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Eunoia Aug 2017
Someone knocked at my door,
I came running almost slipped on the floor,
You ring the bell up to four,
I said "I'm coming" and was shocked to see an Unexpected Visitor,

My stomach cringed when I saw your face,
My lips are trembling by your presence,
My weary eyes are full of dismay,
And then you asked me "How are you my sweet nightingale?"

My voice was caged inside my mouth,
Sending you out is what I want
But instead of that I open my door,
Cover my oblivious uneasiness and said "I'm fine, come into my house; just sit in the sofa, I'll be back in an hour"

My breathing is too hard,
Being with you is too harsh,
And after a while I came back to you, holding a glass of orange juice
I saw how you drank the remaining drops, wishing that you'll be choke and die in your spot

I asked you"Why are you here?"
Anticipating for your answer "It's all because of you"
But who I am to fool myself?
When you answered me, you're here to pick up your new girl

I wanted to strangle your neck with my hands
How could you visit me like I'm not your ex lover?
But as an educated person I treat you like my guest, eventhough I wanted to send you--- back to the hell
Then you finally decided to leave, before my hand meet your face, but before I close my door, I said something that made you stiff,
"Never come back in my life again, for you are not welcome here anymore, you wasted the chance I gave you before, so please Never Come Back you are an Unexpected Visitor".
Eunoia Aug 2017
Tinta at Papel ang aking kalasag,
Ipaglalaban kita mahal,
Gamit ang mga salita't letra,
Lulunurin kita sa mga tugma't tayutay,
Ganito kasi magmahal ang isang manunulat.
Eunoia Sep 2017
I am burning with desire,
Kiss your lips is what I want,
Eventhough I know it will going to be a dangerous love.
Eunoia Aug 2017
Her face is so bright,
Like a starlight of the night
Her smile is so sweet,
Like a candy in your mouth
But no one can notice, the bitterness of her eyes
Because everyone sees her, as the statue of love
Every night she's in her room,
Crying until she fall asleep
Screaming his name,
Wishing that he was still here,
He left her without saying goodbye
She's left clueless wondering why
She might be okay in everyone's eyes
But the truth is, she's hiding behind the mask,
Still waiting for him,
To comeback in her life
Eventhough she knows
The footprints are gone
One day you'll see her,
Smiling under the rain
Trying hard to hide her tears,
Trying hard to fulfill their needs,
But whenever I look,
Directly into her eyes
Tiredness is what I see,
Longing is what I feel
And now she's gone
Like a rain in the sky
Realization hit us
That love is gone,
Pretention is done.
Eunoia Aug 2017
She is blinded by his love,
******* with his words,
She is aware that the keys are placed in her hands,
But she doesn't want to use it because she is afraid to bid him goodbye
Eunoia Sep 2017
My agony is their pleasure,
Their dreams are my nightmares,
No one ever heard my voice,
When I was marked by the person I didn't know.
Eunoia Sep 2017
I wish I could turn back the time,
Gain what I lost behind,
Be the person whom I'm wishing now.
Eunoia Sep 2017
No one knows my name,
I am the unseen character of 'Romeo and Juliet',
No one recognizes my pain,
For it was hidden between the pages,
Juliet's place should be mine,
I am the first one who holds his heart,
For Rosaline is the real name of Romeo's first love.
We can conclude that Rosaline is his first love while Juliet is his true love.
Eunoia Sep 2017
I can see the damage you have every night,
Eventhough you wear your make-up as the sun rise up,
The smudges of lipstick in your lips shows how cruel his kiss can be,
The stains of your mascara tells the story of how the princess turned into a slave for his evil prince.
Eunoia Aug 2022
You know the ending was near,
The rust already eats our sunset's beauty,
You say it's golden, while I spoke of it as plated
They say the water can help it reflect its former beauty but the latter did the opposite; It corrodes;
Faster than what you wished and hoped for, and as it kills you slowly,
I have found the reason to breathe again with my body only stained with the color of rust and the smell and taste of it that I'll always associate with blood.
Eunoia Aug 2017
Iibahin ko muna ang pinapaksa ko ngayon
Ayoko muna bumatay sa naging biktima ng sitwasyon
Doon muna ko pupwesto sa kabilang dako
Kung saan naging dahilan ng pagluha mo

Una nagagalit ka sapagkat iniwan ka niya
Nagbago ka sapagkat sinaktan ka niya
Ngunit kasalanan ba ng mahal mo iyon?
Kung ang dating pagmamahal niya'y bigla na lang naglaho

Ang pagsusulit tuwing natatapos ang isang Markahan
Ay may pagpipiliang inilalaan  "A,B,C,D" Apat na letra, ngunit iisa lamang ang dapat bigyang halaga

Ngunit tandaan mo sa larangan ng pag ibig ay dalawa lamang ang makikita
Yun ay ang salitang
"Mahal ko pa"
"Hindi ko na Mahal"
Mahirap pumili, Mahirap sumugal
Sapagkat nakatayo ka sa gitna kung saan sinasabing
"Baka naman meron pa"
Eunoia Aug 2017
Take off your clothes,
Lie down in bed,
Close your eyes,
Be intimate with me tonight,
Let me touch your body with my soul,
Let my lips and tounge accept your flaws,  
Scream in pain,
It's okay to be hurt,
For I'll be giving you too much  pleasure to change this sorrowful night.
My kind of ***, this is the last poem for this week For I am going to disappear for a few weeks or months because of the errands I need to finish, but I'll be back as soon as I can finish my works and share again my other poems to all of you! Bye
Eunoia Sep 2017
What if Cinderella didn't left her shoe?

What if Snow White didn't bit the apple?

What if Aurora didn't pierced her finger on the needle?

What if Ariel didn't want to dance?

What if Belle never looked for her father?

Can we be less hurt if fairy tales never put our hopes too high?

Can you imagine your childhood if the idea of having a prince and happy ending was never invented?

Can you imagine yourself having a bland childlike dreams?

Can you imagine yourself sulking with the idea of love?

But as soon as we grow up

Memories will fade

The dreams that we prayed for every night became lies

We discover that life was not made up of glams and love

Fairy tales was made up to save every child from early drowning of life's misery

Just like her

She once believe with happy endings and prince(s)

But look into her eyes now

She is broken inside

Crying her eyes out

For the child who's living inside her was killed by the reality that says

'Pain will be your friend, Rain will be your music and night will be your favourite time to wake'
Eunoia Aug 2017
She never wish to be save,
She never wants a prince who's riding a white horse,
She never chose a crown and dress,
For she is the knight who's going to save herself.
Eunoia Sep 2017
Black and White,
That's all I can see,
I am tired of it,
So I paint it with red using my wrist.
Eunoia Aug 2017
School year ends on the last month of March,
Classmates will become strangers to all of us,
Paperworks and tests are finally done,
This is the moment I've been waiting for, to treat you as my Summer Love

We hide behind our textbooks,
Stealing kisses behind the comfort rooms,
Holding hands under the desk is my favourite part,
It's like an assurance to me that you are only mine,

To love each other for them is a crime,
That's why April to June are my favourite months,
Because this is the months that we don't need to hide,
For you are no longer my teacher, outside the camp.
Is there any rule for love?
Eunoia Aug 2017
Ako'y natatawa sa'king nakikita
Lahat ay naging makata pagkatapos ng
100 tula para kay Stella,
Paggawa ng isang akda'y hindi ko minamasama,
Sadyang nagulat lamang ako nang mabasa ang katha ng isang kakilalang itinatakwil ang larangan nang pagsusulat,
Sinasabi nilang sila'y katulad ni Fidel, mahilig magsulat pinglalaruan ang bawat salita
Ngunit bakit taliwas ito sa'king nakikita?
Gayong piyesa nga nina Balagtas, Rizal at Bonifacio ay iyong sinukuan?
Lumikha nga ng isang simpleng sanaysay iyong minumura,
Sinasabing "Ano ang kahalagahan ng tugma't taludturan?"
Kaya sabihin mo nga saakin mahal na kaibigan, nararapat ba talaga kitang tawaging isang manunulat?
Hinaing at katanungan ng isang taong matagal na sa larangan nang pagsusulat
Eunoia Aug 2017
Tell me how to breathe in this world full of grief,
Tell me how to live in this world full of fanatasy
Eunoia Aug 2022
She's walking down the aisle
With her father by her side,
She's looking at her man,
And God knows she's so In love

Perfection is her name
When I saw her in her white dress,
Imagine me in her place,
Is the illusion I've been seeing,

I looked away when their lips collide,
And says 'I do' without any doubt
My heart wants to burst in dismay,
Wants to escape this tragic event,

But ruining this day is not my intention,
Can't afford to see her eyes consumed by negative emotions,
She's giving me a million reasons to love her,
But there is only one reason for me to hate her,

For I know that this is the last round of the fight,
The epilogue of the fantasy I always dreamt about,
She finally wears the crown I've been admiring at,
For she is already the bride of the man I love.
Eunoia Sep 2017
You never knew what you can do
If you use this thing out of the blue
It can break or make, but never ends
For words can **** you with just one said.
Eunoia Aug 2017
We have this connection that we need to leave behind,
To stop this feelings that somewhere, someday will soon be collide,
For I know from the very start that what we really have is just a lie.
Sometimes we need to put and end into something that's really not meant for us
Eunoia Sep 2017
Your smile is like an earthquake,
Extreme but frightening

Your love is like a tidal wave,
Strong but too destructive

Your eyes symbolizes hurricane,
Powerful but too dangerous and cold.
Eunoia Aug 2017
I am the wolf who howls every night,
For I am crying,
For the love I can't have
Eunoia Aug 2017
"I like you, From the very first time I saw you and I envy her for seeing you first than I do"
Eunoia Sep 2017
It took a hundred of days for him to confess,
But she waited long enough so she decided to find a new love.
Eunoia Aug 2017
I am torn between the
Sunrise and sunset
To the
Sun and Moon,
Rain or Shine,
Believe or not,
Cry or laugh
But the hardest choices from all of that is
I am torn between
Loving or hating you,
For I know that breathing will be too hard for me if I'm going to let go of you.
Eunoia Aug 2017
Your words are my antidote,
Your kisses are my comfort,
Your Hugs are my haven,
But you, yourself will be the reason of my downfall.
Eunoia Aug 2017
Twinkle, Twinkle little star
How are you my long lost love?
Up above the world so high
We lost each other and now you're gone
Twinkle, Twinkle little star
I saw you, you're with him now
Eunoia Sep 2017
You wrote a book about him,
It became his favourite novel,
You love to see him smile everytime he turn the pages,
Eventhough he reads it with some other girl you wish you could be
Eunoia Sep 2017

Have you ever questioned yourself what's the real deal with these words?

Every dictionaries can give you the meaning of that words,

But they can't never provide the feelings that was hidden between the letters,

To trust somebody is a though choice
For they can fool you with their voice
But people need to trust
For you can't love someone you didn't trust,

People can easily be mistaken by the idea of love,
They can't differ the meaning of 'like' and 'love',
But to really love someone is too hard to achieve,
For it is when you really can't answer the question 'Why do you love someone like him/her?",

Sacrifice is not like giving up your material things to do some errands,
It is the fact that you can let people go that makes you happy just to keep them at ease,
It is when you'd rather let them hate you for the actions you've taken for them to be safe,

Pain is like something went missing,
It's like something inside you shattered literally,
And your heart was too bloated with the emotions you're containing for too long,
It is the feeling that your body went numb, your breathing went hard, your brain became blank you wanted to scream but no sound escaped your mouth and your tears can't come out,

Being strong can't be measure physically,
It's not how you act you don't care,
It is when you cry every night,
You became the strongest person in the world,
For you are facing the fear everyone scared to have.
Eunoia Sep 2017
They never listened to my voice,
That's why I turned it into words,
Papers and Pens are my colleagues,
When everyone was too far from me,
I am the shattered pieces of masterpiece,
So I used my spilled blood as an ink to create a new beginning.
How about you?, why do you write?
Eunoia Sep 2017
You are known as the perfect Wright for my heart,
Thought that I already found my long lost Mr. Right,
But honey you became a two-faced guy, who pushed me to Write a novel about a man who died begging for everyone's love.

— The End —