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Small ants scurry across the ground,
oblivious to the fact that they could be stepped on.
A teacher tells a student to pay attention in class,
to grasp the concepts being taught,
to observe...
Observations are personal views,
in certain perspectives;
how one can perceive any given situation.
There is no right or wrong,
in ways of how to observe things.
Teachers, professors say there is only two ways:
Quantitatively               and             Qualitatively
Everything observed seems to fall into one of these categories,
but can something break the boundaries?

Observations can form relationships,
but in the same instance- destroying them.
Qualities observed are picked;
only chosen to appeal,
but does that make them real?
Questions go along with observing:
how something came to be and why...?
But does anyone truly know the correct answers?

in the end is only questioning the essence of things.
 Apr 2015 Tom Cruise
Rad Tad
Why are you so small
your flippant comment
with a small lament
makes me feel like I've never before

I must confess
That the smaller, the better
and I wish to be pragmatic with you
But I feel I can't
With the slew of emotions
Flooding my conscience.

Why smallman
Why are you so small

Maybe someday
You'll grow tall
Excellent wonderful smallmen for ever
 Apr 2015 Tom Cruise
Rad Tad
Forever neglected
Forever dismayed
Forever deafened
By the cacophony of the trade

The antiquated digger stands by
A sentient guard of the worker
It watches as the tree slowly dissipates
Its life slowly crumbling
As the voracious chipper
Devours the tree whole

The worker stands by
The digger stands by
The chipper chips away

The taciturn worker remains
Ruminating the existence of the world.
Why was he put here?
For what reason must he stay with these hallowed construction tools?
Do they feel any remorse for the change that they've enacted
On the world around them?
Are they aware that they transgress the laws of nature?

The bellicose chipper
Wages war with nature
As the people watch so distantly.
Its sound makes the neighbors quite belligerent
Yet the zealots watch attentively.
The pure ignorance
The pure neglect
The blatant apathy
Is something to be seen.

Whatever could possess you
To follow in the footsteps of the worker
To feel his pain as the trimmer
Chips away at the trees' centuries
The sound of shattered glass
Punctuates the air.
Perhaps there has been an accident.
Wrote this one on a plane, too.
 Apr 2015 Tom Cruise
Rad Tad
There was an ephemeral man
Precariously balancing on the ephemeral moon
That choleric moon
Always coughing and sneezing
Knocking off that precariously balanced man.

That parochial moon
With its offspring jogging and frolicking about
Maybe one day, that ineffable cough
Will be stopped.

The right thing
What is it?
I wonder
If you do the right thing--
Does it really make

The proletarian moon child
Cogitated this
Along with a myriad of others
While gazing at the ephemeral stars
From the ephemeral moon

Apocryphal writings claimed the answer
But the child couldn't find solace in it.
So he jumped off
To join the vacuous inhabitants
Of the Earth below.
Wow this is amazing. This is for Mr. Reese's TOK class block 5.

— The End —