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 Nov 2015 B
 Nov 2015 B
I would say that's good
but that's not how I feel
 Nov 2015 B
 Nov 2015 B
don't tell me this is a bad idea
I should have remembered
I have trust issues
I am a foolish foolish person
 Nov 2015 B
Nathan Pival
We're only people
Fighting to be heard
When we should just realize
We are all the same

Fighting about fighting
Everyone loses
If there is a God
That God would never
Encourage violence
Doesn't make any ****** sense

It's about love
It starts with our children
Telling them
To welcome their neighbor
With open arms
To share culture,
Not abhor it

To tell them
Because someone is different
Don't judge them
Don't hate them
Get to know them
They probably have something to teach you

The world is a crazy place
Always has been
But now, because of the internet
We know about it

It's okay that we're all different
But we (not the extreme people) want the same things
A safe place to sleep
Somewhere to go home to
A future for our children

If you are a person that isn't extreme
It's time now, to speak up
Let others know
(Especially anyone extreme)
That the rest of us have a voice too

**** the hate
Don't be afraid to debate
 Nov 2015 B
Clamming Up
 Nov 2015 B

•i hold nothing but
secrets inside•i shan't disclose, i shan't
be vulnerable•into my humble recluse, i quiver and
hide•the world isn't ready to receive my bits and mor-
sels•come such time, i'd be willing to share•i'd bare
myself for all to see•if you say that you truly do
care•then it's best if you leave me be•for now,
don't pick on my sores•being eaten slowly
from within my gut•please don't...
don't pry anymore•save your
breath, my shells are

Concrete Poem 3 of 30

Tap on the hashtag "30daysofconcrete" below to view more offerings in the series. :)
 Nov 2015 B
devante moore
I can see the lies in his eyes
He puts on another face
There's things he wants to hide
I can feel the lust beating in his chest
When he tries to put it to rest
It just seeps out in his dreams
The man in the mirror
Trips over temptation like a crack on the ground
He doesn't trust much
So the things he deals with alone
Eats him raw and alive
A broken record playing in his head Saying you can survive
His only way to cope Is to sit and pen this
If feeling was an onion then he peeled it away
Doesn't let anyone in
Being in solitude has made him blind
Sometimes the man in the mirror hates looking at me
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