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Jun 2018 · 764
Nar Nar
Luka D Jun 2018
Walking on eggshells
around you

You're a misery
You're my misery

Passive aggressive with a
mean mentality

You're a misery
A misery

Doubt befalls me
on your promises

You're a misery
A ******* misery

But I never had
my hopes up, 'cause

You're a misery
a misery
You're a misery
Your own enemy.
Jun 2018 · 271
Oj, Bjelovare!
Luka D Jun 2018
U vlastitome autu ne putujem sprijeda
Ne znam ni koji je dan, možda je srijeda?

Čak ni u tihoj sobi moj glas se ne čuje
Čak ni da sam na pozornici ne bi me se vidjelo

Hladnu ruku mi molim te hvataj
i pozitivne misli u glavi mi startaj

Oženi me za strukturu i radost
ionako samo trošim svoju mladost.

Pa kud se kreće ovaj "auto"?
Šta bi ja kao trebao znat vozit?
Nemam love za pivu kamoli za položit
Ma k vragu i svemu, nek sam ide.

I tako ja napredujem po ovom putu
Imam rezervaciju bit sam u kutu
Ništa pa tako ni život ne rješavam u prvom šutu
Skretanjem za Bjelovar valjda će mi rješit muku.

Bjeli grade, što li skrivaš
Mjesto za još jednog mizernog gada valjda imaš
Pa di si Bjelovare?
Apr 2018 · 305
Panic attacks
Luka D Apr 2018
I'm freaking out, man

What lies in the bushes?
to unsettle LUCIFER?
and Odin?
and vampires?

why, why, WHY
the need to chase me?
I'll just run away

no, you can't catch me
..I can't breathe!
my clothes

They are my enemies
YOU are my enemies
I am my own enemy

I gotta run now
but I'm troubled
because I cannot see

what lies in the dark?

So I run.
Panic attacks are no joke...except for anyone who isn't having them since your world is not falling apart. It's just a feeling. ****** one, but just a feeling
Mar 2018 · 207
Luka D Mar 2018
Can I have a bit of your attention, please?
****, you don't care
well what's to care?
I know what you see.

I'm a ghost,
I wear a mask
Even if you saw me
it wouldn't last.

Ignore me out of existance
I'm not here anyway
Temporarily filling a spot
Who even cares what I have to say?

Don't talk to me,
don't look
Don't call me, don't think me
You can't save me

Say something,
look me in the eye
call me, write me
At least say goodbye.

A portrait of what I once was
a phantom of what could've been
Try and see
the unthinkable
Try and face
the unreachable
Look to reach
the ungrippable
Look to forget
the unmemorable
Luka D Feb 2018
Usred noći nagon me probudi
Moram na WC na visokoj sam uzbudi
Svjetlo palit odlučio sam neću
No nasred hodnika suze mi poteću

Na kraju hodnika On tamo stoji
Zovem psa u pomoć on se ničega ne boji
Na poziv upomoć on se nije odozvao
Čak i i nakon obećanja keksa nije se pojavio

Sada ja i Slenderman smo ostali sami
Prokleti lik koji stanuje u tami

Zajebi ti ovo, pišat više nemoram
Sad svaki put iz sobe sjekiru furam

Pod plahte skrivao sam se uplačen
ovu avanturu ponovit ne želim
Opran paranojom sada ti kažem
Iz ove kuće se što prije selim
It's in Croatian, it's about your mind playing tricks on you.
Feb 2018 · 401
Moving on:
Luka D Feb 2018
They drink up all my money
I want to run away but always keep coming back
Doubting whether it's me or them that's the cause of that

I might be weird but I'm not broken
(Well that's not true...)
At least I patch my holes, you leave them open

I'm a work in progress
Working to be my idol
I'm not perfect and I know
Some times an obstacle can feel like cover

For the longest time now
I only got up in the mornings
because of the promises I made:
"it will get better, just hold on" I said

The best feeling is self-control, being strong
followed in close second it's being right
And I was not wrong
I'm glad I held tight
When time gets tough and you have nothing to cling onto, just hold on to yourself because the only thing you can't do without, in life, is yourself.

Thanks, Billie

— The End —