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 Jun 2018 John Cissna
Marcus Lane
I fear the way you love me:
That tender-touching kiss
Seducing me to nightly
Sink deep in your abyss.

Those smooth caresses take me
To places that I dread,
Your cunning fingers rouse me
To plan such lies ahead.

But while we writhe and tumble
In lust's hypnotic hold,
I fear the final stumble
That will see the truth unfold.
© Marcus Lane 2010
 Jun 2018 John Cissna
Simon Clark
I have pinned you down to the kitchen floor,
I want you to writhe and wriggle,
Beg me for more,
I have tied you up to the dancing pole,
I want you to fight and fidget,
Slave; play the role,
I have whipped your back in the bedroom warm,
I want you to scream and slither,
Destroy your form,
I have spanked your *** ‘neath the shower flow,
I want you to cry and crumble,
Enjoy each blow.
written in 2011
 Feb 2018 John Cissna
Trevor Dowe
You tear open the scars inadvertently revealing my wounded soul
I try to heal while you lead me on and I follow blindly through your words to see if I can find your hidden messages
I can't tell if they're for me because I have the habit of seeing things that are never there
Words have been known to hold secrets within their expressions and phrases
Impossible to know for sure if the instructions were for me although it seems unlikely for them to be for any other
They present themselves in a manner that alludes to references of me or I could just be delusional
It's up to you to tell me because I am just a thought on the wind like a fleeting memory gone without a trace at the slightest misconception


Pull at the seams of my scars
Tear them open
Show the world my wounded soul
As I follow the ink spilled like blood
To find where you disappear to
With your words that haunt me
Echoing allusions to what we should be, might be, have been
With the exception of we haven't been
For reasons beyond my control
Likely I am delusional
Watching my life like a TV show hoping for that happy ending
Always missing the lucky breaks
My naivete showing every time I get my hopes up
As if a fleeting imagining could be real
Or a daydream of a better life that might include you and I comfortable and happy
Such joys don't happen for the likes of us
Trapped by our 8½x11 sheets of paper
Bound to the life of what if's and missed chances
Should then we not tempt fate and try to break free of our isolated prisons
Making up our own lives as we would dare dream
To evoke an immediate erasure of the norm and rewrite it as we wish


Tell me now what should be done
This task I fear is too ubiquitous for a lone human to change
But with the help of a friend, a lover, a companion to assist
The burden won't be overbearing
The clockwork will shatter and the pendulum will fall
Revealing a new exciting variation of life


Time and again we sit on the eave of a solution
Only to fall back to the safe and comfortable known
However drab, bleak and dreary
Even now as I write this and you read
We see where we can change
Yet we sit and wait hoping for something simple and easy
Biding our time for that which will never arrive
Old kind emo stuff, but I need a place to share it
 Feb 2018 John Cissna
The Dedpoet
Should the sky fall,
That is to say that you feel a crisis,
Just saying,
Grab a star and put it in your
Pocket, hold on to your continent
As it drifts,
Drain the ocean to the deserts
And gather unprecedented cactus flowers.

Should sky fall
Learn the world as it all falls by,
I mean it's just a thought,
Take the time to shed copper tears
And rain the wounds over
The heights that fall,
How much would be left of a splintered
Moon, planets whizzing by,
And yet here you are still
In your pity!

Gather the energy
Among the falling birds,
The comets with animals scurrying
About claiming new territory,
See! They make the best of their

Lower your sorrows,
I tell you now,
The song of your sad poetry,
The rumors of the Earth's demise,
Calm your skies,
If it is night, look up out the window,
Count the hopeful stars,
And - I'm just saying-
If they are falling,
Catch them!
Then all your wishes and hopes
Are finally coming true!
Audacity of Hope.
 Oct 2017 John Cissna
Megan Grace
If I could change your name
I would
turn it into a sentence.
It would be
"I Think I'm Falling In Love With You"
just like what you said,
half asleep,
from the backseat of my car,
when we had only known each other
for forty-eight hours.
I would call you that,
I Think I'm Falling In Love With You,
any time I needed
your attention.
"I Think I'm Falling In Love With You,
come read this."
"I Think I'm Falling In Love With You,
while you're in there,
could you get me a glass of water?"
"I Think I'm Falling In Love With You,
I think I'm falling in love with you."
told me
“Go out and
meet new and different people
called strangers,” but I asked, “Where do
I meet them?” They shrugged
so I gave
them a
May 29, 2013

— The End —