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 Apr 2014 Labyrinth
 Apr 2014 Labyrinth
What a mistake I made
Investing my love
Devoting my time
Into someone so incapable of loving another
You don't even love yourself
So depressed, you want to die
It happens to the best of us
But that's no reason to give up
I shouldn't have been selfish
I should have just been the friend you needed
But instead I pursued something more than just friendship
And it's led me to being so hurt and alone
You're much younger than me
You're not really committed to me
I'm such a fool
For almost falling for you
I need to step back now
Before the damage grows
You're not ready for this
You can't give me what I want
I want your all
Every little piece of you
Emotional and physical
But you're not ready for that
And now I must take a step back
I love you and always will
But you're not ready for this
And it's all going downhill
© Naomi 2014
 Apr 2014 Labyrinth
Raphael Uzor
Meet me on my knees
In my very point of needs

Cause me to tremble
In Your presence, your holy temple

Bestow on me Your blessings
Adorned with divine lessons

Dip me in the Blood
The precious, that calms every flood

Lift me and raise me up
All the way to the top

Remove my wicked heart
Replace with one colorful as art

Tis my humble prayer Lord
Take it and give me Your Word!

© Raphael Uzor
 Apr 2014 Labyrinth
Raphael Uzor

Why blame it all on God?
 Apr 2014 Labyrinth
I cannot help but think
That everybody is lying to me
I never used to have that problem
In the past, I used to have faith
In those I surrounded myself with
But lately, that isn't the case
I question everything people tell me
I question their feelings and their thoughts
I hardly ever believe the things they say
Especially the things about me
I don't believe I'm loved or wanted
I don't believe I'm interesting or worthy
Despite being told that I'm all of the above
I suppose in past relationships and mishaps
I've come to develop trust issues
Being lied to so many times by people I once held so dear
And invested the most faith and confidence in
Being betrayed by those people
When I never thought it was possible
Has ruined my chances of finding true happiness
When will I heal?
When will I restore faith in humanity?
I have a feeling personal changes need to be made
So I guess that starts today
 Apr 2014 Labyrinth
the problem with
being a poet in love,
is that you savour
& trust each word your lover has
without  question.

we are simply in love
with bare literature,
spoken from the lips of someone we hold
in higher regard
than ourselves sometimes.

when you love a poet
each word you utter,
should be a piece of artwork

each sentence,
a highly thought out structure of awe and beauty to leave us seeping
in the warmth of your voice
caressing such fine words

so when deciding that you love someone,
who writes or reads
fill their souls with beauty, memories & truth especially,
for a poet's heart breaks at ease.
 Apr 2014 Labyrinth
 Apr 2014 Labyrinth
We look at each other
As if we're to kiss.
We speak empty words
And false promises.
 Apr 2014 Labyrinth
 Apr 2014 Labyrinth
Of course,
They're green.
Green like the vines that wrap your image around my mind.
And I won't even put up a fight,
For I'm absolutely infatuated with even the mere thought of you.
Of course,
They're green.
Green like the color that is finally returning after a cold, grey winter.
And your smile thaws these freezer-burned feelings that I've longed to feel, and long forgotten.
 Apr 2014 Labyrinth
It's funny the way life changes
And how
Once before, all my thoughts were consumed by you
But now
You never even cross my mind
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