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Cigarette to her cherry chap stick coated lips again.
She keeps on smoking them saying she doesn't care if she dies, yet she's discreetly afraid of death.
She knows she should probably get off her *** and get a job, but she'd rather listen to the same song over and over and day dream about ******

She'd rather stay up late at night writing and wake up at 3, majority of her day already wasted. Downing coffee and telling herself that she'd wake up
early one day to greet the sun and admire it's beauty but reality devoured her, and she's under her sheets sleeping with her breast pressed against
her cream colored silk sheets.
She fell asleep watching asmr videos, too much of a baby to try astral projection and her window is wide open, bugs with wings flying in her room but yet she doesn't care, she likes the feeling of the cold wind on her legs.
Oh, how she wishes she were in a field somewhere, holding hands with another male or a female that loves her back as much as she loves them. She wishes that whoever loves her would lift up her skirt and lick their fingers after they venture down her legs and inside the blooming flower so many individuals have been trying to deflower.

Rolling naked in the grass, smiling, laughing.
She wants to look deep into someones eyes, not uttering a word, just in silence smiling. She wants to tuck their hair behind their ear, she wants to feel the heat of another person up against her, or the simple pads of anothers fingers cupping her breast. She longs for someone to touch her, yet she's
afraid of being touched. She's afraid of men, she's afraid of many things.

Her picky self thinks she see's the good in people yet they expose their true
colors she were too blind to see. She's so naive. Letting her thoughts unravel her like a Christmas ribbon, placing acid tabs under her tongue, smoking more ****, and drinking too much.
Anything to numb the fact that the ones she desire don't desire her, and the ones that want her she acknowledges, but simply picks up with the pile of clothes on her floor and shoves them in her drawers she keeps telling herself that she'd sort out.
An unorganized, mess.
Her room, her life. Everything.
She cried herself
To sleep at night,
Trying so hard
To find the light.

Her sister went to parties
Rarely feeling lonely,
Leaving a hurting Isabelle
Quietly hiding in her shell.

A fire raged within her
But afraid of going unheard,
She kept away,
Ran far away.

Her daddy went to strip clubs
And always came home drunk,
Her skin bore bruises
Only thorns, no roses.

Her mama went to church
For, she was also hurt;
The man she loved
Beat her up.

Her friends were all so pretty
They caught everyone's eye;
But she was so lonely
Caught in a web of lies.

The ones who said
They loved her,
Only built her walls
Up higher.

She felt betrayed,
Unwanted waste;
Tears in her eyes,
She was asking "Why?"

I found a crouching Isabelle,
She was going through hell.
I picked her up
And gave her hope.

Now she's strong,
She was wrong;
She's not worthless
She's not a mess.

Somewhere in there,
In love I fell;
Now she is my Isabelle.
I need to find my isabelle :')
An abyss of a thousand miles
A web of a thousand lies,
A crowd of a thousand smiles
A thousand smiles that want to die.

A thousand hearts with no love
A thousand face the push and shove,
A thousand want to stand above
A thousand want to be enough.

A thousand only hear a no
A thousand always down below,
A thousand try to say hello
A thousand always forced to go.

A thousand souls are falling down
A thousand heads have lost their crown,
A thousand eyes always hide their cries
A thousand legs walk a thousand miles.
She got a ticket to nowhere
and bought it with a bucket of dreams.
Dreams that were traded
for a vast plain of empty seeds.

She planted drops of hope
and watered the fields
with devotion and attention.
Only to be left with dead seedlings
of bitter dissension.

With her soul account emptied and bare
she had invested everything
for a plentiful harvest to
sustain nutrition and share.
She plowed and plowed
But the sprouts she tried to cultivate
Stayed dormant and bowed
throughout a lifetime of relentless drought.

The sun still rises
and there is water from my tears
with enough attention and some discarded fears
Perhaps one little seed will take hold
and enter the world
with new blooms
that beautifully unfold.

Back in the saddle all suited up
she figures
just maybe
if I don't give up

With just one seed from her pocket
buried deep in a survivor's locket
she patted it down
and drenched it with faith
Called on her angels and down came the rain.
"Keep on sowing your seed, for you never know which will grow - perhaps it all will."~Albert Einstein
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