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When I was teenager,
it was pens, papers and stamps,
  two week of waiting,
to see  if the  mailman would deliver
  those special letters from your
pen pals from around the world,

Nowadays it's Facebook, Instagram, whatapp
The Likes and dislikes,
disgraced and lambasting
Total strangers on the internet.
Whatever happened to the human race?

He's got those eyes I never could put to words, but I see them before I sleep. Still a piece of missing puzzles, a riddle unsolved that I couldn't keep.

I could count the hours that wasted away, all the effort placed in between. Now I live in sterile reality, I've no hope left in me to dream.

My heart once broke along the floor, I stopped to watch it shatter. All the pieces left of me, are to jagged and bent now too matter.

I placed our memories in a jar of glass, tears sealing it with sorrow. Just another lesson learned, love is something we can't borrow.
 Sep 2015 Turtle Eyes
Mary Holz
You can have my shoulder to borrow
bury your tears in the ground
water the dirt with your sorrow
and hope that the Earth doesn't drown
 Sep 2015 Turtle Eyes
B 5w
 Sep 2015 Turtle Eyes
kissing you is so beautiful.
what is this feeling I don't know what's going on I'm so happy
 Sep 2015 Turtle Eyes
Ntsika H
Our love defines perfection..
When you cry, I cry.
When you hurt, I hurt.
When I can't, you can.
When I won't, you will.
In my downfall, you rise.

Our tears are identical, just like how our pain is a reflection of our souls cause they intertwine with strings of love.
It's an almost unbelievable, unfathomable love.
Your heart beats, and my body pumps blood.
You're my strength in my weakness, my comfort in my tears and my help when I fear, you're the joy to my every tear.
Your smile is a forever that shines upon my darkness, your words a tune to my ears when all I hear is the pain that's so unbearable.
Your love reassures my pain and reminds it that it's only temporary, cause your love permanently drives out my pain.

And I've learned to accept your love like how your soul accepted my flaws and glorified them as perfection.
You made me feel like a flower when I felt like a seed buried and forgotten.

You made me feel like a star, even when I felt like I was burning out.
And just like the sun, you shine on my moon to make me see that your light reaches me from wherever you are.
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