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 Sep 2019 Cm
The Echo
 Sep 2019 Cm
Do you pity or envy a world
That has cut off its calluses
Do you love or fear a world
So gentle against the wind
That a ***** would bleed
That a pinch would twinge

I pity and fear it,


Here I am, hiding
In a boat of poetry
In the strait of obscurity
Between two oceans of fear

The old world of joyous suffering
The new world of unbearable peace

Trying to marry the water of lively green
And the deadly blue

As I tie the old waves to the new
I set aflight an echo through the wind-
In the shape of a dove, a clarion call:

"Don't renounce your past
But accept it with pride,
Lest you be judged for what you have done,
And never
What you could, would, and will do!"
Sentient Dreams: My Poetry Anthology:

This is the manuscript to my amazon vanity press poetry anthology: "Sentient Dreams" that I have now decided to just share it here digitally. All of the poems have been published here on HP at certain points of time anyway.

Almost all of the poems are from October 2017-July 2019.
Please feel free to share! :)

I don't think I will be adding to this specific anthology in the future. (Except three more poems that will be updated later.)
The Echo
By: Yitkbel Yue Xing ****
Sep. 13, 2019, 10:48 a.m.
 Sep 2019 Cm
When you lose an family member it always there.
In your heart, an piece that has been ripped out.
It matters not what others might tell you about it..
That eventually you get over it, for that is not true.
You never get healed on losing someone you love.
It has 34 years since my father went away in death.
It still hurts even worst than the day that he had died.
Actually I believe that I was in shocked at the beginning.
But it still hurts really bad especially the anniversary of his death.
My mother, sister, and nephews hurt really bad as well too.
 Sep 2019 Cm
Deovrat Sharma

के ज़हर की
सिर्फ़ एक
छोटी सी

बरसों के
और विश्वास
रूपी जल से
सींच कर
उगायी हुई...

स्नेह समाहित
रिश्तों की
नाज़ुक बेल को
पल भर में
सकती है....
(c) deovrat-03.08.2019
 Sep 2019 Cm
Deovrat Sharma

तुमने स्वीकार किया ना किया..
मैने तो अपना मान लिया !
प्रिय मन में मुझे बसाना था..
तुम भ्रांति ह्रदय में बसा बैठी !!

प्रिय स्नेह निमन्त्रण दिया तुम्हे..
तुमने क्यूँ उसको टाल दिया !
मेरे अरमानों की पुष्प लता को..
यूँ ही किनारे डाल दिया !!

मैं स्वयम् ही अपना दोषी हूँ..
इक तरफ़ा तुमसे प्यार किया !
­ ना कुछ सोचा, ना समझा कुछ..
बस जा तुमसे इज़हार किया !!

वो एकल प्रणय निवेदन ही..
कर गया मेरे मन को घायल !
तुम समझ ना पाई मर्म मेरा..
और व्यग्र फ़ैसला ले बैठी !!

अब ऐसे प्यार की बातों का..
क्या मतलब है क्या मानी है !!
मैने क्या चाहा समझाना..
तुम जाने कुछ और समझ बैठी !!

प्रिय मन में मुझे बसाना था..
तुम भ्रांति ह्रदय में बसा बैठी !!


@deovrat 12.09.2018
 Sep 2019 Cm
Sona Lachina
 Sep 2019 Cm
Sona Lachina
Autumn's grand parade will clamor
      through the streets
Chilly harvest of marching bands
      and hayrides
      The ebbing tides
of long days
Confetti blown from reluctant trees
Fluttering ochres and rocketing rubies
As nature lets the clock run out

Blow summer a sweet kiss goodbye --
 Sep 2019 Cm
Never forget how valuable you are.

© Mrunalini.D.Nimbalkar
Monostitch#One line poem#one verse #epigram #
 Sep 2019 Cm
 Sep 2019 Cm
And she turned chaos to magic.
She made her shattered pieces a beautiful art.
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