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you have to

listen more than you speak
read more than you write
cook more than you eat
seek more than you find

act more than you sleep
practice more than you preach
sow more than you reap
stain more than you bleach
Dear Reader,
if you're reading this
it means
I'm dead
as a paper


to be etched
with the poem
I tried to write
so many times
when I was me-
she was not herself ever, but my god was she ever clever. her personality was lost by the way, you could tell that during each day-to-day.
she feared every moment she had to speak, her vocal chords ached and always felt weak. she wanted to blend in and disappear, she never knew how to make magic appear.
... It was all an accident. <\♡
the way she
when she
looked for
He remains still during sunrise
For it is at this specific moment when his true love awakens
He watches motionless while the light reveals her unique beauty
He knows that he is defying the very nature of his existence
Nevertheless he does it because of his love for her
He whispers her name gently to not startle her
She remains silent mainly because she understands her delicate circumstances
Her time is brief
So she chooses to not be impetuous but instead,
She expresses her love by exposing her vulnerability
Her behavior is demur yet she allures him with her bold fragrance
He surrenders willingly transforming their union into a subtle breeze
While these two forces of nature consummate their love
The world spins in motion with its troubles oblivious to what has taken place
Finally she peaks fully blossoming with no regrets because she has served her purpose
The warm air begins to stir as he releases his tender embrace
The winds taken by cherry blossoms
© 2019
Inspired by a prompt.  Cherry blossoms life span is around two weeks after fully blossoming their petals fall.
Here lays the truth scattered among the ashes
Observe how the truth manages to remain a seedling inside of its protective shell
It will only sprout in soil that is fertile
As a society it has been bequeathed upon us to live in truth
Yet we rather camouflage ourselves in deceit because the truth is far more painful than the lies
Oftentimes the truth is left to waste as ******* because no one desires to embrace it
Lies is a stench that pollutes the air leaving behind misinformation and corruption
However the seed of truth will continue to prevail
Simply because it germinates whenever it is nourished and received with love and maturity
Hence it flourishes with resilience through diligent cultivation which successfully results in a bountiful harvest
Where the seed has not taken root the ravenous beast will ****** it up satisfying his hunger
Whatever remains will degrade and eventually turn to dust
Therefor let us celebrate in the harvest by cultivating the seed of truth
© 6/4/2019
This poem was inspired by the "Chernobyl" a docu-series on HBO™
Those minuscule moments of clarity and purpose
Fill my days with longing
To die knowing I can’t live there
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