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May 2023 · 318
Soon I'll Be 18 Years Old
Jay M May 2023
Once I was 6 years old, I lived in a house with both parents. All of us in Riverside, with a place to call home.
Once I was 7 years old, my momma moved away. Saw her every weekend, wished for more time.
Once I was 8 years old, got bullied at school. Kids didn’t like me, I didn’t either.
Once I was 9 years old, moved in with my mom. Out in San Diego, with a new family.
Once I was 10 years old, I remember my teachers.
Once I was 11 years old, I don’t remember being 11 years old.
Once I was 12 years old, went on a trip to Santa Cruz. A man smacked my ***, nobody cared.
Once I was 13 years old, I dated a guy. Broke up and he traumatized me, still haunts me.
Once I was 14 years old, and nearly wasn’t.
Once I was 15 years old, pandemic changed the world.
Once I was 16 years old, my grandma died of stubbornness. Got some trauma, new and old, I get flashbacks from both.
Now I’m 17 years old, minutes away from being 18. 17 was hard, full of trauma and pain.
Soon I’ll be 18 years old, and the next volume will begin. They say you learn to manage, so I guess we’ll see.
Once I was 6, once I was 7, once I was 8, once I was 9, once I was 12, once I was 13, once I was 14, once I was 15, once I was 16, I am 17. Time running out like sand, soon the hourglass shall turn for me once again.

- May 6th, 2023
11:15pm. This doesn't even seem real. I know it is, but it doesn't feel like it.
Feb 2023 · 223
Wondering Wandering
Jay M Feb 2023
Empty, dim lit road,
Where shall I go
But forward?
Eternity, indeed it seems
Miles still untraveled
Steps not yet taken
For here, o here,
There is only the long
Long foggy road.

Signs, they appear!
But oh, how queer,
A most strange word,
As nowhere!
No where, now here,
Not a place, not a time
Simply this, and nothing more.

Dense fog, dense fog,
What lies beyond?
Fallen tree, rotten log,
Simply there, without a sound,
For none could hear the fall.

- February 21st, 2023
Feb 2023 · 204
Questionable Queenships
Jay M Feb 2023
Questionable, queer,
Quickeningly quaking
Queen’s quest,
Quizzically qualified,
Questionless qualmishness,
Quarrelsome quacksalvers,
Quicksanding queenships,
Quirkiness quieted.

- February 23rd, 2023
Feb 2023 · 212
Lost In The Vast
Jay M Feb 2023
Lost, out of touch
Isolate, out of sight
Within the vast
Endless expanse
Intangible void

Silent knowings
Confused, oh sure,
It was there, all along
Yet blind eyes cannot see
Deaf ears cannot listen
Muted voices cannot speak.

- February 11th, 2023
Feb 2023 · 217
Today I Burn
Jay M Feb 2023
Slowly I burn
Breathe through the smoke
Scorching my lungs
Catch in my throat
Hands closing in
Tighten their grip
Red always fades
Fingerprints in my mind

Steaming water, pour over me
Cleanse my wrongs
Wash away the fear
Burn away my shell

Cover it up, give it time
Time heals all wounds, sure,
As I relive my own
Reopen, pop the stitches
Some just won’t go
Maybe not yet
Surely not today.

- February 10th, 2023
Feb 2023 · 233
Drag & Drown
Jay M Feb 2023
Drag across
Let it tear
Watch it ooze
Stroke after stroke
Get it under control
One way or another
Get a grip, little rips

Drift away
Thrash about
Drown it out
Before it suffocates
Drown it all out
Truth and lies
Pulled under
Far below

Choke the sounds
Load the rounds
Fire away, down
Down for now
To rise later
Same old ****
Wounds continually bleed
Sound or blood
Pick and choose
Drown it out
Before it burns
Suffocate in the smoke.

- February 10th, 2023
Feb 2023 · 183
Plaguing Memories
Jay M Feb 2023
None shall, no not a one
Hear them, haunted echoes
Banshees, perhaps
Intangible, yet ever present
Inaudible, yet eternally wailing

Thunder approaches, deafening thunder
No place to hide, words spoken
Lines broken, simply run
Close, but only so far
Threaten, scream and cry
None shall ever leave
Figures, perhaps one day
Eternally, memories bleed.

- February 10th, 2023
Feb 2023 · 182
Shrimp Soldier
Jay M Feb 2023
Scuttle along
Cover to cover
Bit of rubble here,
A collapsed building there,
Just climb about, to and fro
Steer clear of the fray
Lest they find him,
Smallest is he,
Branded by fallen brethren;
Shrimp soldier.

- February 6th, 2023
From talk about lunch to a poem, how interesting.
Feb 2023 · 139
Embrace The Moment
Jay M Feb 2023
Out and away
Drive and let’s go
Music and the road
Stretch across the sky
Venture out, into the setting sun,
Watching the world go on by

Fluffy purple clouds
Nails and notes
Listen and know,
End and out once more,
Enter a door,
Into the unknown,
Only peace, there is only peace

Choices, oh choices,
Select and see,
Close, comfortable and warm,
Ease into the dark,
Embrace the moment,
For here there is peace,
Only peace.

- February 8th, 2023
Feb 2023 · 227
Scar Tissue
Jay M Feb 2023
Find me here, dreamer, my shell, a vessel,
Container of all, all that which plagues,
Haunted soul, tainted, stained and surely bruised,
Unseen hands, shred me, my every fiber,
Tear into the dark, simmer in my bones,
Seeth beneath the skin, boiling marrow,
Scorching skin, flay me, piece by bleeding piece,
All torture, all pain, felt in the expanse,
Here eternally, trapped in my amber,
O forevermore, surely as I breathe,
So too does the day, o forevermore,
Beloved spider, give me thy venom.

Midnight whispers, o, fade into the dawn,
Screaming in hatred, bleed obedience,
Bitten tongues scar over, strained voices may heal,
Alas, not a mind, a tangle of flesh,
Encapsulated, entrapped within bone,
My chamber, my skull, here they ricochet.

Words, sharpest of blades, points oh so countless,
Numerous are they, true, I know it true,
Some self-inflicted, so monstrous indeed,
Dragged across, branded, told, now written bold,
Hidden from view, o, only mirrored,
Reflected mem’ry, only scar tissue.

- February 8th, 2023
Feb 2023 · 119
Beloved Spiders
Jay M Feb 2023
Single words
Sound in time
All hooks, not a line to spare
Gone to tangle

Covers and blankets
Shelter us, shelter us
Envelope us in warmth
Only truth,
All illusion left behind
Wiped away as dirt from our shoes

Why do some,
Strange and twisted folk
Made of webs long spun
Get so much love?
Why do they,
Cruel and cunning,
Cloaked, clothed in deception,
Get love undeserved?

They take, rip and tear,
All that which they are given
Tuck away those flies,
Wrapped in sticky lies,
Glitter in the morning light,
Cobwebs in the night,
Hold our secrets
Hold the empty shell
As my memory fades from view
Fingerprints on a mirror.

- February 7th, 2023
Feb 2023 · 110
Tremble No More
Jay M Feb 2023
Jagged edges,
Walls of thorns
Broken glass
Mere fragments,
Glimpse only fragments

Part the way
Past shattered dreams
Acknowledged, perhaps a question
Not to pry, only wonder

Gentle hands,
Call forth, all is well,
Come and be well,
Rest, not a thing to fear
Simply be, simply stay
And tremble no more.

- February 7th, 2023
Gonna stop writing my name at the end of every poem. It's already here, so I guess it's just repetitive.
Feb 2023 · 133
Thrill & Chill
Jay M Feb 2023
Turn it on, glowing screen
Title after title
What shall we find?
Not quite what was in mind,
But a memory nonetheless,
Title screen, enter the tale
The story begins

A jump here, a startle there,
A twitch, small little motions
Close, nestled in comfort
Autumn leaves, gently sway
Twisting embers, all is well
Rest, lay thy weary head
Cozy heap, drift into sleep

Embrace winter's frigid touch
Fold into summer’s smile
Drift in autumn’s domain
Crisp air, notes often dare
Fall into the dark
Without fear of the ground below

Depths, I see into you
Strangely familiar,
Eager to say hello
Second meetings, proper greetings,
Hours gone by, nothing to rush
Only linger, linger and wonder
Encapsulated by dreams.

- Jay M
February 6th, 2023
Jay M Feb 2023
¿Qué quieres, mi amor?
Diario y diario,
De que quieres, you no sé,
Un beso, un abrazo,
Un momento para ti,
Pero, mi amor,
Creo que necesitas más,
Diario y diario,
Pero, mi amor,
¿Qué quieres a mi?

Sí, abrazos y besos,
Sí, momentos para solo yo,
Pero, mi amor, están más de amor,
Claro que sí, más de amor,
Quiero todo de que tienes en tu mente;
De que es limpio, de que es sucio,
De que es bueno, de que es malo,
Todo de que tienes, allí en tu mente,
Mi amor, quiero todo de tí,
Aquí conmigo.


What do you want, my love?
Day after day,
What you want, I do not know,
A kiss, a hug,
A moment for yourself (you),
But, my love,
I think you need more,
Day after day,
But, my love,
What do you want from me?

Yes, hugs and kisses,
Yes, moments for myself (me alone),
But, my love, there is more than love,
Absolutely, yes, more than love,
I want all that you have in your mind;
What is clean, what is *****,
What is good, what is bad,
All that you have, there in your mind,
My love, I want all of you,
Here with me.

- Jay M
February 2nd, 2023
Feb 2023 · 126
Phoenix Returned
Jay M Feb 2023
Box of matches,
Strike me and I’ll burn
Drown it all in gasoline
Engulfed in flames,
I am reborn

Blistered and bruised,
Beaten and torn,
Miles gone by the dozens
These shoes are worn,
Full of holes and rips,
Scuffs and tears,
Feet ache and bleed

To ashes, I must return,
To ashes, I shall be again,
Scatter me to the wind,
Remnants of my body
Merely a vessel of flesh,
Through stories you keep my soul
To return once more

Open and kind,
I shall return your warmth,
Harsh and cruel,
I shall return your fiery hatred
Let me go, drift from sight,
I shall still hold your memory.

- Jay M
February 2nd, 2023
Jan 2023 · 114
Choked By Fear
Jay M Jan 2023
Catch in my throat
Words entrapped
Choked by fear
Shadows of doubt
Tremble and twitch
Not a sound, not a one
Imprisoned, without bars
Only within a mind

Shake, shiver
Sway and rock
Comfort and soothe
Soon it shall pass
So too do you.

- Jay M
January 31st, 2023
Jan 2023 · 190
Trace My Mind
Jay M Jan 2023
Trace my mind
I’ll trace yours
Playful passage
Masters of words,
Writers we are.

- Jay M
January 31st, 2023
Jan 2023 · 118
Structure Uncertain
Jay M Jan 2023
Structure uncertain,
Who is to tell us mortals,
Of reality?

- Jay M
January 31st, 2023
Haiku I wrote in my poetry class.
(it's a college class, I love it!)
Jan 2023 · 115
Tainted Marrow
Jay M Jan 2023
Corrosive, corrupting
Tainted to the core
Unbeknownst to himself

Poisoned wine,
He offers, he pours
Whiskey in a bottle
Ablaze in unseen flames
Over a bed of glass
Broken and shattered
Blood boils and burns

Fester in a mind
Linger, spread like cancer
Pain beneath the skin
Seep into the bones
Down into the marrow
Quietly, silently
Enticed to decay.

- Jay M
January 31st, 2023
Jay M Jan 2023
Delicate descent
Silent lament
Bright flower,
Embraced by the sun
Turned to smile
Colorful delight

Soil unkind
Coarse, smothered and choked
Hold the hue, maintain
Remain entrapped
Butterflies flutter past
Glide in glee
Yet the flower,
It rots, soon to fall
Faded and dry.

- Jay M
January 31st, 2023
Jan 2023 · 116
Voyage of Acquaintance
Jay M Jan 2023
Frigid, unsure
Timidly she stands
Did she foresee it?
No, but a certain pull
A call drew forth
Curiosities and questions
Into the waters she waded
First a cold, chilling shock,
Soon invited, welcomed
Surrounded by warmth
Energy so familiar, yet only just acquainted
Into the depths she goes
Sink into the unknown,
Float in the vast.

- Jay M
January 31st, 2023
Jan 2023 · 96
Ripple of Stars
Jay M Jan 2023
Enclosed, hesitant and delicate
Petals fallen upon cold, hard floors
Leading you down, oh the sights
Blissful memories, candles flickering
Trace along the walls
Corridors long and dark
Follow the light, the path
Guided by desire,
For soon you shall see

Enter, dear one,
Cold hands meet,
Visions delightfully greet,
Sway and turn
Spin, then darling,
You shall know

Embrace a timid frame
Neither quite the same
Visage soothing, tender warmth
Entranced in the moment
Far greater than merely such
Beyond sight, beyond words
Intertwine, collide,
Flow in a ripple of stars
Radiant care and passion
Together we burn
Candles in the moonlight
Ripples of stars
Evermore we are bound,
Only in moonlight to be found.

- Jay M
January 31st, 2023
Jan 2023 · 255
Social Entrapment
Jay M Jan 2023
Humans, how strange
So many, too many
Everywhere you go,
Everywhere you turn,
There they are,
There they stare
Stare into you
Watching your every move
Never letting you be

Ever present, ever invasive
Surely as ever, many abrasive
Manipulating, twisting, talking
Chattering away their complexities
None know what they speak of
Only one another, and none more

Surrounded, what can I do?
Surrounded, suffocated
Invisible grip around my throat
Heels fly across concrete
Aching, ever sore feet
Run, run far away
Quiet escape, hideaway
Alas, where shall any be found?

- January 26th, 2023
Social anxiety is truly terrible. People are frightening.
Jay M Jan 2023
Fallen into madness
Descended into the void
Voyage into the faded
Encapsulate me,
It encapsulates me

Eyes dull and dreary
Voice unsure, and weary
Other times flat, monotone
Even as polished stone

Awake as in slumber
Mind but a dull roar
Full of fog, and mist
Something of a swamp

Seep into the ground
I am buried there
Sink into my bones
Perhaps then they wouldn't be so cold

Unfeeling, no sense upon the keys
Words seem but strange suggestions

For what is time?
Unending, unbending,
Yet curved and looped as string
Jumbled together, tangled

Float with my soul
Float in the waters of the world
Scarcely tethered, held by a thread
Adrift, we are adrift

Walk, forward we move
Into the vast curiosities

Speak, speak to me
Tell me things, knot of words
Decipher them, my brain might
Slow to process
Mull it over
The strangeness of it all

Flesh, it is chilled
Ice to the touch
Cold, they call it cold
But cold is a feeling
One, in which, I lack
Deprived of physical sense
Touch my hand, take it,
I feel only bones.

- January 17th, 2023
Jan 2023 · 225
Jay M Jan 2023
Sitting there
Supporting a friend
Dropping the note
Handing it over
To him...

For a moment
Things are okay
All is still
The storm breaks loose

Bash it against the wall
Punch it, over and over
Then storming away
Pulling off the covers
Throwing it aside

I walk
In the bathroom
Lock myself in the stall
Cornering myself
Curled up
In a ball
Of fear and confusion

This is the world we live in
This is the way things are
I feel it
Hitting me
Knocking me down
Like a wave

Where are my feelings?
Finally showing through
It kills
I destroy what once was

I said I didn't feel it
He felt it too much
I broke him...
I broke him...

Covering my ears
Half an hour later
I am found

"Kid? Kid?"
"Hey, I found her!"
"Hey, it's okay, it wasn't your fault."
"Come here, it'll be okay."

Held by those who love me
This cause
The hurricane
Is loved?

I had a feeling in my stomach that I hated
Hearing it made it lurch
He promised
He wouldn't try
But there they were

They stopped it
Held it together
All let loose
Ran, bolted
Eventually brought away

But what is safe?

Just promise
You won't try again...

Just promise
You'll be okay...

Just promise
You'll move on...

I know he'll never read this
Never see through my eyes
Even so
I care...
Just know I care...
I'm sorry...
I just couldn't live a lie

Crippled by who I am
And what I have become
What I did
It almost cost a life...

- Jay M
May 20th, 2019
(technical errors, oof)
Jan 2023 · 105
Gentle Rays of Light
Jay M Jan 2023
Hello, how are you?
Kind stranger, kind friend
Gentle smile, talks worthwhile
Just here and there,
Somehow you find
Just the right time
Spur of the moment
Folds and smiles
Spin as I go

You’ve got this,
Oh sweet reassurance
Lift up the spirits
Dance in the rain
Sing in the rays of light
Speak with me,
Gentle stranger, kind friend
Speak with me,
Open the door
Open the window
Open into the beauty

Whispering breeze
Gentle swaying grass
Dewdrops glisten
Secret worlds of wonder
Reflect across puddles of water
Reflect in your wisdom
Vibrance of a compassionate soul
Visage calm, delicate gateways of peace
Effervescent luminescence
Warmth, inviting embrace
All is well, all is well

- Jay M
January 5th, 2023
Jan 2023 · 112
Checkered Sunset
Jay M Jan 2023
Red and black
His coat of checkers
Red and black
Songs and sleep
I try to count sheep
But he lingers, his coat of checkers
Imprinted in my mind
Soft and warm
Safe and sound

The pieces, they move
He made his, I made mine
He made his, and I made mine

Checkered sunset,
Fade as he walks away
Fade from view,
But not from mind, no,
He won’t leave my mind

Games played, moves made
It was made to end
Designed for one to win
Maybe at a time I thought it was far
So far away, but it was there,
Right in front of me,
Maybe it was mental chess,
He’s got me in checkmate

Checkered sunset,
Fade as he walks away
Fade from view,
But not from mind, no,
He won’t leave my mind

Words in my throat,
Choke them out,
I’ll take my time,
He’ll take his,
That’s all we have
It’s all we have

Cover my eyes, he’s still there,
What am I to do?
I don’t know what to do,
I lost, it’s done,
Yet here I am,
Here I will always be

Checkered sunset,
Fade as he walks away
Fade from view,
But not from mind, no,
He won’t leave my mind

I don’t wanna be this,
Pathetic dreamer, sad songwriter,
I don’t wanna be this,
Bringer of pain, I’m a bringer of pain
His and mind, I’m sorry

Falling through time
Dreams of vermilion fade
Back to the wall
Head on my pillow
He was the dream I had to believe in
Now a sunset, daily sunset,
I only catch glimpses,
Then turn away
I turn away, walk away,
Fading into the night,
Fading into starlight
I am only starlight
Glimpsing a checkered sunset.

- Jay M
January 4th, 2023
Dec 2022 · 483
Vermilion Wishes
Jay M Dec 2022
I was your crimson beauty
Your vermilion wish
Hold me as I burn
Your secret little fire
Burn, burn my letters
Burn, burn away the sins
As you burn the memories

Vermilion wish,
Crimson beauty,
Are you real? Are you real?
The way you make me feel,
You made it seem so real

What once was
Shall it be again?
Memories so vivid,
Colorful delight,
Arrangement to estrangement,
Will my memory then die?

Burn, burn my letters
Burn, burn away the sins
As you burn the memories

Vermilion wish, vermilion dream,
I know you are real,
You mean so much to me…
Now I don’t know, I don’t know what to do
The likes of you,
Left a reaching hand
Reaching out, reaching out…

Walking out the door,
Didn’t turn to look,
But I did, I did
As you left the room,
I turned back to look,
I did, I did

Burn, burn my letters
Burn, burn away the sins
As you burn the memories

I understand, leave the open flame,
Open heart, let me bleed,
It’s okay, I’ll be okay,
Maybe not today, give me time

I was your vermilion dream,
And you were mine,
Still you are, still you are

You burn away, burn away my sins
I burned away yours
All was open, it’s still open,
Just for you,
Vermilion wishes,
I keep them alive for you

Hold me, I hold you,
Never meant to last,
But I didn’t see the end
Just wasn’t looking,
Maybe I just wasn’t looking

Space, it’s yours,
Time, I’ll always give you
As much as you need,
It’s okay, we’ll be okay,

You burn away, burn away my sins
I hid them in my skin
Far beneath, but you see through
Right through me
Through me like glass
Through me like glass

Vermilion wishes,
Songs secretly sung,
Hold my words,
Hold them in your hands
In your heart,
Keep them there,
Reignite them when you need
Reignite them when you need

Burn my letters,
Burn, burn away the sins
I was your vermilion dream,
Your vermilion wishes
Steady now, steady now
You are real, it was real
Dreams can always come true
Reignite them when you need,
Reignite them when you need
Your call I will always heed

It’s okay, it’s okay,
Reignite them when you need

You burn away, burn away my sins
I burned away yours
All was open, it’s still open
Just for you, just for you
Vermilion wishes,
I keep them alive for you

I was your vermilion dream
And you were mine,
Still you are, still you will be
Reignite it when you need,
Steady now, steady now,
We’ve got time, whenever you need,
Your call I’ll always heed,
Just for you,
My vermilion dream.

- Jay M
December 9th, 2022
This is a song about two people, a ballad if you will, and how their arrangement came to an end. But, the person whose perspective I wrote from didn't see the end of the arrangement coming. They are hurt that it ended, but they understand why, and don't hold any ill-will towards the other person. In fact, they leave the offer to pick up where they left off on the table, but perhaps if things were to go back, then it would be taken more slowly.
Nov 2022 · 140
Tides of My Heart
Jay M Nov 2022
From clenched fists
To open hearts
Calm my fiery soul
Flames from fury to passion
Embrace my shivering torso
Transform me in your arms
My mind from storm to peace
Hurricane to gentle breeze
Blaze of hatred and defense
To love and lust

Only you know
The tides of my heart
When my seasons change
You hold the key
I wear it around my neck
Whispers, they speak
Wonderers, how they fly
Little birds, singing sweetly
As your lips do
Sing your melody
Our hearts sigh in harmony.

- Jay M
November 15th, 2022
He noticed I was enraged about something that had happened to some friends, and calmed me down.
Nov 2022 · 118
Divine Beacon
Jay M Nov 2022
Cloudy sleep, lost in fog
Wander in the quiet,
Enter the expanse,
Guided by a beam of light
Faint, a dim glow in the vast
Divine beacon, calling forth
Return, awaken,
Back to your body, from whence you came.

- Jay M
November 7th, 2022
Was given the following words; cloudy, sleep, quiet, & calm.
Nov 2022 · 104
Secret Serenity
Jay M Nov 2022
Strong arms embrace
My shivering torso
Held in safety
Ever real and true

Eyes of yours,
Fields of grass
Softest moss
Leaves of life
A forest I view
One could be lost forever there

Hands of yours
Strong and secure
Callused yet tender
Holding my own

Scent so alluring
It puts me at ease
Peaceful the closer I get
Enchant me, darling.

- Jay M
November 3rd, 2022
Oct 2022 · 147
Coffins of Evermore
Jay M Oct 2022
Silence, it echoes here
In this private chamber
Lay me down to my eternal slumber
Perhaps you knew me once,
But nevermore shall we speak.

- Jay M
October 21st, 2022
Oct 2022 · 300
Jay M Oct 2022
Finally, no longer does she wear sweaters in summer.

- Jay M
October 13th, 2022
Oct 2022 · 133
Slippery Slope
Jay M Oct 2022
Slip down the *****, zipping and zooming.

- Jay M
October 13th, 2022
Oct 2022 · 210
Our Love
Jay M Oct 2022
Our love is a spinning chair.

- Jay M
October 13th, 2022
Oct 2022 · 135
Jay M Oct 2022
Is the depth of grief.

- Jay M
October 13th, 2022
Oct 2022 · 404
Jay M Oct 2022
The most clever of disguises.

- Jay M
October 13th, 2022
Oct 2022 · 101
Tu Et Ego
Jay M Oct 2022
Quomodo es

Tu et ego

- Jay M
October 13th, 2022
Latin to English Translation:

How are

You and I
Oct 2022 · 68
Jay M Oct 2022
In all fairness, who is truly whole?

- Jay M
October 13th, 2022
Oct 2022 · 107
Children Cry
Jay M Oct 2022
But I see only faceless teenagers.

- Jay M
October 13th, 2022
Oct 2022 · 101
Flores se llore
Jay M Oct 2022
Flores se llore, tambien los nubes y colores,
Y nuevos se brinca, ariba por el cielo.

- Jay M
October 13th, 2022
Spanish to English Translation:

Flowers will cry, so will the clouds and colors
And new ones shall jump, up for the sky.
Oct 2022 · 96
Brown Eyes
Jay M Oct 2022
Entrance, beautifully passionate dance
Your radiant light, chords take flight
Explore in your tangling wilderness
Call out if it were your show
Grow in your brilliant glow.

- Jay M
October 14th, 2022
Oct 2022 · 238
"You look nice today"
Jay M Oct 2022
“You look nice today”
I say every day
To you, beautiful boy,
And happily I’ll say it
Until I have words no more,
Or even without words,
For I only need eyes,
Or perhaps hands and lips.

- Jay M
October 11th, 2022
I wrote this on a small piece of paper, folded it into an origami pigeon, and gave it to the guy I like! I told him not to lose it, and he said, "I tend to forget things, but I'll try my hardest not to lose it."
Oct 2022 · 100
Dreamers Lament
Jay M Oct 2022
Oh to dream
Of dear friends
Whom would never,
Could never think of you
In the same way that you dare to;
Funny things are those in dreams

Funny how you dream
Of strong arms wrapped around
Holding your small torso safely
Only to awake, to find they were never there

Funny how you dream
Of being spooned gently
When it would never,
Could never come to pass

Funny how you dream
Of a delicately shared kiss
Ever so tender and sweet
Only to awaken, knowing it would never,
Could never truly be

Funny how you dream
Of being on a persons mind
Awakening to know you are wrong

In dreams, you dance and sing,
Whilst upon awakening,
You sit, remaining quiet;
How funny, how sad

In dreams you laugh, smile together,
Cherishing every little moment,
Whilst upon awakening,
You merely glance,
Faintly manage a smile,
Longing for a conversation
Even a single minute longer;
How funny, how laughable,
How pitiful are you whom dare dream

What a shame,
Dreaming about such things,
About a person whom,
More likely than not,
Sees you as a mere pest.

- Jay M
October 10th, 2022
Sep 2022 · 138
Suffer In My Skin
Jay M Sep 2022
Suffer in my skin
Burn, itch, scream
Scratch and bleed
Peel away, fall away
The dead make way
To bring forth more
All to die, all to be shed
To crash and be forgotten
Scars scarcely to fade

Suffer in my clothes
Fabrics conceal
But only for so long
Before they must be torn away
Cast aside, as others before
To be cleansed and worn anew
Each day bringing new sentiment
Or perhaps only for a single moment
A single day, to cherish or to lament.

- Jay M
September 23rd, 2022
Sep 2022 · 162
Jay M Sep 2022
Troubling times
Trickier still are the uncertain
The questioning, the curious
The disconnected and unsure

Caught, perhaps, in an illusion
The unforeseen, dismantled reality
For what could this be,
Than the utterly surreal?

Spirit in flux
Or whatever it may be
A mere observer in this place
So familiar…yet not meant to be
Not quite like before
Before being encapsulated
By this most strange dream

Is it a dream, this odd feeling?
This faded, jaded land that surrounds
The very air seems confused
The trees unsure how to sway
The birds misleading and disoriented
Or perhaps it is I who is disoriented?
Or whatever “I” may be…

Who am I, who is this?
This stranger whom gazes back
Through the looking glass
Features once akin to me,
Now they look back,
Rather a stranger than reflection

A body, a vessel
Piloted by a soul
A skeleton propelled
Drawn on and on
Drag the weary feet
Or perhaps take a break
Switch flipping in the mind
Walking, breathing, responses
Nodding and moving
Without thought, without wondering
With memory as a guide
Until the moment breaks
Waking up, back in control
Where have you gone?

Unfeeling, unyielding
Pinch, scratch, burn
Release, escape
Desiring to awaken…
But all assure you,
“You are awake.”

- Jay M
September 19th, 2022
Sep 2022 · 191
Born to Regrow
Jay M Sep 2022
Born of a dream
Into flesh and bone
Ripped apart to regrow.

- Jay M
September 14th, 2022
Sep 2022 · 128
Jay M Sep 2022
Falling through the parallels
Cascading into the unknown
Vast expanse of the cosmos
Drifting through realities
Concepts close, yet so foreign
Crashing through layers of understanding
Slipping away into the indescribable void

Dark and unfeeling
Unsure of any heavens or hells
Valhalla or helheim, underworld or elysium
Disconnected for seeming eternities
To be caught in flux, in transcendence
While still encapsulated within mortal vessels
Souls kept within strange quarters
Pilots of flesh and bone

Journey through the expanse
Venture into plains untouched
Seen, but never disturbed
Sacred lands, without defined boundary
Effervescent luminescence,
Fluid and undefined
Perhaps a vision of the ethereal
Or voyage into the astral.

- Jay M
September 13th, 2022
Sep 2022 · 92
Wooden Door - Version 2
Jay M Sep 2022
Wooden door, wooden door
I shall enter you evermore
With weary feet or woeful mind
Your locks never hard to find
Opened by many keys, over many years
Mine of gleaming crimson red

Beyond the threshold
Into the depths of my despair
Washing over like an intoxicating wave
Slowly yet ever so surely
Knowing this is their sacred lair
Since I was but a young child
Seven years in this dismal house
Break a mirror, and of course
Hope the misfortune would be gone
Faded after seven years

But is it so,
That the misfortune had anywhere
Anywhere else to go than here?
As I pace these bleak halls
Of blank white and dust
Floor creaking upon uncertain steps
Sounds surely to fall upon
Overly critical ears
Wooden door, wooden door,
I shall pass through you evermore
Many times you’ve been slammed
Other times sheltering the world
From wars of words, of hatred
Fear and violence echo here,
Echo in the still of night
In the near silence of their slumber
But I do not sleep, I cannot dare
I lay awake, night after night
Dreamer am I, shall I always be
Grant me freedom, wooden door
Grant it to me in due time,
Oh wooden door,
Grant it to me evermore.

- Jay Martinez
September 12th, 2022
I'm polishing up these pieces to be placed in my Senior Anthology, which is going to be published at the end of the year.
Jay M Sep 2022
Gown of black
Covers the flesh
The weary legs
Propelling a ****** shell
A walking, talking hell

Boots of black
Cover sore soles
Worn from the miles
Within these shoes
Take them now
To then endow
What this soul
Has yet to sow

Veil of black
Covers a visage
The tired, dim eyes
Gateways to a fractured soul
Wailing, crying out, as does a wraith
Mourning the greatest of losses
A grand, widely gaping grief
For the sorrow and woeful
Most soul retching cry
Of a lovers loss

Keeping still the black veil
A crown upon the head
Heavy is the silver helm
Upon a fatigued skull
Full of fear and dread

A queen without her king
Fallen at her own hand
Her pen, ink, and word
All bid the love goodbye
Their hearts to surely die

As their kingdom crumbles
Stones crash to the ground
Their castle descends to the sea
From whence it came to be
A castle built stone by stone
To fall but once again
As the very earth rumbles
Quaking in the divide
A ruin on either side

The queen, her part of the land
Once so thriving and grand
Only to fall by her own hand;
From a land of bountiful prosperity
To but a wasteland of humanity

The queen, she walks among the ruins
Rubble scatters the once sacred ground
To rest heavily at her weary feet
Seeming to admit defeat

Into the old chambers,
The throne room they once shared,
Split at the space between the seats
Now ever so lonely she stands
Upon the cliff so steep and grand
The great divide of ancient land

Seated upon her throne of stone
Cracked and deeply worn
Now it seem it were
Surrounded by spine and thorn
Protecting the exhausted queen
Despite all internal protest
She warily sits to rest

Her subjects come to her cries
From her long cold bed,
She cries and cries but will not sleep
Remaining awake only to weep
Wrapped in her linen sheet
Longing for a distant warmth
Knowing it shall not return
T'was but a lesson to be learned

Rise and rule the day,
The queen knows that she must,
She sits upon her throne on high
Her knights to guard her people
Her heralds to aspire the people
Their souls, one day, to rest

The queen, forever she overthinks
Thinks once, then twice, then thrice again
As any a queen should hope before
Making but a single request

The queen, she rules over the dark
Her word is her solemn command
She considers her people with care
Before do anything she dare

The tired queen, she stands to greet
The soldiers of her fleet
To sail their hearts out to sea
No more, in this time they shall not flea
To tie up their ships to the docks
Not again to leave the harbor
Of their greatest labor

As the days go by and by
She stands and heavily sighs
Her people, they reflect her state
And quite frankly, as of late
They appear more ghostly than
The specters of her mind

As her sorrow grows and spreads
So, too, do the wraith-like folk
Of her long, forgotten land
Broken by her trembling hand
Both land, and fragile heart

Seated somberly upon her throne
The queen, her pain is known
Far and wide, beyond the reaches
Of her sullen, gloom filled lands

As the word spreads
To lands far and vast
The tales of her past
They know her by one name
At last she holds her title, bound;
The Queen of the ******.

- Jay M
September 7th, 2022
Decided to polish up this piece a bit. Also, never noticed it was censoring parts of my writing? The censored word is d a m n e d (hope that works so it can actually be read).
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