if you go,
That route,
May I say,
No need,
To drug me,
I won't complain.
I want,
To be,
For you.
Twisted love poem? Yes.
Wuji Aug 2012
Do you hear the crows scream,
Their wicked plans.
Do you know when they come,
They promised they wouldn't hurt no one.
Shake your head,
If you know what I am saying,
Then your not playing dead.
Never understood,
That's why we killed the thieve,
You call Robin Hood.
Repeat after me.
Scream what you read.
Don't be their seed.
Rocking back and forward.
Wuji Aug 2012
Can't you see all of the ****,
Gathering at the bottom of the pond?
Slowly gathering,
All sin, plague and harm.

Let it all drown there,
Leftovers for the fish.
Eat it all up,
Before you go on their deep dish.

After which we will eat,
And gain the evil we fed you.
Taste of our own medicine,
What's worse we aren't even insured.

Hindsight came too late,
Right after I finished my plate.
Now everyone is falling over,
As my eyes start to close.

I fade away as I float away,
Going down down down,
Then I realize what I am,
I am the **** that drowned.
It is a circle.
Wuji Aug 2011
The future to you, so foggy.
And you want to see right through.
Your eyes become so groggy,
That your mind has it's self a coup.

Just yesterday,
You knew what to do.
But now due to your silly cards,
New options seem to come to.

You put your destiny,
In these simple playing cards.
The cards aren't supposed to predict the future,
Or tell you who you are.

Seeing cards, seeing cards,
What do you see?
I see the future looking back at me,
As I add the card's stories in,
My life starts to be filled with sins.  

They are pictures on paper,
that tell a story.
The ideas on the cards are starting to **** her,
And it's making me worry.  

What we have is so great,
I wouldn't trade it for the world.
We seem to be soul mates,
Why must you make these feeling twirled?

Whenever you look at those cards,
You will always see,
Sharp sinister shards,
That'll try to keep you away from me.  

Seeing cards, seeing cards,
What do you see?
I see the future looking back at me,
As I add the card's stories in,
My life starts to be filled with sins.  

I ask you to look past these,
Seeing cards.
They'll plague your mind with disease,
And keep us away by yards.

Don't base your life,
On these cards.
Put destiny in your own hands,
Avoid the make believe guards.

Seeing cards, seeing cards,
What do you see?
I see the future looking back at me,
As I add the card's stories in,
My life starts to be filled with sins.

I ask you to discard,
Those so called Seeing Cards.
Your destiny is yours, no person or card should tell you otherwise.
Wuji Nov 2012
He stands back,
He lets the fire burn.
Understanding why each spark was lit.

Speaks his words fairly,
Truthfully with no bias.
He alone determines good from bad.  

You can't understand him,
He doesn't understand himself.
He might tempt you but don't expect him to take.

Seeing it all at once,
Yet knows how each piece works.
A man who likes to spectate.

He is looking at you now.
You look so happy.
He smiles.
I watch it all unfold.
Wuji Oct 2014
Anchor dropped,
You hugged it tightly.
Swear you won't let go,
As you sink to the seafloor.

Don't you know,
You can't breathe from that far below?

I offer to raise the chain,
To pry you off and dry you.
But down there, words don't reach you,
You're filled with salt and cold water.

I'll smile through the waves,
Got this feeling that the current could change.

One day you'll be beached,
The waves pushing you closer and closer to shore.
I'll be there with that same smile and warm embrace,
The water trickling from ears you'll listen once again.

For now though you're still submerged,
Deny everything all you like, I know who you are girl.
You're still reading my love, you care. Talk to you soon.
Wuji Oct 2012
I want to cry for the beauty that hides.
Who trades down when they already have the prize?
I love the wonder in her eyes,
But I know that she will never be mine.

I want to walk away,
Amputate those feelings,
Let then stay with her,
And allow me to go on my way.
I know I can't though,
Something keeps me here,
Submersive to your touch .
I can't get enough.
I'll listen to your ideas,
I love to her you play.
Laughing and living life,
But I refuse to move what is in the way.
She plays with the idea of we.
Wuji Aug 2012
A surprise.
My own,
Blocks out,
Every sunrise.

Just to,
For a,
On the back.

My feet,
So I can feel,
The burn.
All the while,
That the tides,
Will finally turn.

Waves of,
Drag the sand,
Of my heart.
Ripping my spirit,

In pieces,
There only remains,
One rock.
As the waves,
Creep in,
Slowly taking away,
It's spot.

I cry,
As I see,
It roll,
Towards shoreline.
Almost out,
Of sight,
Yet I still,
Try to buy time.

At the moon,
I want,
That rock back!
I dive,
Into the waves,
To be eaten alive,
The shore of uncertainty's timeless trap.
What will I do now...
Wuji Aug 2012
Push a button,
Ding ding ding,
Watch all,
The wheels,
And gears,
The evil,
Sin sin sin,
Greedy *******,
The hope,
Never stays,
For nature.
Plays and plays,
There is no cure.
And lust,
Burn them all,
That's a must!
Don't forget,
The missionaries.
Their words,
Of Armageddon,
And hate.
All kindle,
For the,
The once,
Wooded land.
Melt all,
The gold.
How come,
In one spot,
Never seems,
To get old?
Burn it all,
Purge the land,
Join me,
As I take,
Shots of sand.
Wuji Apr 2012
My silence,
A weapon,
Ask me,
What is wrong.
But I,
My eyes,
Looking through,
My hair.
Into oblivion I stare.
My mind,
Is my company,
And I treat them,
Quite well.
All the others,
Question me,
Begging me,
To tell.
To tell what is wrong,
So that they might help me.
But what they don't know is,
In my mind I am as happy as can be.
It's when I don't talk that they all seem to want to listen.
Wuji Jul 2012
Mind like sky,
Only clear when we die.
Clouds roll in,
Thunder rolls by.
Sky like mind,
Absent at times.
Stars hide behind blinds,
We search and search,
Until we finally find...

The sky, the sky,
Clear enlightened mind.
That's what we find,
Our true brotherhood's sign.

One sky,
One world.
One mind,
One girl.

Mind like sky,
Storms never truly abide,
You'd wish you had died,
With your clouded mind.
Sky like mind,
You can never decide.
Contemplates crime,
Always wastes time,
The two are one of a kind.  

The sky, the sky,
Clear enlightened mind.
That's what we find,
Our true brotherhood's sign.

One sky,
One world.
One mind,
One girl.

Strive for clear skies.
Storm warnings.
Wuji Aug 2014
It's done,
Everything we had,
So how can I smile?

Maybe it's optimism,
That flies are always drawn to one thing,
And my flame still burns bright enough.

Or perhaps I already have what I need,
You'll always be as perfect as you were then,
Aren't so retroactive in there.

You're an interesting piece of this puzzle of,
Longing to be fitted with a piece as visibly,
But love your next to me and I am part of the blue sky.

Our portion is what makes this puzzle,
Don't force anything just let it,
So we both have a reason to smile.
Don't try to fit in with a crowd you look like you belong to, be with people who act like you.
Wuji Nov 2012
This cage is just big enough,
So that I can have some space,
To barley turn around,
And look Death in the face.

Throw me away,
Because you hate dealing with my ****.
**** me cleanly,
So you can stop having to smell my ****.

It is so cozy in here,
A bed barely made.
But it is still a place to stay,
Although everyone looks sad through my cage.

Sticking their uncleaned hands,
Inside my mouth.
Suppose it's better though,
Then when they stick their hands down south.

Compliments like insults
Brand who I am.
But I know they'll **** me,
With poisonous jam.  

Put me out of my misery,
Or at least theirs.
No one wants cloths,
Covered in my **** and hair.

They smile at me,
I just stare.
Call me the best,
But I know they don't care...
Didn't even know the poor girl's name.
Wuji Jun 2012
All I have,
Is not what I need.
Wishing to simplify,
Willing to bleed.

Snails can't out race,
The formula cars.
Worms won't ever,
Reach the stars.

Garbage is trash,
If's not white it's black.
My favorite knife,
Is the one in my back.  

Media will **** ya,
Not old news.
What is a car?
I think mine is blue.

Can't happen without reason,
What a way to think.
So tell high priest,
Why do we naturally stink?
Letting my mind run.
Wuji Sep 2012
There's an odd boy,
He stares into the glass.
You can see the longing in his eyes,
His whole body in a cast.
Marked up,
By all the ones he loved.
Saying get well,
"You won't be broke for long."

He knows he isn't broke,
But he still stares through the glass.
Trapped in his own cast,
Comforting him at last.
Reach for it boy.
Wuji Oct 2011
I find it quite odd,
That I seem to suffer from fraud,
When I meet,
A new girl.

They look at me,
Like I am majesty,
As they,
Follow me around.

But for whatever reason,
They are only ripe in the season,
When am with,

So I decline,
Their incline,
My heart.

Though it makes me smile,
To see you walk over to me from a mile away.
But my heart already,
Has it's place to stay.

So I do not,
Flirt a lot.
I just calmly,
Do my thing.

They can stare,
I don't care,
They should just know,
I'm happily taken.
Man them girls be mackin on me at the mall.
Wuji Nov 2012
I'm the worst ******* human being in the world.
****** and taking,
All that I don't deserve.
Stepping on friends' hands,
To boost me up.
Hypocritically shouting,
At those who have had enough.  

He is all that is evil,
In every ****** up way.
The actor who stars in ever single play.
He plays the lines so beautifully,
So fall for his trap,
He'll tempt you in bed,
While you are trying to take a nap.

Do on to you as have been done to him,
But he'll do it harder,
And bruise your skin.
His shackles are breaking,
But he locked himself down,
Holds his sanity with a tight grip,
Until the next time you come around.
He is me, and I am him.
Wuji Jul 2012
Dead neck down,
Smile on face,
Feed me friend,
Let me eat cake.

Can't dance like everyone,
That's not how I roll.
Fateful accident,
****** up my world.

At least I get that strawberry cake,
Licking the fingers of my good friend.
I can feed her too,
If she is willing to play pretend.

If it's not broke don't fix it,
When it does you replace.
Stop feeding me so much,
I'm choking on strawberry cake.

I can't stop her and the food,
Shoved down my throat I chew.
Shoveling handfuls in,
How much more of this can I do?

Stopped breathing then,
Couldn't believe my fate.
A tragedy,
Killed by strawberry cake.
Not a bad dream if I wasn't paralyzed.
Wuji Mar 2012
You say,
I'm not,
A keeper.
I just escaped,
Your trap.
You say,
I'll always,
Leave her,
Just cut,
The crap.
I escaped,
The bear,
By gnawing,
My leg.
All the,
You forced,
To say.
I hopped,
With no,
Hope for,
This stray.
The bone,
Going out,
Of my,
Own way.
Down to,
My chin.
My shadow,
Asked for,
A race,
And I,
Let him,
I fell,
A pile,
Of past.
Through the,
For a,
Love that,
Will last.
I hate MCAS.
Wuji Mar 2012
An arrow to the heart,
It hit the bull's eye.
Blind by cupid's arrow,
I can not deny.

I am tired of games,
Playing tricks,
Getting you closer to my ****.
I just want to run forward,
And mow down all,
In my way.
Doing everything I want,
Speeding by all the tolls,
Others pay.
I get my point across,
And you know I do it fast,
Get your feelings out now,
Before you are the past.
Tell it like it is,
Regret nothing you have said.
Speak when you can,
Tie up all the threads.
I'll get it off my chest,
Now get it off yours.
We'll be free like chickadees,
In the wide outdoors.
One way road,
And twenty cars behind.
Speed up buddy,
You are only wasting time.

Scream it out your lungs,
Until the ears are open wide.
Say everything at once,
Release your brain's bide.
I told you, and you were impressed I did. Hung out, ended with a kiss. Can't wait till next time.
Wuji Jun 2012
I can't get what I want,
So I am stuck here with everything.
I have all a person needs,
I want you and me.

Trade away all I have,
So I can walk your path.

Stuck here,
In my own chains,
Rotting in loneliness,
Day by day.

While I miss all the good times,
I lay here with everything dieing inside.

Buried in everything,
Trapped in a chest.
Gold and precious things,
Only second best.

Believe or not I'd rather spend my days,
Up against you as we both lay.
It's sad.
Wuji Nov 2012
It is a catch 22?

Than why do I always lose?
Not a 50/50,
I don't even know where I belong.

I understand what you are trying to say,
I know you can't move on.
At least now I know we aren't so equal,
I will never balance the scale.  

You blame him for being too noble?
No such thing.

I want there to be more cracks in the concrete wall.
So I can get in.
But he wins.
And I sin.
He is kin.
I want to begin.

The howling winds,
The coldest rain,
The smile on my face,
My black eyes full of pain.

Good for you two.
I watch. Because I will always lose.
Wuji Apr 2012
In the wild jungle,
Everyone has their place.
Some **** the littler ones,
The ones that take up space.

Can't keep myself from confusion,
I just want a place.
Before I am devoured,
And my family sings their grace.

Why are all the others,
So happy and amused.
What am I doing wrong?
What's this subterfuge?

Can't find my spot,
On the assembly line.
Following all my friends,
Wasting my own time.

Everyone's got something,
Something for their own.
What's my something?
Why am I just skin and bone?

My own mind is against me,
Picked the other side.
Wants to dismember me,
Begs for me to cry.

Can't show my emotions,
They are locked in side.
Never ending storms of sorrow,
With no hope of changing tide.

Why are all the others,
So happy and amused.
What am I doing wrong?
What's this subterfuge?

My outer shell,
Is having a blast.
While the ammo inside,
Explosive power relapse.

Where is my spot?
Just give me the job,
Master, pet, slave, manic, musician, ******, loud, quite, bi polar, poet, lover, nobody,
Where do I belong!?
Where hasn't Waldo gone?
Wuji Feb 2013
Oh Valentine,
Sweet blushing bride.
I never can call you mine,
Not in this lifetime.
Taken away,
Never had a chance to stay.
One day you'll pay,
Maybe when you walk away in May.
You were my love,
Clearly sent from above.
My pierced and stained dove,
I fear it is me who has had enough.
She crept into my life,
Bearing her claws and holding a knife.
Took me to great heights,
In the dead of winter's nights.
Hasn't moved on,
Can't see the light of dawn.
She'll write all her sad songs,
Not knowing if she can even last too long.
Yet I wrap my arms around her,
Love my disease and my cure.
Keep close my beautiful saboteur,
And drink her bittersweet liquor.
Sappy blah blah blah love.

Still relevant, oh love. (9/2014)
Wuji Oct 2012
Swinging swinging to and fro,
It'll be black before you know.
The systems will die,
Relationships untie,
While stuck in suspension you are just that guy.
Can keep swinging,
Can keep hoping,
That maybe someday,
Someone will come over to play.
Black halfway there,
I'm still alone.
Might have a million contacts,
But no one cares to phone.
Now it's getting dim,
Still no one is with me at home.
Wishing I had someone,
A consent to keep me company.
But now it's black,
And before I know,
Darkness engulfs me,
Do I want a nightlight?
Sure felt like it.
Wuji Aug 2012
Take a piece of me,
I beg you please,
Rip it off,
And keep yourself close to me.

And what is left,
Will live on,
Maybe forgetting you,
Maybe it'll hold on.

As for the piece you have,
Please don't forget.
That I can be with you,
I'll always be there if you fall.

But maybe it is time for you to trip...
I'll catch you.
Wuji Sep 2014
You fell apart,
While I held you tightly to my chest.
Slowly fading,
The lights start to dim.
I'm losing sight of my girl.

Said she just couldn't,
Mind changed she didn't believe in the one.
My heart sinks,
And then those thoughts sneak in,
Sad and confused, I missed the green line.

She fell away so easy,
How could I still hold on?
Miles below sea she still pulls me.
Stuck in her wake I want to get out of here,
Why can't I rise?
Guess I'll just have a little piece in you forever.
Wuji Oct 2014
If I could have a day alone with you,
I know exactly what I'd want to do.
Take you to my dorm and show you my room.
Let you admire my half decent street view.
We'd talk for hours and laugh away the past,
Things would be new and we wouldn't really care if it would last.
We came here for the love and we'd try are best to not take it too fast.
Filling the void we'd stitch up the gap no matter how vast.
I'd put my arms around you again,
Hold you tight to me my old close friend.
Not really sure what kind of signals you'd want to send.
I'd smile that big smile, I knew we didn't break up it was just a bend.
Sit you down on my bed I swear you aren't being used.
Wouldn't believe that we've returned after being set loose.
Now though, we would be there home together in our roost.
A spark in the fire would erupt, "Want to listen to some Muse?"
I'd love to have that day with you.

"But now I have finally seen the end.
And I'm not expecting you to care.
But I have finally seen the light.
I have finally realized.
I need your love.
Come to me,
Just in a dream.
Come on and rescue me.
Yes I know, I can't be wrong,
And baby, you're too headstrong.
Our love is madness." - Muse
Wuji May 2012
Thought I felt it yet it fled away.
I question it now.
What do I love?
I love my family,
I love my friends.
But what of that other love?
The fairy tale one which I believe I've never partaken in.
But when I hold you,
You say "love me".
I give you the biggest squeeze and agree.
All the love I need is in your arms,
Your laugh,
Your smile,
I may not be "in love" but I feel closer than ever before.
I love that kinda love.
I want this kinda love.
Wuji Nov 2012
Under a tree, under the stars, under control, restrained arms.
Whispers of laughter, whispers of pain, whispers of desires, shouts of disdain.

Biting me while biting you,
Grab hold of the flesh and chew.
I'll make sure you're sorry you ever brought me here,
Bruising your body because I love you so dear.

I've liked you for centuries ideal picture in my mind,
That punk Mona Lisa that smiles so cruelly all the time.
Follows me with her eyes but not with her body,
But begs me endlessly to be naughty.

We've got matching scars,  we've behind opposite bars,
We're here alone in the dark, knowing that this is all wrong.
Perfection. That is what you are.
Wuji Aug 2012
I play with machines,
Till the money ****** me in,
Now they play with me.
The title is longer then the poem. I think that is funny.
Wuji Oct 2012
Our society is playing limbo,
That bars drops and drops.
When you hit it you fall,
When you fall you crash.
Now you your broken,
Time for relapse.
Remember back in a time before,
Where ****** were gentle,
And guys could roam.
Skip down hopscotch boulevard,
To end up in a hole,
Below the bar.
Under pavement,
Alone an understatement.
As you try to procrastinate,
Your suffocation.
Died long ago score under par,
Taken out like everyone else,
By that **** bar.
We all fall together yet end up alone.
Wuji Jan 2012
I'm on a raft,
In the middle of a river.
Winds are blowing,
Currents are raging,
And yet it is my lip that starts to quiver.

Can't believe that I'm about,
To be pushed down stream.
By that same familiar wind,
Which I always sail by.
Sailors stories always follow the same theme.

First the great catch,
So many pictures to take.
Then you start to settle down,
And get your story straight.
One person always seems to keep the date.

But then the river,
It comes to terms with me.
Says it no longer wishes,
For me to sail in its self.
How many tears has the sky seen?

No longer wants me here,
Although it cast me out.
Doesn't feel the same,
Since I sailed into the rocky shoreline.
Here comes the drought.

So now I walk,
Walking on the sands,
Between me and the world.
Looking for a drinking spot,
That will meet my throat's small demands.

My map,
Although out dated.
Has some spots,
I have been to.
Though now some seem so overrated.

I will wander,
On the sands which I must stay.
Looking for something,
That can keep me alive,
Except that river which I will stay away.
Rivers' currents change much more then you'd like.
Wuji Mar 2012
Welcome to the city,
Watch the stars run away.
Welcome to civilization,
Hope you hate your stay.

Come here with dreams?
Leave with tears.
Learn the unknown,
Realize your fear.

Welcome to the city.
The stars have left us,
Why leave the city?
Don't like the bus?

Commercialism claims us all,
Throw pennies in the fountain.
They even have billboards,
On the highest mountains.

Hate the outside,
Rather be living in a cell?
Come down to the city,
"Can't believe it ain't Hell."

Welcome to the city,
The stars hide their face.
Turned backs to humanity,
With no hope of being saved.

Welcome to the city,
You fools won't get any pity.
The stars in Maine are amazing.
Wuji Jan 2012
The challenge was issued,
You thought I would lose.
Well I tell you what babe,
This will make the news.

I had enough with the sadness,
And the madness too.
So pick up your phone!
Because I am leaving you.

Can't believe it came to this,
What have we become?
Why keep pushing me away,
Why are you so numb?

I didn't want to do this,
But you think that's a lie!
Why did I leave you?
Stay strong future Ryan, remember how she made you feel, how chained you were. You needed to be away from her and you still do. You made that choice so don't go back on it. Have fun.
Your forgotten friend,
Past Ryan.
Wuji Jan 2013
The sand slides down a narrow tube,
Into the pile of my thoughts of you,
Escaping the prison held on high shoulders,
Grains of sand that were once boulders.
We're done, we're finished, but we never started,
I really wish I took back the part,
That you stole from me,
Left a castaway on the beach of needs.

The salt water so satisfying,
All the while I've been dying,
I know I need her so,
But I've been taught that you shouldn't take,
That which isn't yours.

The guilt she feels will **** her fast,
While I lay here crying in dead last,
Finish line so hard to see,
But she swears they'll be a chance for her and me.
I'm sinking down with lower to go,
An anchor tie to pin me to the seafloor,
I'll wait in darkness, hunger and exestuation,
Surround by tape of caution.

The judge says I am crazy,
Told him sanity is such hard work and I am lazy,
I know I need her so,
But I've been taught that you shouldn't take,
That which isn't yours.

Help! I've lost what was never mine,
Who could possibly help me find,
The girl who is in love with another guy,
I would chase but I know that our time,
Has run out.
And I'll lay down in my cage,
Watch you smile from miles away,
Dreaming of the day,

You flip our hourglass.
Broke up with my pretend girlfriend...
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