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Jan 2021 · 344
Strange philosophy
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
You can measure yourself to southern star stars, octopus hairy amoebas - You were created as a human, so use your head consciously and think! The iris of your existence feels back and always returns to its corpse, and because you always know: As a sore tumor, your consciousness grows in you so that you can leave memory traces behind you! Who else can perish with you if you suddenly go and get over there - if at all - what kind of otherworldly **** non-existence ?! "Your orphanage, too — may have become more conscious, in which you cherished the Hailing Hope as the eternal treasure of Hope, and as a hanged Man on a rotting tree branch — even with a confident face on the handshakes of Sensitive Gaze!"
You can know that even without you, Being will gradually steal your gift-graces, and yet in your heart there is an unconditional, proud shard of a mysterious smile breathing for you and a small wall of the sorrowful moon! "The Mercenaries have long been alienated from you, who could only take care of themselves!" On your sad, constantly squeezed face, the terrifying Moonlight still fingers with its tentacles, and in the depths of the well-pit of your soul, the dreaded fear still builds its crystal towers! In the cup of your face - if you want to - rosy dawns are hardly blushing and your cherished dreams are popping up! - You feel in your heart, in love, the greedy mole is chewing more and more zealously; deep, crusted Time can only mature slowly! - The curious, exploratory child is hiding in you like a shadow, only to be always open to peoples.
Jan 2021 · 290
Broken gloria
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
The Hyena Grin World is increasingly threatening and trampling! I leave myself and I have to endure even if I can! Old wounds are cherished by the Night; my blind darkness falls on me! In our Savior Universe kisses, we knew and even felt Peace rest on the ground — but this soft serenity was soon gone! The infinite Bird Sight absorbed this complicated Being! A lukewarm evening, when it unfolds and embraces it among its gloomy star rings: all its bad and submissive intentions fell to the brilliant smile of the sun's rays!
He knew it too! We never felt our hearts to lie to each other’s absolute happiness! Today, there can hardly be any budding charm for the moment to be found again! Exacerbated pessimism saturates my heart with many thousands of missed occasions - I still know that rebellion fits the Anyway can still hold my only shoulders for a long time; a shipwrecked minute of life reveals itself before me selfish, mowing My death!
Like Görland's congested spike-dagger ice, the petals of my purple heart are wounded by Sorrow, and I still seem unable to decipher what the proud smile of Dear Secrets can tell. "My stuttering happiness seems to fade with my hollow eyes reflected, broken Gloria, and yet I would still wish for a rocking home of understanding, cherishing lapels!" I would give my never-found salvation to a real Lady!
I can’t let the eternal memories of my broken-wing existence in this celebrity world’s fortune fade away!
Dec 2020 · 244
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
Your deliberately lazy sloth dreams didn’t come true! Your shiny crystal legends have also been shattered! It would have been nice for Someone to be able to enter through your narrow, closed doors on a selfless donor and grab the pulsating beats of the golden heart of your two hands by grabbing them! The dense Blood of the Universe of your minutes could have flared up many more times - but you selfishly-stubbornly only wanted the True! Even a light-hearted Angel spell could have come to your chilled barking!
Your trembling, konok soul would cling to the gaze of another dazzling human Star and cling to the cravings of helpless promises — you can't do anything else! You shape the material in your soft soul into a firmer, more lasting will - and you still stop and think about your fateful decisions! "After your years, you don't make a point, because you feel around forty - maybe - a flirtatious Death can be on you and bombard you with a heart attack!"
The imaginary fairy face of Happiness can't open for you! And you couldn’t fall over, crying rhymingly at the gaze-sharing precious-carat eyes! You couldn't stretch your mind in the Forest of Love you found yet! You had to fool around on a stumbling block - and you still couldn't tune your little boy's soul to Hope, who could trust himself! All of you have been betrayed by the pride of your existence, and the proud hope of an imaginary rainbow smile has ruined everything!
You can cling less and less to shaky promises — you know, yourself; you wanted to exist and survive in the depths of hearts throbbing like a hiding silence! Don't give up on the Clown Fool of Love as long as you just look around smiling and there can always be Someone you can cling to!
Dec 2020 · 232
Trembling Deficiency
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
Walking our treacherous, money-all path, we have become ruthlessly greedy Breakers; Orphans, left alone, flare up in the night like the richer, richer stars! We know! We must not sell ourselves - nor sell them - and yet in the temptations of trials we fall bribed every day! Can our followers learn from our Fallen Being? If nothing else; how can we be non-compromising!
This present-man-long-time benefit-Present Interests-Babel cannot provide a shelter! Day by day, we live as if we are always waiting for unattainable Promises, enticing opportunities: a shattering, sharp shard shatters us every minute! When we give up our dreams, Kid is forced to cry in our souls!
Sustainable Life builds itself from more diabolical circles than card games: Each day sacrifices new figures for self-justification on stage, while the camp of the severely depleted prefers to give up the Competition because you can’t trust the legitimacy of affordable Judgments! "Every single moment has a primordial meaning, and many times the fallen Man doesn't even think, 'What if?' - the consequences of your decisions!
Sadness woven from moonlight illuminates every desperate larva's face. The tangible admonitions of Being are now the fears of garbage dumps! Through soul-movies, we can see the deepening calvary of our long-successful minutes fluttering.
Dec 2020 · 231
The cry of silence
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
*******, gutted Age! This is how we live under playable chess games; the witnesses of the fallen flies as diligent camps from today! Information Cyber-cascading brains brainwashed our minds every day but empathy falls to the ashes if Man prefers to be sold to stepmother! A long line of those who want to prosper, exchanging new homelands, want to get out of here: Who has not learned how to prosper, but rather leaves the stage of Calvary!
When crossing border lines for a living, they always give up something valuable on their own and leave it behind! Leaning towards each other, friendly hands clasped into themselves often continue like this! How much can diplomatic gestures decide at Europe's table ?! - When can this supersonic electronic age enter a self-evolving stream of purification?
Everything s Everyone alone finds pathetic, bribed benefits; while he takes the learnable prosperity from others; he looks overwhelmingly at this time other than a huntable prey! You know: whoever has put his soul as a commodity in the market of compromise can rarely expect Human patronage! Savior Hope can seldom illuminate the superficial face of a man who waders others out of interest every day, but let his selfish greed be maintained!
As the bouncing of monotonous nuggets, the End echoes in the bongo earcups; in all finite human respects giving to the True Pearl: rainfires, infinite concentric circles shine and circulate…
Dec 2020 · 199
In the shadow of half a day
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
From the very beginning, the Silence: Adherent Loyalty to My Selfishness builds the eternal adolescent secrets that have been gripped in me as a boy! Below me heights yawn snarling, above me the fate of Damocles sends its day-learning signs! Safe cover these days, hardly anyone can survive in the shadow of poems! This self-incense sneezing world forces me into something I can't be myself! "I curse with hermitage and I can hardly try to break out of this cage because I couldn't discover someone special!"
My bad things have happened that are over and yet they threaten stubborn repetitions - they treat me just like haunting dreams! I wish they would disappear into the darkness of eternal Times, and I would flee to them one by one at night! One by one, capture an unknown atomic bomb — temper and explode ready. A sieve-like, irreplaceable One-Life moves its threads on the verge of eternal questions that can be answered; the petals of our flower existence would still be gently pounded if blown away
our flower-body is the ordas-strong wind? Because it is possible that only those who can already see in me the suicidal Calvaries of the Calvary districts, whose fateful eyes are closed, can feel my wounded pain with a Golden Heart! Nirvana sand is thus suffocated daily by a talkative silence who would like to testify if they could still leave! Ingó's demand for existence is already modest, with pearls on his back with the testimony of True Beads
Dec 2020 · 199
The dance of doom
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
Then it was running harder and harder every day: My heart-stabbing **** knife was already every moment of mortal Immortality even bleeding in me! While the Great Time steered him here and there like the never-to-be Negotiator! Tiny, glued-handed gigolos, trendy jambs, trampled the chances of survival in others as well, until in the end they selfishly sinned! My soul, ready to soar, was forced to be shackled by bound shackles; the consolidation of imagined Friendships could have been mine alone, if I had already given up on the happiness I could find!
I would need something beyond an unspeakable need to be able to live with content again, and not just be ashamed of my own guilt! By deliberately contemplating the unexpected traps of Being, it is better to avoid and look back, so that even memories cannot haunt you! A call to morning awakening often lacks a sense of duty; In addition to the basic need for filling bites and the testimony of responsible toddler feet, the exploratory mind also selfishly desires more: It wants to reflect and testify and formulate!
My fears, which are so wide, squeeze my throbbing heart in the basket of my chest, and if my dear one could know that even the most mundane tasks often rise to the line of trying trials, he would understand
Dec 2020 · 250
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
Because it is involuntary to stop before everything is left unfinished! We can know: It is not the facts that have started that are what usually continue, we can stop if we know we can turn to unknown intersections, we can run into uncertainty! So where can the imagined Future, which we have tried together to build a ****** hand here or there, stay? And we ourselves could barely notice the serious intentions that have been proven behind the volunteer's hidden emotions…
Thus it may have begun that we have slowly been pushed out of the patronage of Samaritan favors, and now we are accustomed to the futile bitterness of the paths of the unknown Ends, rather trampling ourselves aside voluntarily! - Are the consciously determined Beginnings also recurring halves? Isn't the spark of Being discovered just wormwood? The interrupted Silence is silent again; restless visions run through my soul that may be lingering after the Happiness to be found!
Can the human ear still listen to the music of banging petals? Invisible hands are kept in Closed-Loneliness, and I still trust in the Word of Promise of My Friends: Protect and Guard! “On my face, like on the trunks of annual tree trees, I count my wrinkles thoughtfully, intentionally, slowly: Who can see more if you flirt with me wolf-eyed? There was a time when we dared to marvel at this sanda world with everlasting child spirits!
I don't ask for a part of self-world fools that I can buy for myself! Is the selfish mode just deceived enough to just make a living for yourself? While this Age of Age looks back at us with a mocking smile ?!
Dec 2020 · 234
Interaction string
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
When the Hangman Time opens over our lives; we raise our inverted palms to the sky! Wounded sunset flies in our eyes alive! For the Great Crossing - perhaps - everything is given, only we are more hesitantly half-nailed, unprepared! We can only rush towards the liberated Nothing with reservations! "The congested waves of this Being are ready to clash over our heads again - we can hardly cling to the created soul around us!"
There are still days of crypt when the gaping gaps beneath our feet rise with open mouths with their half-nasty-pathetic Will: "Jump down!" "And we're just wasting Death-frozen in one place, because the excited adrenaline isn't enough for us to accomplish the Deed!" The silent Infinite can only be felt by one who stops in Time himself and wakes him up with a wolf's eye and a karakan!
Their intent is consciously hidden by these faces today: A possible antidote to their vulnerability is conscious concealment! What can we expect from the Orv-World, which breeds these hyenas and also repels free-thinkers ?! Taigetos' careers and insidious teamwork await his unsuspecting victim like this!
Because there will always be craftsmen who are one way or another - but they try to cheat in disguise and enjoy their universal greatness and succeed! “Words are spelled from afflicted lips while they don’t even know the best antidote to aggravated sadness: Sincere Friendship
Dec 2020 · 153
Leak Valley
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
Among the fragility ruins of my soul, I still keep curious melodies, to see if there will be anyone else who will listen and think: if you have hurt Someone in the self of falling mirror tiles, how will you comfort the fall ?! In the promises of nowhere opportunities, I am disappointed daily: Were there any at all who considered the keeping of the Promise at all?!
Story has broken down into facts, yet it has finally been licked with ugly ends! In my final desperation, despair often sticks to the "how to proceed" - executioner's rope! If the extended Silence explodes in me: I will divide myself between the gaps of fear and reason! Who else, with their eyes closed, can discover the true Truths of petal falls that experience Truth?
Is the Continuous Rich Word Falling into a Memory Appearance? I will also turn the other half of my smiling face over if Someone else wants to know me! So be vigilant “they” out there so that they don’t exclude the witness from their souls! I still confess to myself the familiar Deficiency: Well, let's see! What would you do differently? Self-inflicted curiosity, however, is still pursuing; my exploratory consciousness is paving the way for itself, trying to be independent of self-defeating remarks,
blade-sharp, crumbling criticism! My awake researching attention captures the fulcrum built around me! Failed failures could continue to be a pity! - The blocked waves of this present existence are ready to clash over my head again; everything will leave me all around if I have to fight and fight with myself!
Dec 2020 · 129
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
At the top of shard puddles, a tiny tear-bubble pops dancing: it mourns itself in a spherical shape! In my wounded past, the soul-stimulating shower has punished me as well! I can only be a melancholy flame swaying in struggling winds; resistant to wolf laws even with konok faith! An ominous conjecture warns me of the signs of danger around me - while an unstoppable, barking stream in my soul carves out its still deepening pit beds from wounds!
Rock the Known Being Swing! He reveals his lattice chains before me; attracts a taming that can be tamed as a magnet! I can confidently cling to pearl twigs if I can listen to their knocking glass sound game! In me, even inciting-rebellious voices burst to the surface and guard their Fears of Hassias! "My inner infinity may still help me rebuild the diverse Jelen pieces!" We should revisit the speech of Eyes in soul movies so that we can understand each other's One-wavelength thoughts with a mere presence, even without sounds!
I wander in disembodied Silence and wait! "As the dance of clouds of tears falls from the sincere eyes of my shower, the soundless gems of the pursued Soul look like fat diamonds, what am I also wasting for other People in turning moments!" With his inner vibrations, the former eternal Child who I am today is back and forth: the secrets of the ages are etched in the stumbling trenches of my face
Dec 2020 · 108
Glass-sounded seagull
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
Heart-pounding depth clusters in me! I became an oldster child among you as a young man! I received the Universe as a gift sometime in my soul, the guilty fears of boundless torment-caught wounds are still racing! The throbbing chalices of my heart conceived in purple are often cut by invisible knives; there is still a jealous sadness in the trenches of my fallen chubby face - which is why I may and may deliberately stop in front of the walls of prejudice!
If there are even my Fellow Fellows they will fight for me! Curious eyes with open, eloquent attention search and follow my peculiarities like a hesitant walnut gut: it embraces My Seed-Loneliness! As spokes, they will be honest, True-words: questions fog over my head circling uncertain! In uncertainty stretched in still space, I often just float weightlessly…
Wind-restless self-digesting defective Figure in his smile prepared for comedy and experienced soul-forming dramas! I thought many times my heart could see the guesswork! It happened because it happened to a point I could rarely get back to! I had to keep my words worthy of my faith! It could only be a complete, acceptable Promise if others stood by me completely indeed!
I was a digesting fire from the inside with a flaming consciousness waiting just for another spark to breathe further! - It would have been good to cling to glass-bridged, quietly holding, clinging bridges
Dec 2020 · 120
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
My worried fears surround me! Nights expelled on loud-roaring days lie on a flirt! Irritant **** yelling voices destroy empathy, further build spiritual harmony! Hurricane waves are fueled by unnecessary human tempers! Could I still hear the angelic motion under my Beloved's heart perhaps?
The cherishing wings of angels are rarely redeemed from this present Apocalyptic state! Grind your time to the unruly Heart! "The gates of the universe-lips are not sure to open in the midst of hesitant trembling!" Pounding wave sounds would be even better if you could compose the immortal sparkle of superstitious eyes!
The Light Galaxy of Hopeless Romances can bleed in a veil of purple-hardened sunsets! The ever-changing Human Spirit can only gain momentum through Someone Else; I am perfectly defenseless in my lost loneliness! Because I should have understood the rules of Survival with simplicity to stay alive!
Among the annihilating sand caves of silence deserts, where else could I find a refuge to ****? Can't I get kisses for fidelity? You can never serve Humanity enough to keep us afloat on the surface, and yet we fall into the deep without it! "Are you a rebel in silence, encouraging in silence?" Even if you deny it: you are vulnerable and at the same time a Prisoner!
You're fooling this idiot-free world! And maybe you can only trust you with Loyal Eyes on your way ..
Dec 2020 · 123
Abandoned ports
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
Abandoned harbors in cherished bays but it would be nice to return again! A vortex storm, an unnecessary reef rupture could not be a barrier in the Sea of Being! You may be able to help through a measured series of scapegoats: Good luck s Will! The gaping deep calm is often not always given this way; and I often sink as a volunteer at the cost of swearing and shame! It will not be predictable long this life path!
The learnable cross-section of my human destiny is first knotted together and then intimidated by a killing harpy Squirrels! Savior Ariadne, where are you to help? It became a perforated heart-petal, and in my chalice the eternal comet lights of the Universe also light up exceptionally! Career knives that warn you in my throat and command you to “stop” are lurking!
My cherished dreams are mowed by wounds! Breathable in purple Time-nights stretch out the veils of diamond stars over my head! In me, a face sketch is often confronted with overwhelming reality; secret, mystery and obscurity weave your careful network if you want others not to know you Really! I’m also learning lessons from rehearsals: I’m a Konok like a piece of stone thrown into the water - so I can’t afford to fall apart!
The walnut-hard Loneliness has long since found its sacrifice in me, it is just waiting for the Dear to create a garden of Eden that invites every day instead of the miserable Golgotha district! Maybe I'm afraid: Hurt the immortal edible of forbidden bodies? The laughing amazement of flirting eyes? Should we have a refreshing handshake of lady laughs, a good-tasting shake ?! - I'm not just sorry about that! With my hesitant, stumbling footsteps I communicate to an uncertain Future - I should not give up uninhabited, desires, painted dreams yet…
Dec 2020 · 108
Wrapped mail
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
For even today the fearsome Great Time is cursed and has come for me; the floats of my bones also shiver with reality! Maybe it was my fault today, I can't research that by emigrating to Hermit, I couldn't break away from you even then! Only those who have tried to love vulnerable can know this caressing feeling! Has the cohesive bond that has chained us to Reality as a solid point broken?
The joy of Heaven once came with you and disappeared like smoke! I would speak to you now who you still misunderstand, because your incomprehensible pride is greater than your giving petal heart if you understood at all: you were guilty of misunderstanding and intentional abrasion! Little Mythcaster with a recognized Artist just can't get along with anyone! "Who bored you in my surviving ruins of my days? Orphans left me lost in my desperate situation, when you knew I could take eternal Friendships seriously!"
I ask: There is no compulsion! Can there be anything beyond the social curiosity of the universal cultures that connects you to it? Do you light a light or wear it down forever and next time you meet in the scattering of urns are you curious Our souls are reunited ?! We can still sit deep in ourselves if we print broken rice texts for each other! As an understanding Friend in trouble, you should talk to me so that I can boldly unravel the still cherished chaos of My Being and not stumble again in the next dam moments! "Hold the paw of my Enkidu hand in confidence, for you can understand it best. D help me get through my distressed, turning days!"
Sounds burst into me
I want to get out of my chubby body, which has been left to me as a traditional gift from my birth! I no longer regret not succeeding in losing weight - this is the only way I can experience the truer character of people! We should point inversely curve mirrors at each other voluntarily, just as no clown or comedian can laugh forever while his eyes are bitterly teared inside! The outside world would still need a lot of acceptance as an acceptable, teaching lesson!
I would like to be shamelessly prudent and homophobic when the Venus hills of the Universe are revealed to me and I then back away hesitantly and first enter after long requests! I could learn my destiny from budding, immortal moments! - I have hated it a long time ago that everyone can be excited as a novelty by themselves and only! I would also like to believe, cherishing the dream that is found, that a dear Angel will find me and, as a good love, surround me on a babysitter with his giving passions!
The timeless Present is a ring and many times I am Boring! The pitch-silence of my mortal life can rarely be penetrated by the extinguishing candle world, the Comet Light that wants to heal! - I would like to finally stand up and confess myself: See me without layers, and try to get to know me caringly! "I am preparing for the night in my consciousness - I would spread the free wings of my self-consciousness for a long time so that I could fly into the earthly smile of donating stars, so that I could cling to it for the last time!"
Dec 2020 · 90
Black sails
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
Who could have been a non-original voice that couldn't bother anyone and who heard a quiet killer on the night sobbing on the wall of the room of the dying, drunken Shadows? He could have uttered in Human Hearts, "Let there be Sun!" - A dark call crushed him every day and called for a fight: This is how the crying, over-noise child became more and more savage, more crazy!
For in every sentient Spirit a Shadow looks back upon us, as if we were looking among shards of mirror tiles; He stares at us staring like a grimace and sobbing! Executioner Time is rapidly leaking like nourishing breast milk into the poles of bodies and when they were called, Dark Despair of All, flirting with death, is inviting more and more! So far away from the brainwashed camp of scavenging sheep, lone wolf breeds can hardly be reared!
This is how the roaring Stupidity threw his serving minutes into the ranks! A sure recipe for smiling idiots and charms! - Doom may be dark! He was kneaded with sure hands from China and Death: where else can this bottom of the earth create true signs of consolation? Even today they often deny each other and certainly cannot notice their most precious Souls;
The tear ducts of true pearls swirl from the vessels of melted crater eyes as the melody of streams! Stumbling Yourself Carving Man Wreck! When do you notice yourself being able to live ?! "You were a dream of another era, and this now silly thing, how can you no longer learn to thrive in the Present?" "The right half of your being would constantly steer you in the right direction!" Stay on your feet even if a camp of lollipops is sure to trample you or lay you down
Dec 2020 · 114
Ecce homo
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
He suspects he had long since killed, greedily stopped himself in silence and knew he could no longer remain among men; It is destined to be a Hermit that preserves its solitude and there could be no other way but loss! In the palm of his hand, the parted handshake froze between his Marshian furs and he could not fall on the neck of the Beloved of the Universe!
He felt the life of pity driven into exile tremble because he was buzzing with a swaying, stigma-wounded, fierce fever! He didn't even know how long he was waiting, useless, stumbling on another sounding Promises and clinging to honest words - he did for a long time: He waited for Nothing while he could turn his back or mosquito for the sake of the world!
He woke up cursed, comatose; many times he said a hopeless Judgment over himself: No more! Like an old pain glowing scar panting in his body - Even among humans, like leprosy, he rarely dared! Konok and the apostate Age would have kept the renewed hope, he often pondered himself and preached out loud: I had had enough of everything and I would resign!
Being burdened His shoulders with sisyphus-rock loads on a daily basis, and thus He became more and more crusted, shrunken, and unyielding! He has been a scapegoat since he was born and yet an eternal Adolescent Rebel; his enemies who interrogated him knew this too — and when the End came he thought he thought his life was complete and still realized in childish wonder: How much could he not do!
The fireflies of lights hid in his sparkling eyes - He would have been a Man because he had sinned vulnerable!
Dec 2020 · 103
Self-labeling issues
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
Long-lasting questions are still straining and pushing My Soul - my nightmarish evenings are being ruined! I must see the steps of my struggling days to come in vicious series; to my watchful eyes appear in immortal times, in times of a millennium, the immortal memories of strange people whom I already judge forever!
Although they have often joked and chased me away - my willful plans have driven me into thoughtful thoughts and wherever I am my selfish creativity will not let me down! Indeed! It is evolving and multiplying! "I would be anxiously waiting for secret telepathic signs with which my beating-beating heart could loyally address Someone as long as there was growing anxiety about others in my heart attack!"
My day is already hiding things: Behind the horror of the Question, the suicidal discipline of the Deed still vibrates so that I can finally squeeze out the redeeming spirit that has always connected me with my restrained weak Cowardice! It would be good to break the blind, confused furniture forever and forget that you can tolerate the insidious roar of Hyena's grins as satisfaction!
And I don’t have to pathetically pull in my ears and *****! I keep a lost Age in my heart, and in uninterrupted tolerance-torment a World has collapsed — built up in me stone by stone: and it would be such a relief to see where the solid continuation of paved life paths was! I lived in agony, and the alarming, self-help glow was seldom burned: I was already disgusted that those who fell behind the offered path would not be able to see a safer Future!
Dec 2020 · 117
Absolute uniqueness
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
I don’t even know an impenetrable Silence will break my spiritual peace, or will it just equalize it like the language of a moving balance? Words from deep are knocking off the reefs of landlessness and they are still struggling for new goals! My closed eyes are asleep: plenty of stone blocks, even the lunar night of huge dreams falls on me! I may soon be lifeless, even on the cliffs of my mortality, the restless Nothing!
In the great current of Being, I cannot want to drift any further! As a well, I will immerse myself in selfish-stubborn growls! I really want to trust in the devotion of Redeeming Loves so that I will forget forever fear and fear; the crested waves of heart-sounds under silence stir and destroy at the same time! Through the alley of shady crypt-faces, I stumble as a shadow that is already shattering myself and I can't even find the sure way out!
Greedy and Fragile The puffing of people immediately subsides and strikes back into Nihiles Nothing! How can I stand up to the challenges of Being when Survival also comes into paid laws ?! - The star fire of bombing eyes holds me many times, it also killed my eccentric will and I died on the ladder of opportunities: into ancient mists!
In the gaping traps of annihilation, I had time to delve even further into myself! In my self-pity, in order not to lose myself once and for all, I always needed someone who was an understanding, protective Angel, who bowed his angel wings over my head. I don't know yet that I was constantly let go, but the feeling became, "I may not be absolutely alone!"
Dec 2020 · 211
Desperate night
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
What does the Night say when the dreadful fear listens in me? Everything in me is still wounded and defenseless as an adolescent! I have not yet researched for myself the extended question marks of Redemptive, Hand-held Love and Question and Answer! "What can the dense Night ask, if all the flames of the Universe on each other's glowing-tense bodies are just dust-covered, avittos dazes?"
My selfish, man-avoiding stutter in my murderous silences: Where could I have made a mistake? And could only I have sinned ?! I would call him, the Angel who caresses in his chirping voice, still me — I have another difficult day to come — I can’t discover his superstitious lunar face! Despair s selfish tremors all night woe-trouble!
What will the Night say in a whisper, and will I be able to trust even those I have surely accepted as my Eternal Friends ?! Will the Dear listen with deliberately tamed zeal when my shattered Soul invites me by asking a giver-expensive confession? ,,Everything is alright?!"
Will he listen then? Will you listen to my countless billions of bubbling questions ?! What can the Night listen to if, as a studded, dreamy alien, I had to thrive on this complicated earth alone; Will the Night be silent and speechless ?! My condensed moment, if I'm not careful, promises a trough: injured wrinkles fall from my face with tears…
Dec 2020 · 182
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
Handshake promises buried in myself! I was a Scapegoat s Cowardly traitorous, smiling with tears among the cheerful clowns! Outside, from the mouths of the uttering Judgments and Prophets, the vision seemed like a failure! Upstairs, in the radiant sparkle of his eyes, the rocking lady of the snow-white moon harbors! My forehead can no longer be crowned with redemptive kisses, my immortal Beloved; I've tolerated enough!
I was conceived as a misunderstood experiment, a sinful curious sin! Target My life has been targeted by deliberate envy, garbage jealous! "True pearl falls grow dearly in your sleeping eyes so you can still testify!" My responsible conscience climbs into my Soul infected with deepening guilt and makes it testify!
A frill of light flickers flirtatiously in doorways: a woman's shoulder shatters gracefully through the folds of clothes! "She's barking, she's getting angry with herself, she's still testifying alive in the present!" - Our knocking Heart splits into a dazed, throbbing twilight as we embrace the Universe and our bodies fall into the lake of the Savior's Nothing!
Goddess's hands clink in my hairy stone-back in conciliatory-confidential way so that with Faithfulness we can push the extravagant sins of our immortal minutes together! Tears are rising into coral castles in our eyes! Our flesh is already boiling on its own, and a symphony of music is on our cartilage! "Perhaps the Grace that even redeemed me could drift to the beating Golden Hearts?"
Dec 2020 · 164
Dreamy transience
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
When the eternally endowed Human Spirit, once gifted with Immortality, may have believed that human light, blazing in a halo tense in deer eyes, is not merely a product of combustion — but the eternal moment of the fillable, sanctified Universe; training in a living fire with two Sighs of the Spirit so it can boil budding into One! A graceful fever-lily stretches a pulled-out petal and as a nerve rises and what remains immortality Prometheus will be born!
It spreads from my little boy's face, cherishing a melancholy orphan; unquenchable, pure Flame then He became! My trickled panting head sweated like a pearl-mouthed sweat like the blink of Damocles' blade! Our fingers spread hesitantly apart in the captivity of our bodies: we smuggled lively stuttering words of compliment into each other's honeyed lips!
the waterfall of my trembling infarct heart shone like a breathtaking glass ball drop in the glow of Arca Gioconda, the elf of an abundant, rushing stream! And we could already feel the throbbing immortal piece of our body in the Universe that had split once and started to divide and became first three and then four-hearted under the captivity of our ribs!
Buds of buds shattered in the rays of our sparkling angelic eyes for our Happiness! - A glow of hawthorn in a tropical night, a flaming lace bush for the two of us is the way to go, perhaps ready from eternity; In our Savior Child Smile, we ignited the Essence that we honestly owe each other like two Children!
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
How can I build my career of opportunity over the open gap of raging Hell’s mouths? How could I prosper in the blind age of silly Celeb fools, when the pounding, unscrupulous break didn’t haunt me either !! "Roaring lava curses burned figured stigma on my sad face!" In the petty cat-and-mouse battle of humans, I fell to the ground many times voluntarily and there could hardly be anyone around me to help me! The worn-out rag wings of my idea were torn to small pieces by an insidious calculation, superficial Indifference!
I tried to eye etheric spaces of light in the shells of True Pearls; I could have been stunned and happy, I would have been if the rules of my survival could be just an arm's length away! The shimmering lights of linden stars are only very rarely greeted; my cared forehead around the forehead a lot of lived glass ***** rumbling in the dark! Everyday lightning shards zigzag through the waves of my existence and I still can't know
how can I survive the One-way to get ahead ?! Towards demonstrable Mortality flows the sparkled countdown of Being we gained at birth! He threatens to grab my menacing Unsteady Throat and not let me through my chronic drowning!
My chubby face fidgeted with grimaces at a defenseless little child trembling; a refreshing shower of showers shakes my relentless shoulders: a Mother-moon gaze flies away and touches me dearly and tenderly in my dreams, - then returns: the power of laughing from sparkling amber eyes echoes when a day is driven by its hibernated underwear!
Dec 2020 · 132
Graceful ballerina
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
Graceful ballerina
Flirtatious Thirsty Dream: stroking like the music of Angel Wings. You will be more than a holiness than a carnal, glowing cell; Among the ladies, the Only One! Because every day you close and close your creative petals and buds in roaring winds as well, so that your karakan will bloom with will! Saltó bursts out of suicidal ravines with the flickering catch of Saltó mortal trapezes that curl high through flattering flattering soles!
You reconstruct your day with the flaming rebirth of the Phoenixes every day! From the sword of human applause, your fear is strained in an airless room - lest you get in trouble yet! Your sun-river will shine in your precious silk eyes if you have done your maximalist work well! Your golden light amber skin will be kissed daily by the Sun instead of me; trombone lips demand of you too, like the compromised sensation from me!
Flower petals grow even in the sacred depths of your beating heart: deep in the lake, the trembling of stars is your tiny throbbing! Did you do well? And while you are constantly concentrating with disciplined vigilance, disturbing human voices are still shouting at you! reflectors
a fragment of light interferes with your free-speech prospect; and I looked at you as a Woman and yet the redeeming power of holy Friendship was more important than anything!
From the wings of eternal freedom, let your Art soaring to heaven become; so your dearest dream can come true! - Your dancing stunts must always have a killer-authentic effect so that they can drink into human hearts…
Dec 2020 · 113
Knife looting dreams
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
In the cemetery trenches of eye pits, prodigal dreams line up; mourning each other every day! Dripping crater tears, like clotted blood droplets, are still wasting halfway between the grids of wrinkles and they don't know where and where they're going ?!
The undeserved Present: We are enslaved to our heads as ozone hole brains in the form of guard-protectors. The curse of reality is forever on our hands: the prisoner-handcuff! Our senses go out to a solidified light as a whistling baggage! Staring looting eyes cherish empty nights Cosmos canvases v
If we could still switch back to the roots of the Present so we can start all over with new cards! With a hangover depicted the next day, Dawn also seems like a lunar eclipse! Promised dreams fall into each other's throats if they can't come true! A sharp knife stands in the hands of an executioner, and his possessions are mine, which can be expropriated!
They exile themselves and exterminate the Debris World! Even in the eyes that want to watch awake, the flowering shattered can hardly be budded! Scooter scalpels with crooked edges to catch suicidal intent; and this is how adrenaline junkies flirt every day for new, more adventurous experiences! Everything is digested in the Spirit
soak yourself in Nirvana-white emptiness! Its nourished worms, found at home on earth, have been waiting patiently for times
play the loot as someone else pulls the government aside, or from the loneliness of floors of Icarus trying to invisible wings fall to the ground alive! Most of all the war is that the words of a sinful Man are hardly listened to by the Being.
Dec 2020 · 99
Buried dreams
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
Buried in myself handshake-Promises! I was a scapegoat and a cowardly traitor! I was tearfully smiling with my face cheering
among clowns, there were cursing Judgments out there like cursed dogs barking, and from the mouths of the prophets, the vision might have seemed a failure! Upstairs, in the radiant sparkle of his eyes, the rocking ladik of the snow-whitewashed moon harbors; my forehead cannot be crowned with redemptive kisses immortal My dear!
I've tolerated enough! I was conceived as a misunderstood experiment, a sinful curious sin! Target My life has been targeted by deliberate envy, garbage jealous! "True-pearl falls grow dearly in your sleeping eyes so you can still testify!" My conscience flows into my Soul infected with deepening guilt and makes me testify!
A woman's shoulder flickers flirtatiously through doorways - she gracefully shatters through the folds of her clothes: she growls herself angry with herself in the present and yet the crazy Heart testifies! Our knocking heart collapses into a dazed, thumping twilight; as we embrace the Universe to ourselves and our bodies fall into the lake of the Savior's Nothing!
Goddess hands cling to my hairy stone back in conciliatory-confidential way so that with Faithfulness we can push the minute-limits of our immortal minutes together! In our eyes, tears rise to coral castles and flatten away! Our flesh is already budding on its own, and a symphony of music is coming to us on all our cartilage! Maybe even the grace that redeems me can drift towards the beating Golden Hearts ?!
Dec 2020 · 123
Thoughtful Philosophy
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
… Because even a happy birth is just a tiny, lasting piece of our existence: Race with the Time Part! Countdown for ourselves! Outraged, hard-to-get loves are tricked under the window of my trick drunk! Bloods bloodshed in the captivity of Dawn! The cosmic emotion of Faithfulness creeps into thethe vulnerable Soul cracks ofand bites like a fleeing ghost after the assured Redemption!
In the depths of the narrow cells of molecules, only I can be a wrecked shipwreck waiting for his immortal Beloved, preaching complimenting confessions to the shells of chirping ears! Endless pledge of romance! "In the future, perhaps, he will bow down to me for the last time with the kisses of the angelic Goodness and the Universe - I will not have to be humiliated in the hyena of human survival in the murders of survival."
But rejoice in your self-forgotten deserved gift — the wishes of tomorrow! "I've never fallen so deep in a dull night!" In a raging storm-turmoil, my roots of existence cling; I should search an endless world for my already missed Beloved! Wounded in torture, the Spirit is asleep, waiting for redemption!
When will the prosperity of my abandoned refuge home come?! Can joy still reach this uninhabited land? I fall-sink daily without a trace; eternal despair can expand in my heart in heart attacks - the Present! - Your Lash-moon when for me her immortal message?
Nov 2020 · 133
Eternal Law-suits
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
The fall within the inner world has begun: the Commissioner is somewhere in Reality and deliberately expelled in Nothing! A herd of elephants rattled over me while my heartbeat rushed my heart attack-infected dalia heart! I measured between crystal shards of rotatable curved mirrors; a fat tuber of pathetic, chewy meat - and somehow I started on the sure path of burnout!
The glowing accusation of the solar systems looked back at me. In my judgment examiner, my heartbeat rumbled in the corners of my eyes, I played music star stars, and my two tearful tears would have embraced the Savior. Because on the vigilant endeavor of days: Tightened between Death and Immortality, we hang on ropes and pillars - we look confidently with a pile of abyss shouting wolfish eyes! In the field of unquenchable seas, we are tossed ready for action and yet uncertain!
The petals of my soul were handcuffed to self-determination by Love and Death; if I didn’t look face to face every day with my transience, I would be disgusted with boredom! Like a roast pigeon, I look forward with patience to My Beloved! He who had felt and knew everything about me even with secret rays of telepathy - now he has become a Witness as an understanding, uplifting, confidential friend! He listens and encourages at the same time: he always accepts because he needs me, even existing oxygen!
I am overwhelmed by tummy humiliation; Stammering-habogok! In the momentary expanded Silence, the Rings of Confidence of the Universe hold their eternal permanence in our clasped fingers — in our earthly solitary confinement, Love may be the only Redeeming Promise, a captive Universe Ark!
Nov 2020 · 121
Breathing halo
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
When once gifted with Immortality, the eternal human Spirit may have believed that the human Light, tensed in deer eyes and flaming in halo, is not merely a product of combustion — but the eternal moment of a fillable, sanctified Universe; training in a living fire with two Sighs of the Spirit so it can boil budding into One! A graceful fever-lily stretches a pulled-out petal and as a thin nerve it gently rises and what remains is the birth of Immortality in Prometheus!
It spreads from my little boy's face, cherishing a melancholy orphanage: then he became my unquenchable, pure flame! My trickled panting head smelled like a pearl-like sweat like the flash of Damocles' blade; our fingers spread hesitantly apart in the restrained ******* of our bodies; we smuggle lively stuttering, complimenting words into each other's honeyed lips!
The waterfall of my trembling infarct heart shone like a breathing glass ball drop in the glow of Arca Gioconda, the elf of an abundant, rushing stream! And their mature body's throbbing immortal pace in the Universe has already ruptured and begun to divide and become our three and then four-hearted rib cages! "Buds of ******* shattered in the rays of our sparkling angelic eyes for Happiness!" - Glowing hawthorn in a tropical night and a flaming lace bush are a sure way for the two of us - maybe it's ready forever!
In our Savior Child Smile, we ignited the Essence of Sincerely Belonging to Each Other as a Child of Being
Nov 2020 · 94
The metaphor of screening
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
Every day I wake up as a stranger in the morning until I can get back to myself! The crease of my face: a hair-stricken, war map, an uninhabited oasis that lurks in Peace! My chubby, pathetic body is a crooked mirror of the functioning of my organs! They can hardly want to recognize me anymore - although I also think about hygiene with a razor blade every day! My existence radar, tormented in the rib-atrium of my chest, sends panting signs to the age of bean-busting Angels!
It would still be bold to say no to a stubborn Death, a cutting Judgment, if the transporting blood in my set of molecular cells were not tiring! - The far-reaching echo of my orbiting lunar loneliness transmits incessant signals, sends valuable messages: s The cheap rag of word-rags will be even truer and more honest! - The Presence that is constantly grieving is petrified in me; I cannot dare live if I cannot feel that I can always count on Someone and as a patient Protective Angel always follows to the shadow of my heels!
My heart may be - sometimes it just mimics how it beats! It has become terribly cumbersome in In there, but it is often more and more excruciating out there! I am still honest with myself! While my others say my broken scarecrow face is covered in masquerade! If something can touch: Stimulus or another brainstorming idea to cry back the compulsion that comes true: can I stand it ?! "Isn't the conscious compromise of Life a worm for me?" Tears shed their pearl petals from crusted crater eyes and often obscure everything Nivan's milky white desert! In my mortal existence, the tiny events of minutes immortally unite when I know that the fallen-Self I have learned in the other will die at any time! The Mirror presented to myself is sure to shine from the inside!
Nov 2020 · 270
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
How was it before? The budding scent-universe of roses chased him to Death: a petal-crushing allure, a flirtatious Reality that not even a fallen child-minded man can escape? Because love and forbidden Stars abraded in human hearts! The puzzle is ready! That's why he had to go to the depths of hell! The hungry and wild **** of greedy cannibals is all to possess on this earth! Wounded Man do not sell yourself at any cost!
Whoever has just come to live and prosper in this region will be expelled from themselves, chased away immediately! The enviable evil itself lacks the human-building lava stone, and the nose of the uncontrollable Sisyphean stone rumbles equally out of the Redeemer. - A deliberate Hermit-Orpheus who has moved away from the world: he is afraid of you here - more laurel merits can hardly be created, because the deserved Success has become salable, so everyone is determined to be down!
Cocktail-rucis grins the smiley little girl's role with a chirping little mouth-smile and the universal devil of Idiotism conquers everywhere! - I slip into my evenings with a crouching shadow with invisible and intentional intentions; I can't let a brain-numbing, vile laziness guide me by the hand - when so much is still waiting for me as all possible care and counting on me! "Wolves have long been shed in sheepskin and sold by so many themselves." Oh, you unfortunate, deceived apostate! At least you can still do the sacred light of the wisdom of your mind, don't make a mess!
As a Prophet with a stubborn ****, throw two on your feet and convince yourself to remain a Man forever
Nov 2020 · 132
Silly whirlwinds
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
Gaz s silly silly trendy bagpipes are hanging on the ladder of coolness today! Silly smudges are splattered like a **** telescope on a reality show and the exalted ****** relationships of the physical universe take place in the crossfire of curious cameras; humiliatingly misunderstood black comedy! "It's just silly nonsense, stupid five-minute people: while the average tolerates sluggish common sense and sloth-tuna when someone wins a Beauty Contest in addition to the chattering melody of two complex sentences!" Yet the time of the modified Beauty and Mind Championships is long overdue and new, hitherto unknown jobs are being created and created for the selfish possession of the flashing blinding smile of ladies!
To Man - if his common sense could remain - the Lack fenced the swamp net, which lowers and pulls it down daily! Eyes adorned with squeaky stars on a swallowtail soul-seeing feeling rarely drum! - Fewer and fewer people are being held captive by silly winds; Im in the embracing depths of silence - I dug myself in a long time! I can't want them to notice you unnecessarily! Could I have spoken and confessed? For whom?
A ban has been proclaimed with invisible contracts and Exorcist brains ready to tipran with inferior rights, hazelnut hands who digest the heraldic whims of innovative manuscripts with a garbage can: so why?! “As a smeared star, I toss in the unknown sea of Being and maybe wait for Someone; we would confess the melodic twin-echo sounds of each other's heart-cups with pulsation… Interrupted
Nov 2020 · 94
Approximation horror
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
Like a neck-thief, falling with razor-hands razor-sharp buttocks Death to the throbbing chambers of my heart; to discard the impending Execution and repeated daily for eternity In tomorrow, the trampling story will become more and more like a murderous hair! With the nauseating vomiting of vomiting in numbers like a hanging rag doll - on a strangling rope, I tension into the ******* of the present moments and I can't understand: how far have I been able to survive when I needed Friends to help me with the laws of survival?
I am troubled and offended in the Present: Those who have made good jokes out of my peculiar eccentricity will carve me out because I will again hide from the target of their envious and petty eyes! "As a testifying fugitive, it was my scapegoat's sin to leave the brainwashed, burning lines early!" - In vain did their hyena teeth, their jackal nails being smashed against me by crushing parasites against each other, revenge-thirsty, word-of-mouth hussars: I rebelled and in me against the eternal Child who was craving humanity and would have bowed to Differential Compromises!
Even between scander-brains, gorilla-biceps, and hand-bandaged mouths, the wiser Man may not have enough to bake to escape the exaggerations of hellishly cultivated Idiots that carve a gallows to undermine the independent, valuable personality of the thinking individual! For perhaps he will come even when the fallen Man wished he could learn from his mistakes with discreet responsibility, and not only could he have had a cracked mouth — he would not bow to the waterfowl, holy as a compromising birch tree, they would respond to spider minds with witnessing redemptive reason!
Nov 2020 · 78
It is as if
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
the uncertain Future lies tensed in the rock cavity of Beating Hearts! In the throbbing supplications of petals, the Universe would be resurrected; Witnesses who adhered to the wounded human law were accepted as witnesses: Empathy for the unusual too! The merit of the computing community now is the privilege ?! When can they find treasure among the sobbing True Beads, if they have already hurt themselves in humility ?!
Many times, the open mouth of everyday Being shores and gorges vibrates like a stretched rope, trembling: maybe he dreams of a cheap, worn-out knife, he easily cuts off his deep thread of life! Witnesses have long guessed: they’re not digging up the bumpy grave where they originally put it! - Insidious fools and syrups dressed in syrup are often just getting infected!
In the darkness of the chamber, in the whirlwind of fluttering whispering nests, I want to cling to expensive smiles with a light-smelling scent, and I couldn't hope to lose everything in vain even between cobweb listening! - Among the particularly groping blind spots of obscure shapes, I could offer my tufted hand to someone more boldly: grasp and guide you through the trials of this earthly Being with Giving Love!
You could also take back the vacant, eternal Child in the adult man while the concrete wall of secrets between the two of us would disappear unnoticed! Should I lie to his golden heart like an orphan and listen to the melody of doubled echo sounds to my liking what kind of songbird sighs can dissolve?
Nov 2020 · 79
What is missing?
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
Something intimidated trembling stone, they may have smuggled a crumbled ancestral fragment into me at the beginning of my birth: wounded sunsets dipped in blood gold like hesitant Sisyphus keeps carrying me until cheap blood bills are imposed on my head - now something uncertainly trembling to the brim! Where precarious, barren and bleak beaches greet you, and Man can dwarf a bird-seeing eccentric!
More and more distressing tiny stones are scratching, tossing in me - I'm afraid the wounded part of my self can hardly be back again Whole, collapsible balanced! I still face myself many times in the face of a wolf: I will be a Neanderthal stone penetrating to the depth of my soul's disappointed well, once everyone has left and once his rich ******-biting emotions have been wiped out by breaking dilentants, trendy whims!
Instead of dog-bited tissues, I would cling to the healing tremors of redemptive kisses if Someone still recognized I needed to be lifted up to be in my fall - to be on par with others! - I watch as everything and everyone is running around, arrogantly, or in a hurry; this is how the Heart Relationships, which were believed to be eternal, break down, because the sacred handcuffs have rusted on their hinges - but somehow we should live and prosper, because his wound, who has suffered as a result of our being, is healing!
Inviting Indifferent Attracting Interest Has Nothing To Do! My disappointment often happens to win over me! - The dimness called lost is sprouting from my sad eyes; The shadow of death and haunting is more and more circling above my head if I let my mood triumph: I already understand something because I feel and only the Someone to be found would be left!
Nov 2020 · 74
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
My Spoken snap clock struck my heartbeat! I should pull it up until dawn tomorrow! It would be good to hand over his clicking harassment to Someone who feels deeply with me that he exists; he keeps his waking breaths for me! It was as if the sun were rising like a bright honeymoon for us - the glowing Universe had sweated true pearls on us! Simultaneously divided in our molecules from the pound of blood-flesh Love!
I fall asleep now as if he were always with me and wrapped up with his angel wings when I was awakened by the disappointed minute that called for my new things! "Every missed vanity grinds a pounding throbbing in my heart: my nectar blood rushing sharply up like a knife whips it up like the ticking of Death in people!" Final countdown started with birth! Hesitant with poppies, dodderer uncertain revolving among you!
If I Dare to Do and Confess the Curse of the Present: I am a Coward and a Selfish if I am always worried! I could be a bolder and more reckless lion tamer; I'm afraid many people will just forget that I don't have to speak to me unnecessarily anymore: and the rule of Doom will whisper and ruin my initial career as a whispering, calculating drunkard! "Iron-barked diamond stars, with their celestial tears, ruin the sky glorious in the dark darkness!"
I've looked apart! In whom could I find the second half of my existence? My choice was shot and failed! I have given the treasures of my heart sincerely through anxiety and confidential Faithfulness! Instead of friends, the weedy, flattening Betrayal has settled into my everyday life!
Nov 2020 · 199
My departure delayed
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
selfish listening is even bigger and more murderous today than if I could share it with me! A larger, uninhabited continent is at war with me than anyone could understand! Curiously, however, I threw myself thirsty at hyena landscapes; they would have been called by the conciliatory smiles that sent me, the promises that could be kept — I would have put my trembling child's soul, trembling in my innocent tears, in the palm of My Beloved!
If he looks into the mirror of another seer - he offers him a teasing shadow! When someone sees me “on the other side” he only senses my chubby fur-crust: an emotional Marsian! My loneliness is also a rich relative of the waterfall of my falling Star Tears shining at night! What would I find and get to know? I'm autumn: my falling letters, if they don't pay attention, the wind often sweeps away…
I will be a limp bee on the silk veils of my sweetheart's heartbreaking petals. He will take care of my
pistils, I will close my eyes and I will know Dormant! His tired roe deer danced flirtatiously in star-glitter even with the yellow-glowing Moonbeam; I could feel its crater weight, even though it was millions of light-years away and it was curling over our heads at the frowning midnight! The redeeming Universe burned my skin like a flaming black flame: our common body trembled at a beat like a stretched bow and immortalized al
I wrote my vulnerable footprint in my heart and can I hope it takes care of it? - In the double darkness around us grows the rampant uncertain! We are both standing on the shore: Who can leave first ?!
Nov 2020 · 104
Booming nothingness nothing
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
Booming I would have to keep myself a valiant-noon for! If I could have Time and not settle on me every day a pregnant bustle of compliance constraints! - As falling rain, I was forced to fall back on myself many times! Soot falls from my face on twisting ropes: tears stuck in me soaked by chance! Between board shadows, I like lime!
Nirvana-Nothing is idle only I can be alone s Unfortunate: I cannot know the possible answers! Falling flower petals-Dear soaking-waiting in the rain: Can I find it ?! Many people just look through narrow gaps and can't see because they have been blinded by doubt to sincere receptivity! I know very well: My punishment has long been imposed!
There are more cumbersome times of the day trying people and who can give me support even if I am insecure about myself ?! Can there be a dear Angel beside me, who, with a ******-pure redemptive intent, shatters — from the pots of my soul — a new home as a common love nest ?! - I am anxious among the stinging weddings of belated smiles; when I had to cry among the lamentations of lost cramps I would also hang myself helpless unnoticed wounded-sensitivehardened into a deep cave
MySoul; Morality sets brittle and ruthless wolf traps in me, and everyone can be Suspicious if they don’t show the face of their True Person - but public, which everyone is used to! "What a noble task it becomes difficult to see the eternal Man in the other, lingering, piffler mouths!"
Nov 2020 · 65
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
Remaininghajcsomóimra matted white ravens settled! Half of my balding carpet took away my nerve-racking
worries! Doubt: Do I always remain alone in the closing hours of my Sheath-Loneliness? Do I understand the shadow worms and grinning galactic jackals of Executioner times? I can barely open my Ikarus wings so that, hoping, I can still fall up into the flaming Love; stone-left debris Dream!
I would try to pay close attention to my heart drumming forever as it drums more and more with the killer-hands of heart attacks: how it explodes on its own in the invisible sound explosions of Being! "I count in my heart the proud noise of the marching lawsuits!" One or two, one or two! Keep up and adjust! ” "Who will be the dear Angel who even gives love to himself in this world with his own heart?" Who will comfort the one-Child in me?
I turn around and knowingly in galad Time! And I don’t feel which bumpy road would be the right decision, a considered philosophy of choice! A word of swearing and perpetuated speaking sharpens my razor-sharp teeth on me; and now everyone can express an opinion of me as a haughty One-movement, even though they can hardly really know me! Betrayal made me a jacket out of armor! I had a hard time getting into the boxes of breaking, wild tempers, and my first heartbeat was perhaps the last…
The countdown to Being has started irreversibly…
Nov 2020 · 88
To retreated
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
myself in exile, cowardly stateless, I can rarely be: a complete Stranger to myself! Now I still do it, because Man treats him as despised, as if I were a ****, who caresses voiceless echoes…
I have grown up suddenly and you know all whose wounded hearts have been rooted in the known Insecure - everyone doubts! Man grows up suddenly while still an eternal Child in himself, and he discovers that in this World his dreams lie as ruined as card castles! Selfish torment still escapes when he believes promising vows to the Truths, but rather immediately chuckles for new possibilities, trampling on others to step into his vile life! There were a plethora of promised, sounding voices: "We will listen and take care of you too!" "Footprints on shoes that excel in trampling have started to multiply!
The True Gemstone rain tossed angrily in my chest! That the tiny, raven-black circles had already gathered around my eyes that cried red; lightning eyes fell on me! The Man-Hope could barely hold on with his watered children's fingers! - Sunny Time has been discarded with light bracelets like clamps! I was even ashamed of the tremor as a suffocated temper from somewhere!
And in my head, the creaking gears of apostate thoughts rumbled at the same time; "No one can protect you anymore because you stood on your own two feet - so you started your Computing life!" - Tell me, People? I understand who is responsible? When I tear a millionth of a degree to the point of non-intelligibility?!
Nov 2020 · 65
Lost temper in
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
my own heart, the Quyothe of the Guardian Loyalty is thirsty for someone! I narrowly miss the haunting shadows of raven-feather nights when I think about how much I missed everything and missed the lovable connections of Being! How vulnerable every tiny human story has become, and one by one I would have escaped myself from the hyena-throat of fears that, like a fluttering herd, moan soul-splitting!
In me, maybe it's just the spent Pearl of Truth Human! My own flesh eats up my flesh and feasts moderately on my heart attack. If I were a true Man - I was already annihilated and I had to arrive at the scene of my selfish humiliation every day so that I would not descend into a arrogant slump! Sometimes I still feel the depth of my soul buried, crusted in the depths of the trench, I still guard and protect the vulnerable, shaky Child! Instead of the claws of self-milling, self-marking remains for the time being! The frantic shards of the scared tiger-flame Moon slit his flame arms into the wall of my room while constantly hurting and hurting me too! I’d rather be Robinson’s hermit, an all-survivor than a brainwashed, jerky idiot who drowns himself to a low standard every day to claim and grab his five-minute reputation pathetically but at all costs!
Indifferent and superficial In the hay of interest, I would rather not be a Victim - but in emigrant loneliness I am constantly protesting for Man until the pain can alleviate! With a vigilant-killer gaze, the World if I let him, ”he gritted his outstretched teeth at me,“ and once wouldn’t have asked, ‘Could you help?!
Nov 2020 · 91
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
Then the Night will come and if you don't take care of yourself, your feeling precious heart will turn into a gloomy darkness and bark! Your tense drumming on a pounding petal will not caress you for a living Angel's mouth, boiled into faithful kisses, and the mischievous touch of swan hands will not caress the labyrinth, complex yarn of your veins dancing with rope dancing! "The bloodthirsty Sun, proud and proud, runs above you like a hungry vampire, and people who promise roast pigeons a gift of pride when they fall ready to flee in the test of Honesty and lurk like shifty!" You should finally trust Someone, even if they are abusing the secrets of your acquaintance - even then!
You can know the Truth about yourself if you are justified, it is still by your side; reliable so hard! - In the useless, restless depths of human hearts, a murderous Silence spreads and lurks! "We cannot know Responsibility!" "Let the innocent scapegoats be punished for our sins." And his discarded existence was voluntarily offered as a column prey, it was destroyed for the benefit of others, and it became a recyclable flower ***! Like the dead before the ritual wash, the prisoners before the interrogation - you cannot sell selfish cones in your faithful heart! - You still have a stubble of flames loyal to you, a directional torch - as a new cellmate, you can't save the link compromise, because you have become a rogue, and you can be a bribe on your own, you can betray your vulnerability!
And who knows about himself that he has voluntarily lost by serving a higher and perhaps noble one - he feels: he cannot sink in vain
Nov 2020 · 77
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
I will be emptied once and for all when the armored-grown Loneliness crusts in my heart and surrounds me like a snag! I will have to believe with myself again every day that they love me and can appreciate me! I have to be killer-honest even in first-to-last encounters, flirting in the superstitious stars of sparkling pairs of eyes to believe - I really am!
Persistent and tenacious stubbornness glows like an eternal flame in me; my beating heart is a shadow of yellow cheese-moons! My body has not yet been dedicated to the romances of naked passions by the Universe! Yet the predictable uncertainty of Being binds me more and more so that I can question even after my mutual trust! "The outside world can only see the unsteady, unsteady, swaying man, even shaky!"
They also need a covered dress for prodigal ******, as I can’t expose myself! Many times I can’t reach anyone with self-reliance; my rib cages need to be caressed by swan hands in love if I want to be able to faithfully confess myself to my scapegoat! "It would be good if someone jumping over the trenches of my middle age, someone could find the entrenched skeptic in my sullen childish self and fill me with the peace of Harmony!"
It would be good as long as Judas and chirping, nail-bitten kittens teased out there dictate a brainwashed era of mass idiocy - the poetics of the poetry’s face could not disappear without a trace but as a kind attention the power of complimenting could remain!
Nov 2020 · 72
No answers
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
… They hear less and less! I lie beneath cell depths and like a crusty Pearl of Truth — shards of glass of unspoken Truths tremble in my heart; Doubt also hurts my face, smiles and grimaces! And treading jerks love to tread on my operated leg! My pouring vulnerability freezes in myself, which I still have no experience with, and I can hardly tolerate the fact that the wretched Being loves to rotate the rusty knives that have been cut in me!
For he who is stuck in his own way and lacks in fear, because he knows what to do, sins against himself; half-nailed praying eyes also look at the Savior's smiles like the gifted candy-eating snacks of a child! "The petals of my knocking, weak heart may still open for Someone, and I don't have to hide it intentionally if I don't want to escape the incisors of young chicks!"
My screaming wit would be good if you could unleash it with devotional understanding Someone: Who else can hear with this stunted world because I have to hide myself: my common sense is still making me careful human survival plans! To survive the ruins of days and to exist even when they are easily forgotten in chips! As a blue pearl, maybe somewhere for me it exists and worries about a blessed human Star!
I silently let my things happen to me: I’ve been in emigration for thirty years! It is also impossible to say! I will try to turn my pages so that my conscious Loneliness can be more of a friendly companion - not my vulnerable deserted Loneliness…
Nov 2020 · 74
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
For a lifetime, I have deliberately fled from you, the ruthless carrier of my cowardice: Vulnerable fear! You have haunted me every day with the intention and orphan tears of end of the world to surely win your victorious battles against me; lately, I have managed to hide from you many times, and you, as a hard-working killer-hand, have always been away - and you have found it!
You stabbed your willful spikes in my heart forever and prepared to be an innocent victim in the jungle of revenge!
I already know you well! And yet I did not collapse: your confusing campaign with the uncertain Future could not succeed! Disgust s
Indifference competes with each other if I just feel it and I want to get out of you by all means! I would cry with a voice and sobb I would drop my falling Pearls of Truth if I knew I could alleviate the wounded presence of my grief; Why do you have to keep up with you all the time? I will not give myself to you! And you better remember: lost dogs can snarl at my life and then even you are threatening me all the time?
I prepare for you and if I could stand by me Someone who would squeeze my sweaty hands in sweat during self-marching demons and hear his attentive Angel voice: “I am by your side! I'll never leave you!" "I could dream of Happiness in the blinding uninhabited Land of Darkness!" "In the midst of destruction, you were a predatory, bloodthirsty hyena: you marched at my hesitant soul, and you could be full, but if I could find the Companion, who would still embrace me with eternal fidelity and wouldn't let me down every day so that the content of My Being could be fuller!"
Nov 2020 · 96
Sound on the phone
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
Uncertain waters, embezzled prospects besiege my heart attack! It has never happened that even once the Spirit is troubled by a troubled, guarding petal, a soul-destroying or in love gondola-boat!
Once upon a time, invisible resonant yarns were tied together with my imaginary soulmate; and now a murderous, otherworldly Silence is barely audible.
Deafened with foolish intent In time, who might have a sweet-soaring voice for the first time that can reach me?!
Because I would listen with absolute happiness if my dear Angel could voluntarily still trust me and reveal the donuts of the hell-lesson of my wasted childhood before him! I want to instill the sincere truth of true pearls on the forgiving petals of your heart so that our borrowed friendship can grow in confidence! - You know: I can hardly wait until the end of time, because with a thousand nails, the Jackal is already gnawing in there, waging a devastating war against my cells!
Tell me, just tell me, please! Now I can still pay attention to you because fear is always used to vigilant patience! Why, then, did we dread in front of the Theater, in a stomach-stricken self-exclusion, whether our hesitant love will dare to take the initiative and introduce itself?!
How cowardly was I? Perhaps! But it would have been a good idea to ask you back with selfless help: “Dear Lord! How can I help?" - I hung up my phone ring early; the uplifting cipher speech is exhaustingly exhausted! "And I still can't ***** my age in the dark. Have you read even one of my many letters to you?"
Nov 2020 · 82
Didn't want to!
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
The pain was long, vicious in me! Wounded crater-deeply lurking burning stigma-wound mule still whimpering child whimpering daily: Howling the wild, ruthless “Afraid” The eternal children's shoes were worn by the mature adult s The ringing of promises guaranteed me -went years of echoing joy!
This galad now voluntarily closed his executioner-prison in his prison cage and deliberately forgot as a pathetic hiding place! It is an old-fashioned admiration for me to remain a romantic Knight and not have to face the trendy posh and counting goosebumps of this devalued, lousy Age! Even as an emigrated addict to loneliness, I will not be a exploitable grinning tool of tangled salvation even then!
I am still sleeping frozen in me, the fluttering stench of flutter dripping under the ashes of *****, which suffocates itself daily and does not allow me to move on! - It took me a long time to endure Humility when “some” used my life as a doormat with cheeky-seventies and forced me into a deliberate self-chasing cat-mouse duel! Because I could never want to play voluntarily; captivated by the drift of Fate directed to as yet unknown shores! The shadows of this vile-counting Age did not overwhelm me as an accepting acceptance: I could not have babysit my child yet! "Maybe it's all too late to try?!"
One day, perhaps, even a light caught will voluntarily bang for admission - let him welcome me into my heart…
Nov 2020 · 72
Ice cold sizzling
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
You think I was half-hearted when you heard my phone voice! My opponent - you may have known - was resignation even then! "Time has put my arm on my hard-ticking heart, and I can't know who will be by my side when the" majority "considered it Adults, even though I was just a child left behind in the world! Tell me, my dear friend? Is there anything left of that serenity that divides selfless harmony, your sun-smiled smile that could once restore my unconditional zest for life?! Do you know where I had to land on the depths of my self-pity alone to be a dignified human being and still myself?!
What you gave as a gift, if there were any, I could only accept your words of encouragement Treasure and the holy supplication of angels from your soft and tender voice as if
as a mother, you would hold in my hand the eternal dinner! "You're sure to say today, 'Leave me alone.' I don't have time for you either! ” "And somewhere inside, the black pain haunted and chewed selfishly!" Please, you should sincerely promise as an Acceptable Oath or Faithful Confession; as soon as you can free up a fraction of your little ******* time you only deal with me and care and honor my soul-craving soul
with your pair-line savior messages! I feel a familiar will governing my Scapegoat, and I can’t find the sparks of Happiness I deserve even if I remain a self-indulgent, shy Don Quixote! I was afraid you couldn’t get to know it enough anymore, you don’t fully accept it yet! And what you refer to as a childish gossip is ****** serious fate problems worrying my Soul! "Give uplifting courage, a comforting refuge to my anxious palm."
Nov 2020 · 58
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
My night is rocking on a rippling silver lake! Sharpening the diamond-blade lights of the haunting Moon like a shard of knives, he spits on me; I watch their frightening shadow dances in awful, murderous silence on the wall of my empty room! The blood-tear-burning bonfire of twilight sooner faded, no longer burning — even if I could not find myself back from the crypt bed of fading darkness. I often think of my sweetheart’s all-redeeming, blessed smile; he would cherish me on his lap when everyone left and even with scary snarls, a burning or grumpy thunderstorm could break us. He calms and caresses me with soothing harmony!
My cowardice, and my vile slyness - may be - unfaithful to myself; i can't leave! I can't be a target of betrayals, we can't be a safe target, and if I could be sure of my retaining help, I'd rather stick to the tough roots of Friendship! When they disappear over my head
gloomy nights, days that can be challenged, will the one who sincerely loves and saves me be more faithful to me?! "As a fear-driven, diligent hedgehog: I should be soothed and comforted by my sullen child soul, that I may not leave myself forever — but I will fight for my dreams if it is destined to do so!"
Today, crazy Celeb ideas, screaming minute-blue people are running around in the captivity of unworthy flashing screens; False credit-lost art-smiles sound like the flame of the Universe too! As an alien planet, I selfishly revolve around myself! And why do I have to face tired every day that more and more meaningful mankind why only one vile hour?!
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
I dreaded my pen for fear, you can't get my letter: The worship is wandering and now the conquering homage is still gasping in front of you. With your angel-handled duck, you would have protected me at the same time and protected me from chains of humiliation that scratched stigma wounds on my puffy body! Today, everyone still plays the role of a drukkolasz because they respect the mature Woman in whom you have become of your own free will and they get to know you cheerfully on the street! On the tree of modern times, the wild shoots of people of my own kind can be trampled or even galactically broken down, because I protect my person and cannot expose them to the targets of the ever-besieging general public; and I used to flirt with myself as a performer, they just always took away my breakable mood!
Today, with your knowledge and life-giving culture, you plant seedlings in the hearts of others: let it sprout, let it grow higher The human message of Cultures! Thalia’s consecrated young priestess made you believe in ideological thoughts in addition to your guiding dreams, a vow of responsibility!
Your planned journey - you already trust that you have already drawn for the Future! You were a heroine; according to your boiling-seductive, or charming naive roles — and yet your answer to my raging, supplicating letters could never come! I ask you dear Angel! If you still believe in a sincere alliance of friendships, you will embrace the shaking child in the depths of my shaky heart!
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