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Wuji Oct 2014
I'm proud to be a narcissist,
Because during times like these,
More people hates themselves,
As they get down on their knees.
Few appreciates the strength.
That comes from inside.
Many of them lie weakly down, beaten by life,
While some like me enjoy the ride.
They all predict,
The same simple idea.
That life will kick in in the ***,
And kicks harder each year.
We say **** that notion,
You gotta kick back twice as hard.
We're completely full of ourselves,
We know who we are.
Make it so.
Wuji May 2012
Why not take chair?
No the floor is nicer!
Living by constants,
Your lower brings me higher.

Always taking,
The biggest seat in the room.
Not the broken velvet chair,
But the open space on the ground!

Can't help myself,
Wanna stay close to my mother.
Hold her hand in mine,
Hide behind her from strangers.

Hate the trapping desks,
Hands on throat they choke me out.
Collared shirts buttoned up,
Always seem make me go nuts.

Sitting here in disconnect,
Phone away from home.
Singing songs to myself,
What more could I ask for?
I like the floor.
Wuji Aug 2012
He screams,
He claims,
That Jesus,
Has died in vain.
He swears,
And declares,
Words of his god,
Saying he is scared.
Scared of the devils,
That house our kingdom of sin.
Calls us the ignorant ones,
Says none of us will really win.
He hates,
And remembers the date,
The death of his lord's son,
Mourning his savior's ****.
I wanna get away,
From the lava he spews,
Burns all the non-believers,
Better catch up on old news.
Not a preacher a police man,
Violently whips those who are unjust,
Never stopping,
How ironic,
Screaming "In God We Trust".
Wuji Nov 2012
Inner peace,
The last piece.
See the whole picture,
Thanks to the inner piece.

Only I know what is right,
And guess who knows what's wrong.
Everything rests in my hands,
So no I won't get in your thong.

Can't you see I am trying to save you,
Don't you know you are in love?
Stop sending me invitations I can never deny,
You're already so high above.

I am not worth it,
Why chance a sure thing?
I am nothing special,
So just stay away okay?

You'd think I'd be divided in two,
But my body and mind our one.
I will always know what is best,
And when I can be wrong.

Not with you though,
Not now at least.
I wish I could be truly mad at you,
But I have found my inner peace.
You'll never find it. That is your flaw.
Wuji Dec 2012
Destined to dominate,
Taming a fierce lion.
Velvet whip at the ready,
The cracks make her purr.

She is so used to being in control,
My time to take the reigns.
Give her pain and suffering,
To make the scale equal again.

She might want to win,
But she loves when I bring her to her knees.
Manipulating the monster,
That I thought controlled me.

Your sentence is simple,
Eye for an eye.
You killed me inside out,
Now it's your time to die.

Glad you did your research,
Now it's time for the test.
Will you fight me off,
Or can you truly not resist?

I have the power in this cage,
Lock me in,
So I can't engage.
You would look it up. What better place than the sky?
Wuji Aug 2012
Sexually driving,
It's almost a given,
For all the boys,
My age.
Yet I feel so perverted,
Twisted and distorted,
In my own way.
My lust for love,
A starving coyote,
Chasing something too fast.
Each day without love,
In this barren desert,
Brings me to the last.
Hard to chase,
Something that never stays still.
Hard to enjoy a party,
When you know,
That you will pay the bill.
Easy to fall freely,
Into the nearest set of arms.
Easy to forget,
That even poisonous snakes,
Can be charmed.

In the desert,
Endlessly dry.
No water in sight.
Except that...
Is it real?
Wuji Mar 2015
I didn't get to class on time cause I wanted to sleep.
And I was too tired to go out to eat.
Man this has been such a long ******* week.
But the shortest and most delightful parts is when I'm asleep.

I didn't have to time study cause I needed sleep.
My presentation was half assed cause I wanted to sleep.
And every single day I nap the hours a way.
All in the good name of sleep.

It's the thing I do the most,
But also the one thing I need.
If I had to choose a from courage, a heart or a brain,
I'd ask to lay under that house that brought Dorothy.

Cause all I want and need is sleep.

I missed my date this afternoon since I was asleep.
She can't wait for me to come over so we can sleep.
We'll lay in bed alone with two heads and many dreams.
Wishing for uninterrupted sleep.  

Cause **** 8ams,
And **** alarm clocks.
The city is moving,
But I just want it to stop.

When the snow falls down and city shuts off,
Then I sleep my day away after a night of drinking slop.
Let's take a nap.
Wuji Aug 2012
How long do I have to wait?
How many paths do need to refuse to take?
To get to you.

When I have my destination in mind,
I always end up wasting my time.
When all in the end, I want you.

Doing too much or doing too little,
Not seeing the answers to my own riddle.
I cannot seem to scream my final answer, "you".

I am stuck going down a one way road,
Not knowing if where I am headed is actually home.
So that I may rest with you.

As I travel with thoughts rolling in my head,
I see on the side of the road all the dead.
Did they die there waiting for you?

It can't be the same but that doesn't make it worse,
If I never make it home will I ride in the hearse?
Laying there thinking of you.

Will I die on the road to you?
I think I might have already started.
Wuji Sep 2011
Hester was imprisoned for her sin,
She had betrayed her own kin.
By ******* with a different man,
She ruined her family's master plan.

They could've lived peacefully in Boston,
If it wasn't for Hester's sin.
Now her husband wants pay back,
On the man who was with Hester in the sack.

While in prison Hester had a little girl,
She decided to call her Pearl.
As an added bonus she received a new family crest,
A scarlet letter for her breast.

As she walked out of jail,
Her life seemed to derail.
As the people in the crowd,
Mocked her with a tone so loud.

She stood on the scaffold so she could repent,
While the townspeople picked at her feelings like she was a dent.
Her husband manged to get into the crowd,
He put a finger to his lips for he was too proud.

When it was over Pearl and her went home,
To a cottage far away so they could be alone.
Hester tailored cloths to keep her family alive,
For in family values they were not deprived.

She decided she would still perform good deeds,
Helping the town's people with all there needs.
She beat the system with hard work and determination,  
Even if her sin will send her to an eternity of damnation.

A scarlet letter "A",
To separate night from day,
To make Hester pay.
We'll see what society has to say,
Will spirit be broken, nay.

Her husband went to find the guy,
Who ****** his wife and denied.
He then got a patient for him to care for,
Arthur Dimmesdale, who was the *****.

Almost certain that he was the one,
The doctor had himself some vengeful fun.
He wanted the priest to feel his pain,
At this point the doctor is no longer sane.

He bombed his thoughts with mental missiles,
The words he said hurt like wild whistles.
The priest knew he needed to repent as well,
He tortured himself till blood was the only thing he could smell.    

But that was not enough for the priest,
For the visions of his sin wouldn't cease.
So he stood on the scaffold so he could repent,
He screamed in the night but no one gave him their two cents.

Until his lover and daughter came to the scene,
And then something magical happened like it would in a dream.
A meteor flew down from the heavens and marked in the sky,
A letter "A" way up high.

The Priest and Hester deiced to meet,
In the forest in about a week.
They talked and made a plan,
To get out of this foreign land.  

After the Priest's last speech,
The family would leave for an European beach.
But the doctor found this out,
And boarded a trip on the same route.

But before the family tried to leave,
The priest had some unfinished ends he needed to weave.
He ripped off his shirt and there on this chest,
A ****** scarlet "A" just like the one on Hester's breast.

A scarlet letter "A",
To separate night from day,
To make Arthur pay.
We'll see what society has to say,
Will faith be broken, nay.

The priest then died right there,
Giving all the town people a scare.
The doctor had never got his full pay pack,
The purpose of life, he now lacked.

Now for the good news you will hear,
The doctor died within the next year.
Pearl and Hester left that place,
And went back to their home base.

Pearl married a rich man,
Despite being the "devil's brand".
But as for Hester she had returned,
To the place that she yearned.

Back to Boston where she was labeled,
But this time the scarlet letter "A",
Didn't mean "Adulteress",
It meant "Able".    

A scarlet letter "A",
To separate night from day,
To make Hester pay.
She changed what society had to say,
With her spirit, she had created her own way.
Basically a poem version of a summer reading book I had to read and pretty much my best byproduct of procrastination. All credit to the author and the story he told of course.
Wuji Nov 2012
Follows the light,
And the darkness.
Loving the chase,
Loving you.

Slowly it'll come,
Grab hold of  your fear.
Screaming silence,
For all to hear,

The breaths on your neck,
All the ***** hairs.
No eyes to see,
But you know it stares.

Dressed for the occasion,
Suit black as night.
Face so faceless,
An empty plate of white.

You can run forever,
But it can stalk longer.
Drawn to the push,
Of every stray wanderer.

So thin,
So tall,
Look at it once,
And you're gone.
Don't look back.
Wuji Sep 2012
There's the idea,
Get up and leave.
Go on the path of your own choice.
God has got nothing to do with this,
But a hollowed voice always doubts.
I can run for miles,
Shards of glass for shoes,
Forcing me to walk my path,
Not with you but alone.
Run all I want I still need to hide.
Live with the spiders?
The monkeys?
Inside my own mind?
No much too cluttered in there.
Keep moving towards the realization,
That I will end up coming back.
A nature walk to find myself,
Only ended in my last act.

But that's okay,
The show must go on.
And I'm sure it will.
Wuji Jan 2013
All the everything that I have done,
Can't help to feel I have just begun.
Won't claim to great,
As I slowly abate,
Where did this all start?

Entered a room crowded with new faces,
Found a vantage point to asset the strangers.
One stood out,
You shined through dust,
But we were so far apart.

Introductions were given without much thought,
Smiles were shared throughout the year.
And then I realized,
I like you,
You had stole a piece of my heart.

Now we taint each other with lust,
Breaking walls that could have kept you safe.
Can't help myself,
I love her,
Our love for each other is but fleeting art.

This rising action is so transcending,
Though the ****** will come soon.
Then we'll fall away from each other,
And it'll end,
That will be the day we part.
I hope it works out... I really do.
Wuji Feb 2012
Do you want to know something crazy?
Or are you just lazy,
Just like the polls say you are.

I know a secret that you should all know,
Secret's out, ready for the show?
Prepare to see.

Us the USA have made are own enemy.
We built them up to tear them down.
Excuses to **** them for the treasure buried beneath the ground.

Spending money that could be saved.
While our men and women are dieing left and right,
Thanks to the greed of are politicians and their might.

We invade their cities and break their codes.
Don't blame the soldiers they can't say no.
Didn't sign up to **** kids.

The soldiers signed to protect their home.
Government has different ideas though,
Occupy the Middle East make her our ***.

Give weapons to the poor they can fight too!
And when we are no longer in control,
Paint them as our enemy let them pay the toll.

This is no solution,
It's making everything worse!
Withdrawal all the troops now before their hearse!

The soldiers want us to speak for them now.
Bring them all home and reverse all the families' frowns.
Protect us, the USA.
And stop spreading all of this hate.
If only my thoughts mattered...
Wuji Nov 2012
The idiots of our planet,
Are slowing killing themselves,
Along with all of us.
But if we all ban together,
And **** just one a day,
We rid ourselves from this infection.
Just one a day,
Surely you can lend a hand.
They need you.
We need you.
You need you.
**** one,
And please tell your friends to do the same.
Erase them.
Wuji May 2012
Placed into an awkward stance,
Can't see through that powerful glance.
The look in your eyes so all powering and sweet,
Yet I can not hold you till our feeling meet.

I want to spin you round and kiss you beneath the trees,
No one near by only you and me.
But I know how I feel but how do you do?
I feel so small and easy something that's new.

If I grab you will you comply,
Or would it result in an awkward goodbye?
Please grab and kiss me,
Let me know that you love me and you'll miss me.

I want to be yours and for you to be mine.
Forever? Maybe. How about a long time?
Laughing all day I can't help the thought,
We can love each other till we rot.

Ya, I do sound crazy but really I want one thing,
To spend many days with you darling and hear you sing.
So sappy and did I write it?
Wuji Jan 2012

Broke my heart again,
Yelled at me again,
Accuses me of everything again,
Saying I am the worst of all men.

Why did I let you in?
You blow up my house every time.
Makes no sense.
No rhythm no rhyme!

You are child,
And you play every game.
Freeze tag with my heart.

You have made me hate my choice.
Yet I wouldn't change a thing.
Our song was a  fine one,
Yet it will not sing.


I AM ******* DONE,
Wuji Aug 2012
I can see back in time,
Noticing hidden hums and rhymes.
Gazing the stars I thought to be dim,
Chances of it all happening again are so slim.

Moving on I know who I am,
I am the guy who doesn't know.
Past, Present, Future, Relevance, and Ambition,
Are all missing from the show.

But as long as I can smile,
I can assure that I will know them.

Might just take awhile.
I hate timeline
Wuji Oct 2011
I'm tingling inside, as the rage raises up,
Cursing words through my clenched teeth,
Swearing that on day I'll hurt you like undid to me.

O the lies you must of told to get me here,
As my soul starts to melt.
How did you create this fake love? It's dragging me down to hell.

I'm burning here you see,
And I bet you can't help but laugh,
Throwing me your ***** looks picking at all my scabs.

But I'm looking for a path to get out,
After all I need too.
I can't bear to stay in this hell, I need to completely leave you.

I try and I try,
Only for my heart to deify,
Me from leaving.
So I stay there,
I lay there,
Already defeated.

Get me out of here,
Don't turn a deaf ear,
My skin is starting to sear,
There is fire in my ear,
Someone safe me from my fear.

Then. You. Came. Along.
Operation : Prolong,
The pain that I feel now.
Challenge accepted,
Let's get down.

You might not save me,
But you can try,
Give me some hope,
Wet the desert that has gone so dry.
Be my pope ,and preach me words of love.
Be my way out of hell, my sweet little Dove.
I actually hate you...but no matter I got my way out. So long.
Wuji Oct 2011
Together again,
Yet again,
We fixed your rend,
Once again.

We are together,
Better then ever,
You say it'll last,

Is this a tease?
A blowing breeze?
Or just an excuse,
To get on your knees?

I don't care,
For there is love in my air,
Which I breath in and out,
As if I was dared.

Is it fate,
That got us to this date?
Will it bring us to the point,
Where we mate?

Let's let this tale unfold,
I am no longer cold,
I want to be with you forever,
If I might be so bold.
I missed this. <3
Wuji Dec 2012
Temporarily tortured realationship,
I thought I found where I fit in.
But she been promised to a guy before me,
Try all I like I can't win.

Trapped inside a ditch,
With only a shovel to get out.
I'll dig for days on end,
If I could only escape all this doubt.

I recall throwing myself down here,
But not the reason why.
The love I sought illudes me,
Can I just let it die?
I will remember you.
Wuji Sep 2012
I have her trust.
Shouldn't that be enough?
She has giving me what I want,
But it is a taunt.
If I take it I will break it,
And lose her heart.

I am in control.
I always seem to be.
That is why,
I allow,
Others to think,
They control me.

You make me your safety net,
As you cut me up.
Making me,
Feel so good,
But do more then smile,
I am forcing you to stop.

Trust me.
Let's see how this goes.
Wuji Nov 2012
I can't drown in my own blood,
I won't let you push me down.
I'll pretend I can control myself,
But please stay by my side.

The story starts in the dark,
Brought me beneath a tree.
Begged me to get give in,
To see me submitted, on my knees.
I wouldn't fall,
But you begged and said please.
I dropped to the ground,
Hoping to appease.
You bit holes in my neck,
Drew lines with your nails,
Kissed my head so tenderly,
Tried to see through my stare.
After all was done,
She begged me to bite her.
Cracked my wall,
Sunk my teeth in but slowly withdrew.
Pulled her hair to hear her cry,
Caressed her neck violently but took my time.
Spoke words of madness right to her face.
My eyes trying to see through space.
Looking for that black star.

Shes laughs at my face,
Cries out at my touch.
We both scar each other,
But neither of us can get enough.
What a night...I found out so much.
Wuji May 2012
There is a beach to the east where high tide never seems to cease,
A man, a son, runs along the shore fighting his own brother
Tied, an equal match for each other, they fight for the right for a lover.

An evil inside has taken a most deadly form,
A clone who's desire is parallel to the other with equal cost.
Or is it intersecting, since now both their blood cross.

Two men of the same right, one black, the original white.
Will never talk nor words be spoke at all,
A fight to the death will only begin the next brawl.

Sand burning the souls of the fighting men,
Bare fists curled into iron ***** of hate.
Swing and miss till you land a hit, they will never abate.

The seas try to pull them apart, ripping the shore itself,
Blowing winds of pure destruction upon them.
But the fight blinds, only thoughts in the heads of them are to condemn.

War wages on, now they harness nature,
Making bombs, sickness, and uses all life.
Just two brothers who are trying to end the strife.

The Mother calls a friend who promises to deliver,
A force so destructive any tide will retreat.
The brothers ignore signs and continue stroking their meat.

Ignorant men fight on.
Meanwhile the bystanders ask for a sign,
What have I done to ******* the divine?

"You've done nothing. Now die."
They fight on and on.
Wuji Oct 2011
There always are those two paths,
That one could go down.

One may lead to a smile,
The other to a frown.

But you don't know which path to go,
You're lost within your mind.

Each path goes to the same place,
The end of your life.

So go ahead and pick,
Just let it be known.

You will pay for path,
That you have chose to own.

And no, there are no do overs,
So don't think about "What if?"

Stick to the path your heart tells you too,
And you'll be happy in the end.
I made my choice. And I can't wait to see how it goes.
Wuji May 2012
How can I make a move,
When I don't know where the ground is?
Jumping into darkness into the unseen.
Hate that I wait here,
Waiting for light.
Color a pathway,
A bridge through the night.
Unsure of the kiss,
I knew I would miss,
If I didn't get the hint.
But being scared of the dark,
Has never payed off.
A torch, a lamp, a nightlight please.
Take me to a place unseen.
Guide me.
Wuji Apr 2012
Hanging out,
Can't help to see,
What you left hanging out,
Was it for me?
Straps unstrapped,
Exposed thong,
Bending over,
Touching me all day long.
Don't know what to do with myself,
Used to mindlessly having *** all day,
Then you come into my life,
And I want to hear what you have to say.
Don't know where we stand,
So I sit on the floor.
Waiting for the day you mount me,
As for you I leave open my door.
Yes, you can come through,
At anytime you desire.
Because I know you like control,
So come and light me on fire.
I battle it, but why shouldn't I let it win?
Wuji Sep 2011
No heart.

We are better.

With you,
I am someone new.

As one,
We have so much fun.

You and me,
A pair created through destiny.

But for a reason unknown by me,
You question what we have.
Can't you see what we could be?

You and me makes us,
No need to fuss.
Don't question love just go along with the ride.
Wuji Oct 2012
It's too late to care, she's dead.
She killed herself with variability,
And none of you were there,
Quit your *******, all are guilty.
All of them claim to hate a common enemy,
But how can they?
I see blood on every hand dripping,
Hand prints covering the walls.
Self destructive behavior is human,
We know everything breaks.
All fixes are temporary,
But some will fix and fix.
No one fixed her problem,
Now she's gone...
And you care now?

She broke herself,
How can anyone fix that?
Why honor her for beauty,
When there are millions of suicidal rats?
I wish I could have helped.
Wuji Dec 2012
Admiration towards the sensation of your body against mine.
Seduced, confused, and begged to be abused I let go of the reigns.
Got down to nothing and asked for something I should have not gave her.
I let her feel me as best as anyone could.

Again, again, I can see the start of trend.
We'll push each others buttons until the buttons come undone.
Some pain, some pleasure, and the sweet kiss of forgiveness.
Don't hate me my dear if I can't play nicely.

We question what we are, and why can't stop.
Animals of desire we never get enough.

I swear I'll stop but don't leave me alone.
He is a madman you know, bites through the bone.
Don't want to be beside myself with him.
The screams he makes make me die to be killed.

Stay here with me, the pain will hold you still.
In my arms, you lay so comfortably, innocent to what is adding up on this bill.
If I steal you away can I smile?
Or am I doomed to be burdened by the thoughts of what if?

I am tortured by my Queen,
Her name is Venus.
You're all I can write about right now...
Wuji Mar 2012
Vulture fingers,
Scour the flesh.
Picking out flaws,
Not seeing the best.

Picking at the surface,
Finds everything wrong.
Won't look deeper,
Doesn't want to stay that long.

Scavenges through the skin,
Making blood gush out.
Tears in his eyes,
Mind full of doubt.

Who can love roadkill,
Picked to the bone?
Flies in his insides,
Making their new home.

Maggots in the eyelids,
Rotting to the brain.
Picked himself to pieces,
"We knew he was insane."

Vulture fingers devour,
Every single flaw.
Leaving a mutilated and infested corpse,
"Perfection" is what it's called.
Make yourself pretty, won't you?
Wuji Mar 2012
Do you even know,
How your touch warms my body?
Brings me to life for a second,
Only to be taken away.

Our last hug,
Not sure if you felt like me.
I didn't want to let go,
But my bus was here.

We flirt during the day?
I don't even know.
Is flirting a mutual thing,
Or am I just seeing what I want?

Our teacher teases us,
"Just go out already."
She made a face, that I couldn't see,
Her friend laughed at her or was it at me?

A face of hope, or of disbelief?
I want to know,
But if I ask her I worry.
What if I am just a friend...

I have been never good with feelings,
Fragile things they are.
I tend to emit easy ones like happiness,
But that's it, no hate, no sadness, no love.

I am warmed by your very touch.
I love when you play with my hair.
We have fun, I want more fun.
I want you. But how do I get you?

If you don't want me,
What will happen?
I like things now,
But I'll love them if I am with you.

I want you,
Want me.
Want us.
I want her warmness in my life.
Wuji Aug 2011
Women cry,
Men die,
Children watch their parents slaughtered.

Bombs are dropped,
Homes destroyed,
Government treats us like toys.

War is won,
Was is lost?
Only the people suffer the cost.

Families forced,
To leave their land,
All for the "Greater Plan".

Soon they give the term a name,
While they tell us,
Who to blame.

Millions die,
Billions cry,
For this thing that runs us dry.
They call it war,
And it has tore,
A great hole in our land.
Each of themselves,
Calling the other one,
the "******".

Men react to the call of war,
As if it were,
A cheap *****.

Blindly walk into a trap,
While the politicians,
Enjoy a frappe.

Lives of men shatter to dust,
As their guns,
Begin to rust.

Missiles launched through the air,
Causing are brothers,
Great despair.

Cowards hide behind closed doors,
Avoiding the many,
Wounds of war.

Millions die,
Billions cry,
For this thing that runs us dry.
They call it war,
And it has tore,
A great hole in our land.
Each of themselves,
Calling the other one,
the "******".

Left or right,
Good or bad,
Pick a side "Mother Land".

Free or whipped,
Laws or not,
Come on United States show them what you got.

Missiles missiles everywhere,
As the bystanders,
Turn and stare.

Led by the Cabinet to our doom,
As they plot the final,

Preachers preach their words of peace,
As they collect,
The hidden fees.

Millions die,
Billions cry,
For this thing that runs us dry.
They call it war,
And it has tore,
A great hole in our land.
Each of themselves,
Calling the other one,
the "******".

"Peace on Earth" ain't so simple
"War on Earth" is a lot more pinnacle.
Wuji Aug 2012
I am the third person,
The narrator of it all.
Watching all the people,
Live, laugh, and love.
Silently I stare,
Ease dropping.
Do they even care,
Or am I truly alone?
I hope that if I walk off,
Someone will come follow me.
I dream that someone cares,
For me as a being.
I want all that *******,
That everyone wants.
I want that sappy romance,
A girl in my arms.
Blaaaah blahhhhhhhhhhhh
Wuji Dec 2012
I'm no beast,
I found peace.
Locked myself up,
To avoid the feast,
Won't eat,
Deserve no such food,
If no one else will punish me,
I'll do it myself.
Don't need you,
I barely need me.
My mind exists outside my body,
I'm free.

I'm an animal,
In search of what I want.
Broke from my cage,
To get what I should have got.
Take what I want,
Scream if I please.
I am the master and slave.
No one will tame me.
I need you,
Because I lost sanity.
I exist for the touch and live for the scream,
I am free.

Follow me!
Through the woods!
Chase the animal,
That you know you could,
Keep yours eyes on the prize,
But a pair to watch your ***.
If you aren't careful,
I'll have you at last.
Came up from behind,
Took you by surprise but you smiled at me.
We are both animals,
We are both free.
Just run.
Wuji Jul 2012
Sit on my stool,
Next to me in my head.
Don't ******* touch me,
Eat this quicksand.
Need to wash it down?
Have some water.

Funny feelings fight each other,
Mind can't up it's bed.
Thoughts like saliva drip from my tongue,
Words I know that can't be said.

Freaking out around my room,
Banging into walls for fun.
Begging for that wrapped feeling,
Arms, rope, I don't care,
I want the voices to agree.
But hey, it's someone to talk to.

Too many sides of a story,
Everyone lies.
You are all guilty,
If you know of this crime.

Eyes close shut dreams take me hostage,
Tortured with "what if?,
I never comply,
Let the past die,
If it's not a good dream it's a nightmare,
Go away.

"What about the prisoners sir?"
"Execute them all.
Don't need any refugees,
Denting parked cars."
I kept my mouth shut because fights are pointless.
Wuji Sep 2012
Rib sauce and *** is,
Not a really pleasant smell.
Always wash your hands.
This story is not false.
Wuji May 2012
What's the matter?

I always hear my mind scream,
Saying words I only dream,
Nightmares of truth keep the seam clean,
Infections on the surface burned by sunbeams.

What's the matter?

Thoughts of doubt crawl into my head,
Thoughts impregnate each other in the bed,
Making me regret all the words I've said,
Making me notice the cuts and all the red I've bled.

What's the matter?

Why the **** does my mind want to know!?
My mind is my mind not a dumb ***,
It should know how I feel and manipulate the dough,
Easily molded yet so hard to throw.

What's the matter?

She asked so politely with concern,
Looked at her through the darkness my stomach had turned.
Knew it was my time to speak as my eyes watered and burned,
Said "Nothing at all." with a friendly smile, to the one that I yearn.
I still don't know.
Wuji Jan 2013
Give me a reason,
To follow you to nowhere.
Find me an excuse,
To even begin to care.
You can right me off as problem,
But I'll always linger somewhere.
A discarded memory,
Life in absence of air.

Try to hold me close,
Know that I will have my escape.
Smile about it now,
Cause you know soon it'll be too late.
Avoiding the ordinary,
Seeming to follow your desolate fate.
Thinking of everything that relates to nothing,
Tiptoeing through cracked gates.

Running from you,
Seems to be all too real.
Breaking away,
From the golden deal.
Ruined your life and tainted your soul,
Still wanting to see how I make you feel.
Holding my collection of jars filled with air,
My newfound addiction is loving what I steal.

Here I vanish never to come back,
Waiting for the counterattack.
I've lost them.
Wuji Jul 2012
Unwanted living,
Can't stay for long.
All dies out,
Everything drowns.
Did your own dad,
Come to the final act?
Or was he not proud,
Of his son's wrath?

Who goes to killers' funerals?
And if they do,
Do they cry?
Who goes to killers' funerals?
Do they pretend,
They are in a happier time?

Killers were like you and me,
You and me were once babies,
Babies come from us,
We create killers.
We make funerals,
Killing innocents,
And blaming them,
We are at fault!

Who goes to killers' funerals?
And if they do,
Do they cry?
Who goes to killers' funerals?
Do they pretend,
They are in a happier time?

He was once a child,
Now he is dead.
The time in between,
Messed up his head.
Poor merciless killers.
Wuji Sep 2011
The last nine months you said were great.
But for some reason you have an odd idea about fate.
You think that if we separate.
We will be together in the end.
Yet you want me back right now.
My thoughts can't help but bend.

You say you need years to get back to me.
Let's face it babe,
You'll be back next time you open your eyes to see.
It won't be years.
Now you got me all in tears.
You should understand I am sad without you,
But I think I can live,
Without you, who knew?

Who knew?
Who knew?
The world won't go "keblew".
Who knew?
Who knew?
That I might not need you.
Who knew?
Who knew?
That I would still love you.
I'm so confused.
Wuji Aug 2012
Why make lines?
To separate and divide?
To choose a side?
For a wall to hide behind?
Why make lines?
Is it to criticizes?
Or to falsifier,
The notion of compromise?
Why make lines?
Is it the circle you deny?
Refusing to give me a slice a pie?
Forcing a goodbye?

Line maker,
You are no artiest of mine.
Line maker,
I see you have not dulled your eraser.
Line maker,
Wasting our time.

Why make lines?
Why choose sides?
Why divide?
Why say I died?
Line maker,
You can't separate that which connects all of us into one class, kingdom, and religion.
That is time.
Stop starting wars between us.
Wuji Nov 2011
All of you today,
Will wish for your dreams.
For that one guy or girl you love,
Or just for some banana ice cream.

You'll wish for the things,
That you think matter.
If you are going to wish for something,
Wish for food on an empty platter.

Wish for the ones who need it,
Not for the things you don't need.
Can't you see the wrong in that?
Can't you see the greed?

What about our soldiers?
They die for our freedom.
But no go ahead,
Wish for you to be happy forever.

No, don't be selfish,
If you are going to wish make it good.
Wish to bring the troops home,
Not your Hollywood debut.

Foolishly believe that the date will make a difference.
Whisper to sky so you may receive your decadence.
Please spend this time with the ones you love,
Not for a wish but to join me up above.

I don't believe in wishes.
For nothing in life is free.
Except one thing,
Which is me.
11/11/11 Honor Our Troops.
Wuji Jul 2012
With a smile the martyr ascends.
Killing for peace.
Dieing for peace.
Thrives for peace.

With a smile the martyr ascends.
Paradise in eyes they die.
Tears in eyes they die.
Twisted ties of us all seem to die.

With a smile the martyr ascends.
As he ascends he lives on.
Everyone mocks the martyr and where he will live on.
Some claim he will not live on.

Martyr martyr I believe you live on.
Your cross can carry you,
Into the caressing arms of your dreams.
Martyr martyr can you take me?
I've wanted to be happy for so long.

With a smile the martyr ascends.
They all laugh.
Shunning him they all laugh.
Mocking his one hit or miss chance to finally find peace they all laugh.

With a smile the martyr ascends.
They all think less of you I am sorry.
They all hate you for your sacrifice I am sorry.
Your god will reward you because it too will be sorry.

Martyr martyr I believe you live on.
Your cross can carry you,
Into the caressing arms of your dreams.
Martyr martyr can you take me?
I've wanted to be happy for so long.
Stop laughing at him.
Wuji Jun 2012
Feeling so worthless,
I can't digress,
I'm just worthless.

I never take the gold,
This is getting old,
All the racers pass by,
You see,
I'm worthless.

Wish I could repress,
The fear in my chest,
That I am just worthless,

I'll never be there,
For all to stare,
Lifted high above,
I'll be alone,
At home,
No one there because I'm...

A pest,
Retreat to my nest,
Where I am more than less.

Can't escape that bar code,
Bars me to a price.
But feel free to take me for free,
Since I am a grain of rice.

Thinking really gets you sometimes.
Wuji Feb 2012
Laying in bed,
Thoughts keep on turning.
Past seems too close,
All of my mistakes keep me yearning.

Yearning for those,
Who are up above.
Red Xs across my mind,
For those whom I loved.

Another one down,
Millions to go.
I was once a clueless boy,
Before tainted by a ***.

The taint which had painted,
My very soul.
Months of searching,
Just to be "Rick Roll'd".

My mind won't settle,
The storm will not calm.
Let the hurricanes rip out,
Each and every palm.

A gypsy, a nomad,
A pilgrim of the sun.
Tries to bring light to all,
Brought down by a gun.

Minds scattered,
The thoughts are no different.
"Who and where is she,
Why so indifferent!?"

So there I am,
Laying in bed.
Repeating the words,
That I should have said.
How many nights have I thought away?
Wuji Sep 2011
You are,
Beyond the boundaries,
Of beauty.

You have,
Surpassed the sanctions,
Of sexiness.

You are,
Past the present idea,
Of perfection.

There is only one thing,
That you may not always be,
And that thing is being belonged by me.

So stay with me,
For I love you and you love me,
I want you to be apart of my,
Wuji Mar 2012
You break my heart,
You move along,
And you are happy.

On to the next,
The next new best,
And you are happy.

You traded up,
I fell right down,
And you are happy.

Happy you were right,
Happy I was wrong.
Sad that you aren't tight,
Mad I saw your thong.

You conceited *****,
I built you up,
And you are happy.

Spread rumors like,
They're STDs,
And you are happy.

All of our love,
Been burned away,
And you are happy.

Happy you were right,
Happy I was wrong.
Sad that you aren't tight,
Mad I saw your thong.

See me with,
Someone new,
And you are happy.

Rose my fist,
Flipped you off,
And you are happy.

Called you a *****,
An open door,
And you are happy.

Happy you were right,
Happy I was wrong.
Sad that you aren't tight,
Mad I saw your thong.

Sad and alone,
All by yourself,
And you are happy.

Crying over,
Past memories,
And you are happy.

Cursed every,
Word you've said,
And you are happy.

Aren't you happy you were right?
I'm happy I was wrong.
Sad that you're even less tight?
Mad they all saw your thong?
I am happy.
Wuji Mar 2012
That's what you are,
And always have been.

Little winy *****,
Who can cry on command,
Don't you know lying is a sin?

****** that I left you,
Thrashing in spite,
You shout to sky.

Dragging yourself down,
Showing me how I was right,
Screaming insults at the traffic that goes by.

I wonder why,
Or how you cannot let this go?
We are done.

Now I know,
You attention *****,
Anything to get me to run.

Make your insults child,
This is as far as you will get.
Because I know you are reading this.

Grow up child,
Actually move on,
Because it's you I don't miss.
You lower yourself while you just push me higher up. But must be quite used to that by now.
Wuji Aug 2012
I feel like I don't,
Life is but a joke,
As we all wait,
For that sarcastic punchline.

I love to wait,
I hate to hate,
But everyone around,
Disgusts me.

A hobby of mine,
Is to waste all my time.
Wishing and wanting,
For the next best thing.

Wish I could be,
The finalization of we,
We of all people
In one final being.

Until all things are one,
My waiting is never done.
Please join me,
As I wait for the sun.
The sun has a lot of meaning to me.
Wuji Oct 2014
This smile will not fade away,
As long as he walks the streets.
No friend nor stranger will be left astray,
Surrounded by ugly faces on bags of meat.

There is a smile in the crowd,
And I'm told it cracks eggs.
Happiest guy around,
Got that happy feet step going through his legs.

They call him crazy,
What keeps him happy all the time?
He tells them he's not lazy,
He's got a very important job and no time to whine.

He's a lighthouse, a beacon, the firework that doesn't stop.
Until he's out of sight,
And the fuse has run all out.
He breaks down and starts to rot,
Till the next day when he's back out on the clock.

Takes his job serious,
Knows what is at stake.
People need some sunshine,
But no one gives they all just take.

So he's gotta be that guy,
Needs to lead the team.
Make everyone feel high,
His problems go unseen.

Heard he was a nut,
Caught him talking to himself.
Swore he was fine,
Then bolted somewhere else.

He's a lighthouse, a beacon, the firework that doesn't stop.
Until he's out of sight,
And the fuse has run all out.
He breaks down and starts to rot,
Till the next day when he's back out on the clock.

Guess the lesson is,
He smiles for all of us.
Guy has some big problems,
But it's our happiness that's a must.
Maybe that's why I can't connect with people.
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