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Screenwriter in waiting.
Anais Vionet
21/F/U.S.    "a-NA vE-onA." a Yale university senior with a horrible pizza addiction.
28/F/United Kingdom    Passionate but nervous. A writer in heart and spirit. I'm someone who wants to find their way in the world, and try to do what …
F/Christchurch, New Zealand    An avid reader, sometime traveller, and urban photographer. Have spent most of my life writing essays. Maybe I can write something else? Overly fond of …
30/A Metaphorical Garden    Who I am is not important, nor are my thoughts. I am the ramblings of a mute
JL Smith
Texas    Saving myself through type. Sharing emotion so you may feel. Follow me: Instagram @jlsmith_odist
Chelsea Rae
ut    Used to be on another poetry site that's closing down and my friends from there invited me here so here I am, hopefully my work …
Grace Conde
16/F/New York City    16 | NYC | animals > people
alecia gabrielle
19/F/Morocco    writing a poetry book. in love. // follow on Instagram : ag.poemsx
Pagan Paul
Bristol, England    I am Unique + I am a Capricorn = I am a Unicorn. . .© Pagan Paul 2016 - 2023 . .
Ryan Holden
26/M/Middlesbrough - England    A Gemini that fell in love with writing. I write lyrics and of course poetry! I love writing about love, nature and modern society. I …
63/M/Germany    London-born poet living in Germany, has published poetry in the US, Canada and the UK.
Dana Colgan
Lora Lee
I am a writer, of both poetry and fiction, since as long as I can remember. It is simply a part of who I am, …
Sian Carrington
28/F/Bristol, UK    An English graduate with a love for language and a constant desire to write. My inspiration derives from those around me because when you look …
29/F/Canada    My poetry reflects events that are happening to me at that very moment/day. I apologize for how depressing my poetry is, it is just an …
Hello darling, and welcome. Most websites I am known as Ella, Ella Rose to be exact. But you hunny are special, and can call me …
22/Genderqueer    Jellyfish.
Carsyn Smith
PA, USA    an open book with a hardcover
Jealous of the moon. Follow my Twitter @SweetPlacidity_
Nadine Swain
Philippines    cynical optimist twitter: @_swaain
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