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1.0k · Feb 2019
ThatWolfgirl13 Feb 2019
It drowns out the world
It drowns out my life
It drowns out my sadness
Just close my eyes
Turn up the volume
Forget life
Forget my struggles
In a empty world
With nothing but the rhythm
Then I open my eyes
and remember
I have to eat
I have to clean
I have to leave my safe place
I have to turn off the music
I want to drown out my sadness with music but every time I try I have to do something, why cant I just sit in a corner while in my own world of happiness and never move
437 · Apr 2019
ThatWolfgirl13 Apr 2019
Gabrielle Pennington
You're my very bestest friend
One day you got me a toy fox
Kevin is the name he got
Gabrielle Pennington
Your the greatest type of friend
One day i got you a toy goat
The cutest goat to own a boat
Gabrielle Pennington
I dont deserve such a friend
436 · Jan 2019
ThatWolfgirl13 Jan 2019
I wouldn't know what to do
If someone found out my struggles
My friends wouldn't treat my like a friend
But like a depressed suicidal girl
Yet at the same time
I wish and pray at night
That someone will finally realize
What's really going on
Sometimes I want to cry
And hug one of my friends
But then I'll blow my cover
And never forgive myself
Every thinks I'm the happiest person on the planet, I'm kinda sad that I hide it so well
391 · Jan 2019
ThatWolfgirl13 Jan 2019
She feels fat
She feels ugly
She wants to be MORE then just flat
As the days go by
Her struggle grows
She feels alone
Then, the voice arose
Said he knew what she wants
Said he knew what she needs
The thoughts her brain they did haunt
So she listened.
"You need to do what I say"
'He can help me'
She decided not to disobey
He told her not to eat
"The less you eat, the less you'll weigh"
She finally knew what to do
It worked great til the third day
She wanted to eat so badly
The pain was so horrible
"Don't you dare eat a thing"
'But its so unbearable'
"Don't be that way"
You may know someone like this
But there's something you don't know
Its something everyone will miss
Even friends and family
The person known as 'she'
How horrible it may be
Is me.
well the poem basically explains it
379 · Feb 2019
ThatWolfgirl13 Feb 2019
I cant remember what happiness is
If I could have one wish
It'd be happiness
Hidden behind my mask
There's a tear in my eye
I wish someone would ask
I want the courage to say
I wrote this today when I wasn't feeling good, and I just kept asking myself, why, why do i have to deal with this, why me, those type questions, and I want to tell my friends so badly but I cant gather enough courage to do so
363 · Jun 2019
Now I know
ThatWolfgirl13 Jun 2019
for a while I've been confused
Im not into guys
But that would mean im gay
Which im not
I thought maybe bi
But then I saw I video
Explaining one thing
There's another one
One I'd never heard of
Its perfect
The only one that fits me
I dont have to be confused anymore
Im not attracted to anyone
To this you may say
'You havent found the one'
To that I say
Bs ive found him
I just don't want romance
But there's one thing
One more thing I dont understand
This can't be against God
Can it?
Im not attracted to girls
But its still a form of it
And as I grow
My parents talk more of
How one day
I'll think im ready
And to be smart about it
But I know that's not true
I've always thought
I'm a late bloomer
But now I know
I'm not alone!
I have a whole 1% on my side
I had literally never heard the word asexual til last night
302 · Jun 2019
Im scared
ThatWolfgirl13 Jun 2019
I'm shaking
My head hurts
My heart is pounding
And im scared
I'm so lightheaded
I feel dizzy
Am I dieing?
It feels so scary
When I stand up
Everything turns black
Why is this happening?
Do YOU know?
I feel like I'm dieing
What's going on

Update: I passed out a couple minutes ago... Im really scared
I think I'm dieing
222 · Jan 2019
ThatWolfgirl13 Jan 2019
I see family's in parks
Their smiles so bright
I wish we could have those sparks
I've never seen my parents together
I was only three
Why does it have to be this way
Makes me feel empty
Didn't have a mom til I was 7
Now i don't have a dad
Don't know what's its like
And I never will and its sad
But I'm OK
I mean i don't seem sad
But does that really mean anything
When I really feel so bad
my parents divorced when i was 3, I mean most the story is in the poem
208 · Jan 2019
ThatWolfgirl13 Jan 2019
I could be cursed
I could be filled with rage
I could be saving the universe
It only stops when I turn the page
When I get lost in a book
197 · Feb 2019
Thank you
ThatWolfgirl13 Feb 2019
Sorry this isnt a poem
I had a dream where I went through with it, I killed myself and the last thing I did before dieing was write a poem saying goodbye and I had specifically mentioned invisible, arrowbird fallenangel and especially wolf, and how you guys felt like friends to me and youre all so nice, now that I look at it I could have just said all my followers but I guess dream me didnt want to think of you as followers but as individual people who listen  to me and help me, sorry about posting on a poetry site and it not even being a poem, but I just wanted to thank you
177 · Feb 2019
Scary things
ThatWolfgirl13 Feb 2019
I see scary things
Demons and shadows everywhere
Some have wings
Way scarier then a bear
am I crazy?
What's wrong with me
Sharp teeth and darkness is what I see
They're all crystal clear
They seem so real
But they cant be
No one else can see them
How can this be
Whats wrong with me
Can anyone answer
I'm scared
I cant sleep
I feel like this thing Thats not real
Could **** me
I never turn off the lights
Maybe if i ignore it
It'll go away
How can I ignore something
thats so terrifying
161 · Jan 2019
How are you?
ThatWolfgirl13 Jan 2019
How are you?
Is such a funny phrase
For people passing through
But really nowadays
There's no point in it at all
When no matter how you feel
You answer is identical
"I'm good" is what they'll hear
when people say "I'm good" I'm pretty sure 7 times out of 10 they really aren't
160 · Jan 2019
Writers block
ThatWolfgirl13 Jan 2019
Only my second day on here
Can't think of a rhyme
I feel bad for the 3 people who'll read this line
Came here to write about all these thoughts
Then I started to connect the dots
I cant even understand what's going on in my mind
At least everyone on here is really kind
I feel like I HAVE to write another one
But what should I write about?
oh wait...
Couldn't think of anything so I wrote the conversation I was having with myself trying to figure it out
158 · Jan 2019
I dont even know
ThatWolfgirl13 Jan 2019
so many thoughts racing through my head,
A Tangled mess of emotions as I lay in bed,
How do i get help when i don't know whats wrong,
All i need it to keep strong,
Nobody knows this,
2am and it feels like im staring into the abyss,
Can't even pinpoint one thought,
I'm so distraught,
I feel like no one loves me even thought its not true,
All these things going on I just need a breakthrough,
151 · Jan 2019
ThatWolfgirl13 Jan 2019
and at first it was working
But Then things were emerging
Cracked lips and tired eyes
I'm hungry with no appetite
I'm shivering and shaking and I tell myself I'm fine
But you cant fool your your body you can only fool your mind
I just need to be empty
Hide from anyone who'll prevent me
Just fill up on water and shame
No im not hungry I just ate
I've developed a taste for this
Endure the neverending ache convince
Myself I'm in control and its not the voice that makes me sick
-boyinaband and Jaidenanimations
this is the 2nd verse of a song that I love by one of my favorite animators I dont know if I can write a link in this so just look up "empty" on youtube and you should find it

— The End —