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The summer was always so much fun
-- When we were young --
We'd jump fences and run through backyards
-- when we were young --
Boys were icky and really gross too
-- when we were young --
Best friends were forever and ever
-- when we were young --
A pinky promise was sacred
-- when we were young --
and now in my 60s I want to go back to
-- when we were young --
I miss
your smile
that starts at
your eyes
and ends up
on my lips.

I miss
your eyes
how they'd
pull me in
and capture
my world.

I miss
your voice
the way one
word from you
you numbed
all the pain.
NO exact
will do
my Poetry is truly
other times

You definitely
    want to
Start with passion
mix it with loss
a dash of pain
from her deceit
a pinch or two
of how
I paid the cost.

Blend in tears
we wouldn't want
it to be
       D R Y
toss that together
with all the
of Times I asked
her WHY?!?

Poetry needs to sit
i n s i d e  and Rise.
each new batch is a
Learning experience
and bound to make
You W I S E
the sights and sounds
where the nightlife abounds
a thousand people screaming
"just one more round!"

the drunks, the punks
the pushers and their drugs
the crooks and the thugs
all part of the nightlife
they all creep out after twilight.

All of this when the city sleeps
with the crime and the grime
it's enough to make you weep as
you wade through it knee deep.

but like a promise morning
always comes, the sun shines
flowers bloom and children play
because in the city it's just
another day.
O Brave Sun
again the Night away
until it's
Persistent Return
*form Gogyohka
Time to put my armor on
the enemy approaches
and this won't be fun.

Time to put my armor on
She'll be clad in armor of fire
Girded in the knowledge of
every one of my wants,
needs and desires.

Time to put my armor on
Equipped with the sword
of allure she'll cleave my
heart and they'll be no cure .

Time to put my armor on
and March myself to war
it's hard to fight an enemy
that I adore.
In the estates a baby cries.
In the streets a young man dies.
In the alleys they'll sell you drugs.
In the schools kids now use guns.
In the world there's so much need
Why won't the government intercede?
*form anaphora
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