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 Jan 2022 Rob
i find that i write the best
just after a fight
just after i've cried
just after the tears have fallen

doesn't matter what story it is
happy, sad, mysterious
funny, tragic, ridiculous
i will always write it well

because any story i write
after a fight, after i've cried
is a story that gives me the most comfort
because any fiction

is better than this.
You say
life is

I say
that’s the only way
you can give it your own
 Sep 2021 Rob
 Sep 2021 Rob
we do not write poetry
we write mirrors
which are held up
to curious faces
who read
looking for their
own reflections
 Dec 2020 Rob
 Dec 2020 Rob
and when you said
laughter is like a foreign language
i imagined that i was
teaching you how to
speak it
jcl. you said you don’t laugh much just in general, but i sat with you for two and a half hours and that’s all we did. i’ve missed this. i’ve missed you.

— The End —