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You already have me all figured out.
All my answers.
All my beliefs and actions.
You have me decided
and that is blinding you.
Blinding you to who I truly am.
You don't see me.
You see who you think I am.
Who you expect me to be.
I am so much more
than the narrowness of your view.
There sits an empty dresser drawer
once full but now it's not.
Everything that I love
has up and left that spot.
To see it now you sure would think
it's empty as can be.
And to you that might be true
but not so much for me.
It used to house my sons clothes
and treasures he would keep.
Like gems, coins, hot wheel cars,
and toys that whirl and beep.
But now he lives off with his dad
declaring that it's awesome.
While I sit here staring at
my empty drawer coffin.
Tempting me to climb on in
until my tears do cease.
Laying down in all it's not
May I rest in peace.
I could have had full custody hands down but that would not have been best for our son. I chose to be the weekend parent to ease tensions in the future. My father taught me that if you see the problem you are the one responsible for fixing it. To have fought over my son with my ex would have been bad for his growth and healing. It was the hardest decision I have  had to make.
Breaker of toys
Dasher of dreams
Pull all apart
Right at the seams
Demanding all time
Just to cause grief
You lecherous fool
You fun stealing thief
Mine you can't have
Mine aren't for keeps
I've taken them back
Mine can't be reached
I know all your tricks
I know your true name
I know what you are
A peddler of blame
Glass confessions
Fragile honesty
Entrusted to your
Choking squeeze
Bursting glass candor
Insulated confetti asphyxiation
Defiant Resistance
Mis-paced and misplaced jealously took every midnight confession or moment of deeply persoal sharing and twisted it, squeezed it until it shattered. Then when it was most convenient you slung those pieces as weapons while I was left choking on the glass dust particles of pulverized trust.

You underestimated the power of my lungs.
We are repeating yet fleeting,
estranged remnants,
together alone.
It was the strangest feeling.
To be married.
To be  chosen.
To share life.
The one place
you are supposed to matter most
only to become a ghost.
To be forgotten.
To disappear
into the wallpaper and tapestry,
not in a woven way
but in a painted to look like it way.
And if you stay long enough,
no longer reflected in their eyes,
you will forget yourself too.
The dissolution of my geography.
My fault lines slowly became riddled with fissures
until one day the area between my *******
collapsed in to a sink hole.
I try to make a point in any relationship not to call names or threaten the relationship. I feel like if something occurs that makes you feel bad then you should talk about it. Things left unsaid create resentment. There are ways to communicate without having to make the other person feel like less. When respect and care are not given it chips away slowly at the other person.
I will not conform
I will not obey
I will not submit
I'll play my way
I will not give in
I will not retreat
I will not sit by
I'm fast on my feet
Pirate 1. "Pirate 3 is my prodigy"
Pirate 2. "You teaching him the ways?"
Pirate 3. "No, he is teaching me the sways."
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