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  Aug 2014 thinklef
I guess forever was just words to you
I shouldn't have let your lies seep through
Maybe my skin was too thin
Maybe I shouldn't have let you in
But now its all over
And now you are gone
My heart was like a diamond
Trapped in a safe
The combination being you
And those snake eyes saw right through
I never thought it to be possible
But the only thing harder than my heart of diamond
Was yours of ice
Sun shines through shadows,
water gives way to the splash,
sharing summers smile.
A fellow user (Hilda) helped me realize I may be lacking on the happier poetry here. So, attempt I did, to remedy this. Thank you Hilda for this rainy day to be reminded of happier states.
  Aug 2014 thinklef
SG Holter
My passport says I'm 1.89
Metres tall. I carry pallet jacks
Up stairs at work.

I can bench press 130 kg
On a good day, about 30 more
Than I weigh.

I can punch through three layers
Of sheet rock, still I just
Picked up my cat

And held her a good while.
Because I needed
A hug.
  Aug 2014 thinklef
Mike Hauser
Why do some go through such misery and pain
Being hit by tragedy again and again
Is it something that they do?
Is it something that they've done?
What is it that shoots holes through life
With both barrels of the gun

Is it the deal of the cards?

Or the twist of fate?

Perhaps the lie of the deck

That lays a life to waste

But who's to say what it all means
For none are promised tomorrow
Just be prepared for the coming storm
In the raining down of sorrow

For life is never easy

And never is life fair

Aren't we all just teetering here

On a thin rope above thin air

There never seems to be words of comfort
Words of wisdom we could give
All we need to be in the time of need
Is the shoulder of a friend
For those that go through misery and pain
As more is yet to come
Hitting them hard again and again
Over little they have done
  Aug 2014 thinklef
Amanda In Scarlet
I’m feeling a little sunken,
Lurking here at the bottom of the
Ocean wallowing here in my
Muddy slime-filled pit.

Feeling rather lumpen,
Stodgy, awkwardly unblended, I remind myself
Of things unstirred, of things
That cause the upper lip to rise above the teeth.

I have formed a second skin, like congealing coffee,
Overheated, I am clammy, and I wish to shed.
Scrub me, I am just dead skin,
I am something to slough off, discard, and rinse.
  Aug 2014 thinklef
Amitav Radiance
The night is happy
Lover’s meet again
Never to part
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