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Nameless May 2014
I call her the devil
Cause she makes me wanna sin
And every time she knocks
I can't help but let her in.
Nameless May 2014
I want love,
Even though I do not know the meaning.
I want to be normal,
Even though I know I'll never be.
I want my mother,
Even though I know that will never happen.

I need myself,
But I've become some one different.
I need others,
But I've distanced myself from them.
I need a conscience,
But I lost it a long time ago.

I can't loose control,
Or I'll never be able to come back.
I can't hide my pain,
Or I'll let everyone slip away.
I can't lie to myself,
Or I'll start to break.

I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I'M SO ******* SORRY.
I'm sorry
Nameless May 2014
Is to go to Paris
Enroll in an art college
And be free
Nameless May 2014
We all have a friend
Who's silver and shines
It pierces our skin
And draws the red lines

It leaves several scars
Over the years
But it lets out our screams
As well as our fears

It gives us relief
We need the sensation
But we keep it a secret
We hate the attention

Those perfect red lines
They become such a burden
But we do it anyway
Because we're tired of hurting

Some call us ******
But we know they're all wrong
They all know what to be
We don't know where we belong

We hide the scars
Under jackets and sleeves
Our loved ones don't know
The cuts stay unseen

We try to act fine
So no one'll know
But sometimes we slip
And the cracks begin to show
Nameless Dec 2014
What an imposibility,
two souls laying in one body...
One to stay the other settel.
The conflict that would take place in their mind,
a battle to which only one could win...
But would the other be missed; or even remembered?
I wrote this on account of the book I am currently reading:
What's left of me (the hybrid chronicales)
By:  Kat Zhang
Nameless Apr 2014
I spill out not only ink onto the paper...
but my soul,
my deepest fears,
a few hopes and dreams,
but also some lost things.
Nameless Sep 2015
I caught her staring at me again
I can't quite place
A name to the expression
she has when I catch her
but it's different from when
she doesn't know i'm watching her
watching me
from the corner of my eye

She never brought up the 'notes'
even the one I wrote out of rage
I don't remember putting it
into her bag

But is she afraid
What name can I for a fact
put to the face she makes
when she stares

And when I catch her
Poem inspired by a girl at my school... Addy.
Nameless Apr 2014
They think I'm weird
but I'm not scared
so loud, when they compare
to a girl, who's heart
and soul are damaged,
beyond repair
so they don't see
what she knows
when they won't believe
They'll start to talk
she drowns them out
beyond it all
she isn't there
somewhere else
her mind will wander
till she hears
the crash of thunder.
Nameless Sep 2014
when you feel me,
you become an artist.
shattered thoughts rolling off your tongue
making you taste the blood that made you a warrior.

my presence is the rain
forcing you to stay inside where it feels like there are too many mirrors,
waiting for you to unveil who you are despite efforts.

you see, happiness is just a ****.
it grows and climbs whenever it may wish,
wherever it wants.
but I, have roots.
and purpose.
and the intention to make you see
that you cannot pull me from the depths of this earth.
I will grow and grow and make my presence unforgettable.
and the fruits of my soul will be beautiful,
don't be fooled by dips or curves or imperfection
because the milk of this earth flows in valleys.

I am that look of disappointment from your father,
I am scraping your insides and rattling your bones
until that person you never thought existed comes out,
I am fire rolling off tears,
I am the sound of scribbles in the dark,
I am the soundtrack to the life living beneath the sheets,

but I am also your best friend.
I will make sure that though it feels as if your bones are cracking,
your ribs stay intact to protect your heart.
I will show you
that though I seem unpleasant,
the best things in life don't come wrapped in pink bows,
because you certainly didn't.
you came onto this planet with blood and pain
and you challenged the machinery of our own bodies for your creation.
so stop labeling me
as evil or pure,
wrong or right,
wanted or unwanted,
and just feel.
Nameless Apr 2014
There is a woman,
just standing there,
with pain in her eyes,
not knowing,
where life lies.

She stares at me,
not saying a word,
even if she could.

You see,
she wears a mask,
and yet it burns,
her stare that is.

'Cause I don not know who "She" is?
Nameless May 2014
I'm meeting my mom today
What a shame to put on this day
I wait awhile
with a sign pinned to my shirt
But what I wish to do
Is crush it in the dirt
Time goes by
Time went
I went back home
With the charred remains of the sign
That I lit a fire in the parking lot
I walk into my room
Kick off my shoes
And I hear my dad at the door
Asking If I'm alright
I won't cry, or even talk about her.
It's not like she would actually come to see me.
I no longer matter to her...
Nameless May 2014
I like being alone...
No, I just need to be.
But for some reason,
(I don't know why)
I make others feel like they belong,
when there with me...
(even though i don't)
Nameless May 2014
I write because
I don't know
What I think
Until I read
What I say
Nameless Apr 2014
without love
I feel empty inside
and over time
it makes me want to die
they'll call the cops
when they find my note
while I'm in the sea of shame
without a life boat
Nameless May 2014
The red queen found darkness in my heart.

I caught the madness from the hatter.

I'm as deadly as the Jabi woki.

And I'm just as stubborn as Alice.
Nameless Jan 2015
You want to know me?
is it not written,
Across my face.
or do I hide it too well?
You do not wish to know.
Erase what is not written.
Nameless May 2014
Something is horribly wrong with me.
Everyone can see it.
They will not tell me.
Because you can see it.
But me,
Myself cannot.
Nameless Jul 2014
Don't be afraid
You're an adorable little thing
I promise I don't bite
So come a little closer
I want to see your face
...please come with me
Nameless Oct 2014
Hi mom,
I exist.
Despite what you think;
your little girl that lived in your tummy,
walks this earth!
Wandering with a scense of ABANDONMENT-----
Asking herself
(Where's mom?)
(Why doesn't she care?)
Then I get angry,
screaming till my lungs give way.
Am I even a memory or a fading shadow,
left in the depths of your lost N' sorry mind.
So don't expect me to mourn your death.
'Cause all thats left in my heart for you is HATE and WRATH.
Nameless Jul 2014
You don't like it
When I cry
So I stop
Not just crying
But any emotion
I won't show
As it builds up
Inside me
I can feel
The pressure
Causing cracks in my skin
More and more
Begin to show
Until I let
My emotions flow
All at once
Causing the uproar
Inside of me
To be let free
Nameless Aug 2014
I'll pull out your hairs
one by one
Then I'll go for your tongue
And its all too fun
Cause now you'll realize
I'm omitting you
from this earth
As I bury you
in 6ft of dirt.
(I'll put stickers on your rotting corps, & grow flowers on your grave.)

— The End —