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pluie d'été
"We are alive to be who we discover before we die."
No one will ever love you as much as an artist can , even on your worst days they will find poetry in the knots ...
Ted Scheck
54/M/Speedway, Indiana   
Jonny Angel
GRB090423    Lover of Poetry “Love conquers all," Aphrodite promised. "Look at Helen and Paris. Did they let anything come between them?" "Didn't they start the Trojan ...
Shaurya Pal
Leevon Abraham
Pohnpei Micronesia   
Harry J Baxter
Richmond    "If you're going to try, go all the way. There is no other feeling like that. You will be alone with the gods, and the ...
20/F    The growing is the goal.
Singapore    I saw the moon divorce the sky tonight; this remedy is worse than the disease.
Lover of Words
the ginger bread man
iceland    hi. im jake. i will try to make your day better. i love unicycling, devilsticking, poi, stilt walking, and cello. and..... yea.
Micheal Wolf
On the edge of reason, UK    You Can't Polish a Turd so don't waste time trying! Male White to avoid confusion! Brain fitted as standard on this model but it plays ...
here and now    unparalleled pathos. redefining the embodiment of my self and mind. my writing is the only thing i cling to. reminder: these poems are my property. ...
F    But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream his wings are clipped and his feet are ...
Elliot-Jane Lewenhart
John Julien
Ryan Fiore
Pennsylvania    We Are....Penn State!
I am misunderstood intentions, an abundance of larger-than-life fantasies, with a grandiose dash of overwhelming passion.
K Mae
Maine, USA    My muse will fly again, is beginning to dance, and I will return as writer/reader/responder. I still love the generous HP community. Giving and receiving ...
Meagan Moore
Student: Pursuing undergraduate majors in Biological Engineering, and incidental minors in Art in Geology I do and enjoy (aside from poetry) - photography, hand built ...
AP Beckstead 2014
Utah    Much unhappiness has come into the world because of bewilderment and things left unsaid. - FD
Mike Hauser
Sunny Florida    I'm a poet and I know it, I make a rhyme.... I make a rhyme................ CRAP!!!
England    I am trying to discover my poetic side by writing about my life.
PK Wakefield
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