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Elena Taylor Mar 2018
But my darling girl,
Beauty doesn’t come from
collecting flowers and gems.
Stop searching for beauty
That you already hold within.
This is incomplete but one of my favorite lines from something I am working on currently. I just had to post it!
Elena Taylor Mar 2018
Have never written a poem knowing the person I wrote it about would be the first to read it.
Promised myself that when the day came that a guy would ask me to write about him that I wouldn't.
Said no when you asked. Not to uphold my promise like I told you, but because I don't know if I can put you into words.
Have tired. Trust me.
Compared you to the ocean, the sky, and the things in between.

It wasn't good enough.


Used the sweetest words my heart could find.

They were inadequate.


Filled pages, upon pages of words that could be used to describe you. But the list became far too long and I wasn't anywhere near done.


Do you see my issue?

Even hate this poem.
Still can't find the right words.

But the second I do...

Will put them on a page and send it to you.
Elena Taylor Mar 2018
"I do it because I want to be unforgettable", she said and she turned to him.
"I don't want to be forgotten."
This was an idea that puzzled him, because how could he forget something so beautiful? How could he forget something so wonderful?
She was the kind of girl who was fearful she would live her life without being noticed.
She was an expert at double texting and over thinking things.
She often cared too much about what people thought.
She wanted someone to remember her like she remembered them.
She wanted every single little detail of her to be memorized and tucked away into memory.
"I don't think you understand", she continued.
"No, I don't think I do", he replied.
You see he had memorized how her eyes light up when she was happy. He loved how she'd bury herself in his arm when she was embarrassed.
He knew the location, shape and shade of every marking and freckle on her body.
He didn't understand.
He didn't understand why she thought he could forget her. Why she thought she wasn't memorable.
For it was the memory of her that kept him up at night. It was the thought of her that drove him to work harder when he felt like giving up.
He was who he was, because of her.

He turned to her and said, "When Eve met Adam do you think she was worried about being forgotten?"
She thought for a moment and then said, "no I don't think so. Adam was the only one Eve knew. It was just them two. Pretty hard to forget the only person in your life."
He smiled, "then why do you think I could ever forget you? You are the only person in my life that matters. The only person I see when I walk into a crowded room. You are in my thoughts when I wake up and when I go to bed. How on Earth could I ever forget you?"
Elena Taylor Mar 2018
When a girl is born
She is given a box
“Fit in here
Do not

She carries
This box
She goes.

She grows
Until her
Box can
Hold no

When a girl
A woman.
She realizes
Her box’s
True use.

A woman
As butterflies

All she needed
Was a
Space to
Wrote this in honor of International Women's Day

— The End —