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5.3k · Aug 2018
A warrior of words
Steve m sawyer Aug 2018
An agent of  assonance,

An army of alliteration,

A conquistador of climaxes,

A fighter with form,

A marksman of motif,

A mercenary of metaphors,

A ninja of nuances,

A raider of rhyme,

A soldier of synonyms,

A vigilante of voice,

I strike with the fiercest of sentences,
With such clarity and no false pretenses,

I assail with the mightiest of swords,
I am a warrior of words.
1.4k · Aug 2018
Lyrical speech
Steve m sawyer Aug 2018
Whilst I'm standing still over this hill, I think of moments in life that gave me a thrill,

But I remember the pain and I remember the chill,
Of the cold dampened heart's that never seem to spill,

Like the world's in one convention and I'm outside looking in,

I grin, whilst i use these forces buried within,

To show people in verse what I mean,
Before the planet isn't green,
Before the seas collapsed and wind is no longer a breeze,

We freeze in an ice block, tick, tock, tick, tock, we stopped the clock,

But nobody hears me so everyone listen up,
Stop what you're doing and please raise a cup,
For stopping global warming and extinction of animals, because we're all valuables on this tiny spec of galaxies, yet governments plan strategies,
To profit from tragedies, they keep us all living in fantasies, but strike in catastrophes,

So let's help our families and all become one,
Before we've got none and everything we feel has gone,

Putting a bet on the apocalypse, odds are ten to none !!!
Things need to change, before it's to late.
526 · Aug 2018
Executing society.
Steve m sawyer Aug 2018
I see the bandwagon trail,
ablaze once again,
Head hunters patrolling,
for blood stained skin,
Weapons in hand,
torches lit with flames of fury,
As they gather the masses,
to portray, judge and jury,
A Public execution is on display in the courtyard,
Sinners suspended from the hanging tree,
Barking freshly marred retribution,
Sought by bound shackles and wrists,
To appease the famished ego's,
of raging hypocrites !
You reap what you sow. To many are concerned with what others are doing, rather than just getting on with it. It grates on me.
269 · Feb 2019
Don't waste time
Steve m sawyer Feb 2019
Life counts down,
like an hour glass,
How long do you have ,
How long will it last.

This is not a movie,
The won't be a sequel,
Take a chance,
But treat everybody equal

Have wild nights,
Reach for higher heights,
Spread your wings,
And enjoy every flight.

Don't waste your shine,
Make everyday sublime,
Some day your name,
Will echo through the ages of time.
264 · Aug 2018
Devoted poetry
Steve m sawyer Aug 2018
When true poet's write
They use all their emotions
Thoughts swirling round,
Like waves crashing in the ocean,
Putting word's together,
Like a witch conjuring up a potion,
Nuances rolling off the tongue,
Causing a commotion,
Not looking for prizes,
no need for a promotion,
As we lay our soul down in utter devotion.
For the love of poetry
262 · Aug 2018
Human blind.
Steve m sawyer Aug 2018
We live in a world full of blindness,
Everybody is looking,
yet lacking kindness,
Ignorance has made us all
crazy and mindless,
Nobody willing to stand up,
Instead acting spineless,
Evil has spread,
And started to become timeless,
people are more bothered
That their gadgets are wireless,
It happens more everyday,
And I'm starting to get tireless...
Ignorance is a desease, and it's spreading.
252 · Aug 2018
Prison of thoughts.
Steve m sawyer Aug 2018
I'm an over thinker,
my mind comes up with problems that don't exist,
Hook, line and sinker,
My thoughts are imprisoned in a dark mist,

Am i jumping to conclusions,
has my mind suffered an intrusion,
Is this real or just another illusion,
can someone please help me,
I can't handle this confusion...
251 · Aug 2018
Human demise
Steve m sawyer Aug 2018
We were given a beautiful world to call home,
A natural wonder,
we were once free to roam ,
Amazing landscapes and animals to look at in awe,
Until selfishness and greed,
was planted into our core,
Money was invented,
Which divided the rich and the poor,
Power obsessed tyrants, creating mayhem and war,

We couldn't unite,
Because of race colour and creed,
Even though red,
is the same blood that we bleed
Not willing to except each other's beliefs,

So now the pendulum swings,
And we prepare for our last sunrise,
I say these words with a tear in my eye,
It's sad but no surprise,
We created our own human demise. !!
Steve m sawyer Aug 2018
Take a look,
Deep inside your mind,
Don't be afraid,
You will be surprised what you find,

There is a lot that lays beyond your exsteria,
Your brain holds a lot of criteria,
Give yourself credit,
You're far more superior,

Imagine if we could use our knowledge,
To do better thing's,
Instead of getting in line,
like puppets on strings

So let your mind unwind,
Stay alert but, be kind,
The eyes are useless,
If the mind is blind.
241 · Aug 2018
Summer dream
Steve m sawyer Aug 2018
I thought that summer would last forever, or so it would seem, as we tip toed across stepping stone's, down at the stream.

You had a flower in your hair, the prettiest i had seen,
We were just youngsters, with a handful of dreams,

I often wonder where you went,
and where you have been,

I thought it would last forever,
If you know what I mean,

Now it's just a distant,
summer dream.
235 · Aug 2018
Immortal soul
Steve m sawyer Aug 2018
I've grown a lot,
In many different ways,
No longer do I have such hidden rage,
Instead i let it out,

My thoughts are the ink,
That glides across the page,
My soul is no longer locked in a cage,

And even after I'm gone,
My mind is immortal,
It will last for an age.
234 · Aug 2018
Self confusion
Steve m sawyer Aug 2018
Am I good enough ?
It's sometimes hard to see,

My train of thoughts are stuck at the station,
My insecurities are stopping me,
From getting to my destination.

Peace of mind is what I seek,
But my confidence has gone into hiding,

I have a big heart that beats like a meteor colliding,
My sanity seems to be subsiding,

Am i crazy,
because of these thoughts that I'm describing,

I guess that depends on,
who is deciding.
233 · Aug 2018
My message
Steve m sawyer Aug 2018
I'm an instigator,
A thought generator,
My words fly across the page,
Like I'm an aviator,

I'm sometimes seen as the perpetrator,
As I spread my message,
I feel like the negotiator,
If only I could reach out to other's,
And be a communicator,
A compromiser or a speech maker,
Or even an encourager or a motivator,

But nobody hears my voice,
I'm not an educator,
Sadly I'm invisible,
Unlike a force of nature,
I wish I could do more,
but like you i was born into this world,
I wasn't the creator,
But I'll never give up, I'm going now,
I guess I'll try again later.
220 · Aug 2018
The lonely old man.
Steve m sawyer Aug 2018
The old man lays on the side of the road,
Looking raggedy and feeling old,

Bandanna on his head,
And wearing ripped jeans,
His mind thinks back,
to the good times in his teens,

In the heat of the day,
He sits and he sings,
Only his guitar for company,
as he plucks at the strings

In his hey day he had lived like a king,
Now he sits alone counting his sins,
Remembering all the people who have come and gone, sometimes the day's can seem so long,

In a blink of an eye life can change,
So be kind to other's,
As you bask in your glory,

Don't be so quick to judge,
Because we don't know their story.
Stay open minded, and don't judge someone you know nothing about.
212 · Aug 2018
Not worth it.
Steve m sawyer Aug 2018
In a world full of critics,
It's easy to become materialistic
A slave to money,
But you're just another statistic
Turning to crime, to get money
It's best not to risk it,
But you're already an outcast to society,
And labelled a misfit,
Drug dealers selling drug's,
And using our kids to shift it
Oh, your living the high life now,
Sorry I missed it,
These people don't give a **** about you,
Time to be realistic !
207 · Aug 2018
Music is good for the soul.
Steve m sawyer Aug 2018
As I lay back and put my music on,
My mind drifts away,
And gets lost in the song

I remember as a kid,
The beat would have me beaming,
Then I grew up and,
Realised the lyrics have meaning,

A sad song could have your eye's streaming,
A happy one can have you,
reaching for the ceiling,
There is nothing better to cater for every feeling.

So if your thing is,
hip hop, pop or rock n roll,
The is no denying that,
music is good for the soul.
You can't beat a bit of music, there is something for everyone.
200 · Aug 2018
An evening ponder
Steve m sawyer Aug 2018
A little birdie told me, hearts and souls are mouldy,
Walk with me talk with me on this journey of doubt,
you'll will question people and you'll question the drought,
of honesty people lie about,
Because it's time to scout, for kindness on earth,
From birth i think I've been cursed,
it gets worse as I rap this verse, I'm trying to explain how life can be complicated,
because we're all intoxicated, muffled in fumes of disease and fleas that cling onto your skin,
use the energy within, and repel them,
this is where your journey Will begin,

I've been searching for a moment or a pinpoint in time,
when these and rhymes and lines, will be classed as divine,
As I perfect and refine, I'm just wondering how many times,
I can resign the same rhyme, so all sit back with a glass of wine,
Whilst I i intertwine every line,
Lyrics so evil I'm committing a crime,
Maybe I'll get a statue, maybe a shrine
I've got to end this, so let's all decline,
But you'll remember this verse as one of a kind...
Good evening everyone
196 · Feb 2019
Human blind
Steve m sawyer Feb 2019
Human blind.

We live in a world full of blindness,
Everybody is looking,
yet lacking kindness,
Ignorance has made us all
crazy and mindless,
Nobody willing to stand up,
Instead acting spineless,
Evil has spread,
And started to become timeless,
people are more bothered
That their gadgets are wireless,
It happens more everyday,
And I'm starting to get tireless
I wrote this about three years ago,  I think it's getting more relivent  nowadays  !

— The End —