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 Mar 2014 No name
Her gaze upon you is
Her fingers are no longer
Her face has no expression

Enter the woods

Her white lips are sealed
Her skin ages and dries
Her brown vivid eyes grows

Enter the woods

Enter the woods

Her flesh rots off of her
Her eyeballs pops out of her
Her bony gaze is

Enter the woods

Enter the woods

Enter the **woods
 Mar 2014 No name
Joe Cole
Where do I start?... Its taken me over fourty years to write this

Half a bottle of scotch taken each night to drown out the fears
the heartrending sights
Yeah half a bottle is just about right to dull the dreams and the nightmares that still linger
PTSD they call it this day, councelling given to help them get through
what they did see, things they did do
I remember clearly after such a time being told I wasn't a soldier I wasnt a man for being sick with fear, tears in my eyes at the bloodied remains close to my side.
Yeah well I was a soldier but not yet a man, at 19 my life had hardly begun but I still had to survive at the point of a gun
Yeah half a bottle of scotch is the crutch I have found because I'm still alive... Not just another name on a hole in the ground
thousands of miles from home.
Patrolling the paths in the in a land burnt and harsh not knowing what would come, the bullet the bomb or mayber the mine placed or shot by the oft unseen had
OK so I still did my bit in spreading the ****.... Yes I've had their blood on my hands but I still regret the things that I did in that harsh barren land.
Did I hate them? Those men who killed the ones I called friends. No they were only doing what they thought was right in protecting their home and their lands
Yeah so half a bottle of scotch is the friend I now have, it helps to stifle the dreams of the places I saw, the things that I saw and also the things that I did.
Don't check this for litary correctness or punctuation because about them I just dont care. Injust felt its time for you to know the real me

I gave you my breath

But you took it away

Now I’m left here suffocating

Trying to escape, gasping for air

And yes I am aware

That this is mostly my doing

I betrayed you

But is my punishment just

You leave me here drowning

While you take air into your lungs

What I did was unjustifiable

But could you please let me breath

Instead of ignoring me

While I’m stuck here suffering
 Mar 2014 No name
Life, it seems a question
That’s answered only in death
A light that leaves your body
As you grasp for your last breath

What comes next
Nobody can know
You came like a dream
And now I’m alone

The tears that I bleed
Are hidden by lies
My love is spread thin
For those I would die

Her eyes gave me access
To see through her soul
Now I've gone blind
How could she let go

If death holds the answer
And love holds the key
Then somewhere beyond
She’s waiting for me
Traveler Tim
Over 20 years
I still can't let you go
 Mar 2014 No name
You deserve so much better
Than me.
You say you don't
But there's things I swear you don't see.
You've treated me so good
Like a princess of
Some sort
And I've broken your heart.
I love you with everything I have
But sometimes
I fear I should let go.
Cause you see
You deserve better than me.
You don't deserve
To be hurt all because
Of my mistakes.
You don't deserve to suffer
Because I opened my legs.
You should
Be with an angel
Not a demon.
You shouldn't have to
Worry about me
Because I feel like this
You should be happy
You should be in complete
And with me you are not any
Of this.
I cry sometimes because
Of what I did.
It haunts me just like it does you.
 Mar 2014 No name
 Mar 2014 No name
Your smile is beautiful
Your skin is the smoothest
Your voice is calming
Your living makes me happy
 Mar 2014 No name
g clair
the last they spoke
he said it all
he said his back was to the wall

and far from being
her best friend
a man who'd rather see it end

she just can't argue
with his truth
it's not her way for in her youth

she dreamed of places
not pretend
big open spaces where they'd spend

in long embraces
hours on end
through field he chases closest friend

but that's not how
her story goes
she won't reaping what he sows.

Born at night
but not last night
I see the problem with her plight

she wants to make
the pieces fit
complete the scene her mind has writ

but forcing love
to take it's place
to glue the pieces down, a waste

just take a picture
make it last
'cause that one will be fading fast

Let him go
and shut the door
Sow true love and reap far more.

the last we spoke
I said it all
my tendency to blame the fall

and all the angst
scorned love could spare
on fires of Hell, which can't compare

how well I argue
with the truth
it's been that way since troubled youth

I dreamed of forests
not pretend
of wooded hollows with my friend

where trees grew tall
but wind could bend
where fires could rage but love would send

the rain which hastens
souls to mend
that's not my story, so, The End.
 Mar 2014 No name
If only your eyebrows were more prominent
passion drives to glow, sparkling, sliding,
creating cold dust, floating for a while.
Twirling, curling, turning, flying, twisting,
my eyes were hooked, not only because
of how you looked. It's what you did
that made me oblivious of all else.
Even though your rating would be high, I would
never judge you.

Judging on my sense of sensing,
we will never winter sport together.
Mostly because of me, the weather
and because you're better.
I hate myself for that.
 Mar 2014 No name
Mike Hauser
When you ask of me, why poetry
I'm not sure you understand
That it's the center of my universe
The very depth of who I am

The molecules in the air I breath
Oxygen pulsing through the veins
The storm brewing beneath the surface
The pounding of the rain

It's the timeless anticipation
Of the thought that's yet to come
The tearing open of life's seam
The beating of the drum

The first peak of the desert flower
When it feels the gentle touch of spring
The smile in the eyes of a child
And all the joy it brings

The in and out of the tide
In the pulling of the waves
When you ask of me, why poetry
What more is there to say
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