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Aug 2022 · 564
To Recall Recent Memories
L T Winter Aug 2022
When we sit at staionary station
Our essence drift by
Sometimes you'll find the strength
To reach out
At the trails left behind.

But sometimes you won't.

And as you impound
These thoughts, it's already too

You wait, wondering where; people
Have gone,
You open your eyes, realising they were never closed.
And you tumble slightly onto the tracks.

As the memoirs of your evening come back,
You awaken screaming internally at all the empty faces.

You squint briefly
To the inconveince of blinking.

But you are no longer there.
Nov 2021 · 731
Still Here. I Suppose
L T Winter Nov 2021
I remember being dizzy
As I followed the spiral staircase of life.

I lost my feelings somewhere inbetween the railings
Someplace near the bottom?
Or maybe on the steps?

I used to articulate my sadness
But silently fell numb; empty.
Perpetually avoiding all matter.

I lay here for days wishing I could sleep.
Counting the passage of time, but not really.
I sleep while watching my eyesight fade.

Sometimes I'll ponder the beauty of making red petals.
With knives I'd like to buy.
I dream about the luxury of sharing them with my bathroom.

To show I existed once

But for now I merely exist.
Aug 2021 · 116
My Devotion To Dejection
L T Winter Aug 2021
I'm diabolically lonely
And in love
With melancholy

As she leaves me
Like a cancer on my lips
My wisdom depreciates--

And I miss the depressions
She left me in the snow.
When we talk, she tries to whisper
Sweet Sundays of pill-popping
To hangman Tuesdays.

But I am too afraid to leave my house.
It's stagnant here.
With the sadness I should marry.

Kissing me one last time before I get to leave.
L T Winter Jan 2020
It took time
For me--
As I ate glass,
In pitch black

I fear for the colour yellow.

And the time it took
To spit out the
Pain; bleeding

Expect nails so
Long you'd know me.
I speak in whispers
Singing homeless cords.

I only wish I was awake this time
Jan 2020 · 95
Euphorically I Bleed
L T Winter Jan 2020
Hello I laughed
To the people around me.

They stare blankly
But I speak too fast; faster
Than this occasion calls.

At least pigeons eat
My understanding
And my poetry is speaking nonsense

So I talk to dolphins
But their speech impediments
Were to beautiful–
To hear.
Goodbye I tried to say

While my jugular bled all over the floor.
May 2019 · 210
Bus Stop Blues
L T Winter May 2019
Sickly blue
Disturbed dissections
I scream silently
To anyone whose asking.

Because it's my favourite thing to say.

I protrude emptiness, so black
That rainy days
Are bright.

As you shove bones
Down my throat
Expecting me to swallow
And saying it's help.

I cut my skin, to feel

And wait for my lungs
To stop
But the bus stop blues
Never come.

So bleeding waterfalls

I metaphorically take pills
Again and again.

Even though I'm metaphysically impaired

I'm still waiting to die.
Apr 2019 · 214
The Tatters of Time
L T Winter Apr 2019
I'm cavern crackling
There's a cistern
That talks

So I hide--
Gregariously behind sunglasses
And tatter-ed hoodies.

As I poison myself
To death
With nothing-
A stream bellows

Masking how numb
The Moon is,

Sunlight sleeps-
Allegorically into time
If a chronomancer

My memory was mist
I'd apologise stupidly
And hide my hands to
Show you the complexity
Of pain.

But I'm just
A closed book burning
Blood with
My inability to speak.
Sep 2018 · 297
L T Winter Sep 2018
It's her soul
That's broken
We mist it.

Failing to save her.
He fell frustrated,
Trying to strangle callouses
On his hands.

Until moonflowers shone
The brightest black.
Jul 2018 · 999
Misunderstanding Colours
L T Winter Jul 2018
I sip slower
At weavings and
Winter wisps
Where, weather is withering

And I enunciate
Evil everlasting.
Dark kraken
Dreams spelt in ***.

Colourless mixtures
Throw hues that
Don't exist yet.

I trip for a second,
And grey slips

As I fumble,
I see
A broken hare


I wept blindness
Into my hands
Gratefully declining
My friend
Who's Death.
May 2018 · 177
L T Winter May 2018
Caring is hard.
When your soul
Is Numb.
Aug 2017 · 346
Downcast Screeching
L T Winter Aug 2017
A melody so
Beau-ti-ful-ly broken
It's- ghostly
To ears-
And the
Bone frore; psoriasis skin
Screaming vociferous
With claret shot
Token festered eyes
Could speak

Glacial strokes to
An empty
Growing epicormic buds
For fresh-er-than-threshing

Shadows speak
And evanesce,
When the blood
I made shivering
Seeps warmth; to tears.
I call for Help--



It echoes and
I forget--
Why I came here.
While the big-ness of things and feelings
Are gone again.
Jul 2017 · 278
Soul Sepulchre
L T Winter Jul 2017
It's the thinking that hurts,
The cavity of x and y
Which drapes proclivity
In the way
My words work,
Almost Bro-

Slightly when spoken
From dorsum,
I welcome you
To the Stitches
Of other halves-

The part I dampen
More than antediluvian revoke
And- Anamnesis wrinkles,
Spitting essentia spirit
Until all I am is-
Jun 2017 · 329
The Berth Of Abysm
L T Winter Jun 2017
Cotton aromas,
Become a cloister
That shifts into
Lavender conundrums--
And the field you see
As it caters-to-corpses
All lumpy; fractured
With reds so dry
From hues of 'once been' and ' Never hads'

I'd been beyond an abyss; darker
Than demons piled up
Senseless death.
As the chronosphere
I see treacle as bones
And razors for

I grew tasteless here
Where cutting couldn't
Dandelion daisy chain odours
Leave my veins-
And somehow they'd stolen moments

--Moments I never even knew I'd lost.
May 2017 · 294
Crestfallen Loner
L T Winter May 2017
Dinosaur skin
Soft aches
For butterfly

And helium breathes
The nerves I break

But only for a


                                            (It was lonely here)

As I became nullified numb
I realised, each lung was lined
With sorrow-

And I'd been waiting for the-

Death it brings.
L T Winter Apr 2017
Piece by piece-
My arms burdened me
Too heavy to lift,
But they move slightly
And just enough-
To cut 'ambilevous'

It regrows.
And I'm besieging inside-
Because it's the pretense that counts,

I tell my feet
While covered in mud
So I wouldn't see them--

I couldn't feel them,

Piece by piece
They erode and I question-
Mar 2017 · 399
Tree Of Bones
L T Winter Mar 2017
Maybe I should
Carve slices
Of skin


Consolidate her
With the pieces-
Because my blood
Is all I have.


I gave my bones to
An acacia tree
It grows thorns
Out of eye sockets,

And it's shadow
Cast's sorrow where
We used to speak.
Mar 2017 · 290
L T Winter Mar 2017
We're trouble
She spoke loudly, As the plants watched her cry.

It was leather bound-borderless
-Transcriptions, I told you secretly.

As ataxia spread to bones,
To reflections of invisible limbs.

Goosebumps spoke blasphemy
And nobody knows,

So we paused; inadvertently denying
Each other's breath-
In this dogma of dreams

Bred tectonic tidal locks
In all imaginings.
Feels like the title suggests.
L T Winter Mar 2017

Screamed my mulberry bush.
It was more peculiar than not,
Wearing damsons for shoes.

She cried so mutely,
While the winds pouted softly.
Expressing exaggerations of briskly
Soaked demons delivering

In the form of tapping leaves-
Scrying for millennium branches
And canker-core enlightenment.

We merely are-- broken mishaps
Bearing mutations; teeny-tiny
Fluctuations in the dust of dusts.
Feb 2017 · 412
Sycophant Phylactery
L T Winter Feb 2017
There's an echo--

Here where empty space lives.


A shell of a former-anterior me.

Tingled once,
With aspirations until
I retracted into
Siphon-like demons.
Breathing umbilical cords
Casting contagion.

Riposte; for cures
As their existence is fain.
While ignoring there properties.

I've been consuming
Blood from others,
And wearing their husks
Because their personalities
Could-also be mine.
Dec 2016 · 405
The Artistry Of Death
L T Winter Dec 2016
There's blood-
Its warm as it dribbles
Melan-choly with the floor
Half somber,

Its changing things slowly
Brok-er-ing gravity-

There's cruor
Incanting elixirs
On never-read
Centipede's fiction

And we stir softly
For-never and always
As the slabs begin
To grow--

Dec 2016 · 336
L T Winter Dec 2016
'Excuse me'

She whispered so subtly,
That he forgot to notice.

As her heart bled free
From his hands.
Nov 2016 · 274
Thoughts Of Mediocre Living
L T Winter Nov 2016
I've been existing,
And non-existing.

Theres a smell of blood I get when eating pieces of myself.
Savouring them for later.
Unable to begin or end I cannot stay or leave as always-

Intended because my skin crawls abnormally.
Though anti-gravity possesed each piece in essence
Theres a sickness in that I do agree.

But benevolence is seldomn here
Anymore, and sanity is long bereaved
I am merely stone holding onto fragments of thinner things.

Breathing phosphate, I apologise for the wings
That were sewn together out of spite.
I've cracked legs to be here.
Listening to those sounds that connect my emotions to my understanding became relief becomes...
More angry than you know, like a whisper in the snow
I drift--
Nov 2016 · 247
L T Winter Nov 2016
I've been simplifying extradiction
To those of comatose bamboozling
Sep 2016 · 325
My Ryeglass
L T Winter Sep 2016
A ryeglass with-
Bi-frost lenses,
Yet sight rusts
The memories.

We shiver as
Is heard in colour.

And to peek-

This gestation of
-Mono carbonic


When all we have is,
I dry wash my heart

In stained glass teeth.

Sep 2016 · 353
L T Winter Sep 2016
Pieces of me
I let dewindle and stay.
This invisble war
Was love-

Into lon-li-ness.

I've been circle sawing
Idle thoughts
--Prozac tents,
Disregarding her while
Crawling caterpillars are my skin,
I begin to drift algrid monotones.

With lead volcanoes
Weighing majestic suffering

To broken keys and hanging fingers.
Aug 2016 · 325
Wirring Pandemonium
L T Winter Aug 2016
The wirs; whistle
Prestigace melancholy
To their voices,

Merely whispers now.
An aftermath of discord
This epoch of anarchy
I never share these
Demons with them

But your baffling now
Your mind is muddled
Melding the wrong words to connections
I never made.

The disarray, in time
Becomes albany.
Aug 2016 · 304
Draft 3
L T Winter Aug 2016
The word for dying
Seeps in-and-out of exsistence
But these poems can never be long
Enough to express.


This pavement is mine
Made of sharpened glass
But I forgot my shoes today.


Moments long-passed, my feet are broken now although your reading on. I weep help;quietly as my hands begin to bleed thoughts with you,


You're blank pages seeking commerce and familiarity with someone else in anonymity. We're just passing fiction in sadness missing all the


Because I let fear win.
Aug 2016 · 311
Epitaph Of My Heart
L T Winter Aug 2016
Op-en-ings sting but
Mangling fingers
Play guitar in silence
Plucking skin as if--
Love were the song
Although- this sound
Is too familiar to hear.

And we can't touch
The lyrics that were made,
Because it's to quiet
For fingers long bled.

First threads left-
In alfalfa flays.

I still sob
For the nights we've missed.
Jul 2016 · 561
Cigarettes Made of Reed
L T Winter Jul 2016
Broken glass-embers
Sizzle; silence.
And maroon agony.

I'm trapped here
Sifting through those bones-
Again-- I was
Asking angels for cigarettes
Made of reeds.

And they spoke in itchy eyes,
Aching doubts.

So I lay there in
Crimson ashes-
Waiting for the
Make believe to tell me toxins.
Jul 2016 · 801
Bone Wreath
L T Winter Jul 2016
Silt-carriers creeping
Enigmatic tidings
Whiskey translucence
And ***** tonics

Age brought, silent sorrows
I wept them-slowly

I could be-
A demon cleansing wreaths
Of teeth and all
You see are leaves.

Petals grow on my skin
Talking venoms and frog-like sin
Yet people are hearing hymns,

Though my wrists are just over
Burdened bludgeonings
Theres blankness and hollows.
Jun 2016 · 553
The Cannibal In Me
L T Winter Jun 2016
I've been licking sandpaper,
-Again scraping away
The disease.
I let you carry,

There were only icicle covered
Cannibals; bearing hearts of lead.

My anchor to it is gone--

I think-
I think.

-I killed it for fear,
And now I'm sugarcoating-
Poisons, giving cysts.

To lesser parts of me.
Help me--

I would ask the husk of my heart.
May 2016 · 281
L T Winter May 2016
Bones kissing
Flesh weave sunlight
Into steamless streams,
Of noone and nothing.

Your hands freeze
The distance of us-
To my chest

--And I-refuse to open
Spring's flowers
For fear of missing you-

Glass whispers escape...
Mar 2016 · 237
L T Winter Mar 2016
Its a whimper
Inside my ears
Trickling rivers of blood.

As softness carelessly
Cold begins asking
From pandemonia

For mistakes-
Played with
Ribcages as children.

We were as bread.
Feb 2016 · 515
Withering Winds
L T Winter Feb 2016
She'd been dressing-empty-tears
And the chalice we
Shared as friends,

Now Shivers as
She eats bramble dishes
I express to noone forlorn
Memories applauding to echoes

'Empty everlasting rooms.'

She's weeping upon her pillows
While the wardrobe creeps outside
To visit meadows; trees
From wence it came.

I'm digit-ally connected to nothing
Except my duvet whose keeper of secrets
And my phone which never rings-

Except to greet the winds, as all things wither without--

To dust.
Nov 2015 · 327
Blackhole Hollow
L T Winter Nov 2015
My phantom hand
Reaps coldness
And sows the seed
With a nightmare's wish.

As blisters grow on
These lips I find
Insomniac groans-
For everyone.

I'm alone--

Oct 2015 · 415
Shards Of Sadness
L T Winter Oct 2015
It's everlasting tumours
And overburdened-
Corridor cells

Tormenting me with
Lexicon sorrows--

I keep kissing entrails
Searching -searching
Demons for microphone heat.
Oct 2015 · 409
L T Winter Oct 2015
I was the chancellor of time
We ask the breadth of why?
Inside my mind.

And she gives me an
Always ten pence piece
In answerings.
Oct 2015 · 534
Authentic Decorations
L T Winter Oct 2015
Clouds speak
With lunar light,
As droplets
Slither from gravity.

Ambers; whites; greys; blacks
Slowly blurring boundaries
In tornado fashions.

My bag of mani-fes-tations
Drips blood quietly
While they kiss; coldly
As if forever existed.

I gave them intestine
Necklaces, and hung them from
My tree-
To make decorations.

After cerebral dancing
Their brains were gone,
But wax filled eyes-
Crafted pumpkins.

--Now I wait
Oct 2015 · 701
Pickpocketing Cinders
L T Winter Oct 2015
Sturdy umbrella hands
Absurdly-stealing white-hot
Whiskers; -bleeding's
Of her heart.

Gravity held them,
For black hole -minutes
While medusa's
Tongue mesmerised us-

Time was sneaking-snow dragons,
Breath inside cardiac-wisps
And Winchester demons

Laughed as I was feigned
By void-born darkness.
Oct 2015 · 1.0k
Counterfeit Ruminations
L T Winter Oct 2015
There's summer-sand
Between her teeth
When siphoning
Passion from stones.

And she tastes each
One gradually
As they bring remorse
In mem-ori-o-so,

While catkins fall
Artificially behind
Her soul.
Oct 2015 · 520
Slow-hinds Even Minds
L T Winter Oct 2015
Orchard scents- frothy
Callowing to winter
Mammoth months

Procrastinate reflexes
-With extra-terrestrial soil
Chanting souls.

Breathing infernos
Captured; though
In a form-
Of hearts and heralds.
Oct 2015 · 1.5k
The Anatomy of Photo Frames
L T Winter Oct 2015
Half-winged butterfly
Broken; blackened
On a wall
Of mitosis

Onyx oblivious
-Oh woe
And cherish the crate
Which cankers within-

It's time I shed
Because the colour
Of space

Is defective.
Oct 2015 · 1.1k
Zebra Creams
L T Winter Oct 2015
Excuse me--

Said a zebra wearing
And hooves cackling sin.

You misunderstood
Biometric dystopian
Canyons flashing

Swiftly beneath stripes
Crying for negative's-sake

'I have no smoke-thistling

Poisoning cerebellum creams.
Sep 2015 · 994
Copper Peaches
L T Winter Sep 2015
This copper-light
I wield scoffs steadily
At the gate we watch.

Though lapless lions
Bare nonchalant goose-bumps
Cheating windy copses

From sandy-lane slumbers,
It's bleeding peaches and gums
Because agony is only
Two decimals less than
Those without.
Sep 2015 · 589
To Converse With Demons
L T Winter Sep 2015
L: Hello B.
B: Hey--

L: I breathe dragon parts and leprechaun skin.

B: You're broken flames blinking gold-dust away with the sun.

L: We were dancing ancient tongues
for icy dreams and lead-lined seams.

B: Fireworks stole away our seals as we cried at frayed stitches, bleaching eyes.

L: I knew the clouds you kept, but I'm singing rosey buttons and westward hedges.

B: I'll see you--in the soft winds- murmuring to bushes and stifling sound-light.

L: Cataracts bind us for more will come.
Not a clue, something diff?
Sep 2015 · 401
Salting Glass
L T Winter Sep 2015
Kissing friction in my chest.

She's a glint of missing--
Half composed; nearly
Finished alphabet-

Coppicing eloquence as
Sanctuary sits-
Chirping on shoulders,


Sharp-sand rubs,
Into hanker-chief glass.
Sep 2015 · 1.0k
The Asterisk of Humility
L T Winter Sep 2015
Clover's tonsils
Accessorise air
With magnates
And hawk-fractures

Crackling bones to boxes,
Catching  maskcara wraths
Slipping on hiccups-
Beguiling in silence

There's lip-syncing
Fear in the fire.


Neptune bleeds
Polymorph dancing
It's complicated-

Wheezing on shy mountains
Crying ash into canyons
Accepting beings bought
Of sleep.
L T Winter Aug 2015
There's more singular saplings
Reading violet dandies
Instead of make believe

Where voids
Live in non-existence.

-Mountains creep slowly,
Towards the sun
While trees trample-
Moons with footprints.

And I--I feel stuck-
Suckling quicksand
From beneath my bones.

-Waiting for midnight
To catch away,

The rain.
Aug 2015 · 500
I Speak With Attics.
L T Winter Aug 2015
Younger now--
-Never feeding satchels
With broken thumbs.

Slightly sniffing-
Sorrows in--
Decrepit hand-bags,

The silence is short.

And supposing day-beings
Are breaking evenings,
For nights that always come.

We know attics; see-how
Detached I am.
That boldness of single
Aug 2015 · 730
At First Sight?
L T Winter Aug 2015
With thyme,

And we call her rosemary
because fear stole the heart
While my mind fathoms her name.


I'll call her coral
As I sleep shes sun-bound
Drying eyes.

Even though--
Keeping pastures and paper alive.

These visions; I must see again.
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